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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I recognize the stand. Looks awesome! I am sure I've seen it before and you have a tank underneath this one! What species are in this tank for livestock? (Just a note, all that anubias looks insanely awesome and is doing well)
  2. I will start by saying that if you haven't seen travelers in netflix, please go ahead and bookmark that! Secondly, let's take a nice long breath here and exhale slowly..... For months now I have been interested in something extremely specific and adding that to my fish tank. I realized that parameters fit, that I had the space, and I realized that it was something that could easily turn into a "breeding for profit" project. My last one took 2 years to get a fry, and 3 to get enough to actually sell a batch, so let's all hope things work a bit smoother this time! I am at a crossroads and without divulging too much I do want to poll those here and ask for some help. I did make a "guidance please!" thread, but I want to, obscurely so, start a bit of a record and dive into what I really need some help deciding. I'll keep things brief for now, obtuse, but I will eventually reveal what is going on, if that happens and when it makes sense to do so. Hopefully you enjoy the journey and fingers crossed that everything works out in the end.... First question, Would you choose quantity or quality? The choice I have right now is to decide to get less species in the tank of the one in question, or do I go with a less reliable, lower quality source, but I have better overall genetics? Do I order from both and mix the strains? (visually they do look like extremely different quality. One of them I would call an A++ genetic strain and the other appears to be a D- at best.... not remotely close. Lastly, would you follow the common guidance from others around you, or would you trust your own skill and technique moreso? Do I trust that I truly have experience with this species and understand what they need to thrive.... or do I follow the warnings from friends who may have cautioned a very, very different approach? Should I risk it, or is the risk simply that I don't do what I think is best? Again, this really ties into the first choice. Losing 1 or 2 when you buy in 5-6 is very different than losing that qty when you purchase 10-20 of a species. Decisions Decisions..... As for a clue as to what this is, It involved my Mopani tank. Grace the Shark, and hopefully a secondary breeding project that is far less work to accomplish some results.
  3. Clicked to see the new post and saw this. My tank. R.I.P. Poor Hygro.... I really enjoy this plant,, need to get more, but I really hate that it's struggling on me! Just beautiful. The detail on this leaf.... it's intense. I am sure some scientist could use this in a textbook to describe a lot of plant biology things to us. What a photo!
  4. No livestock eh? What would cause the ammonia then, new substrate? For the first week of plants it's generally common to lightly dose and to slowly add in ferts after the plants have had time to acclimate and adapt. Essentially, you get the plants in, keep everything normal, add in root tabs and maybe a light dose, then after 7-10 days go ahead and start with normal dosing week to week. As mentioned, no livestock in the tank, so there's really no reason to have or keep nitrates in there apart from specifically dosing in for plants. That being said, clearing things out and dosing in new ferts is normal and wouldn't hurt anything at all.
  5. Drain the tank halfway or further to plant. You'll dilute the ammonia. If you're concerned about lingering ammonia we can look at your filtration setup and verify a few things. Let us see the tank when you're done!
  6. Yeah, same with me @AllFishNoBrakes I bought two boxes of stone. One is ohko / dragon and the other was seiryu. The seiryu I got was kind of underwhelming and 2 of the 5 pieces were a mismatch. Hard to explain, but they weren't really conducive in shape and texture to look like it was even the same stone! One of them was a mass of white and was shaped like a bowl, the others were more like slate or long / flat rocks. When I got the ohko I was really, really happy because I got one stone that was massively perfect! It had deep grooves, it was tall, flat, and it was perfect for anything. Along with that was 2-3 small nano size stones and one that just was again, out of place. I do still have the big rock, but I wish I had more Seiryu to build a design. I have one big piece, not a lot. After spending $80+ on stone, it's difficult to get bigger pieces and scape a 75 without hand picking it. Without getting some "boulders" or a special order of sorts.
  7. I'll reference a few things, but like I mentioned, I go by the dorsal. It's pretty distinctive. Details: Here is another analysis of a male. Here is a female vent: (and you can pretty clearly see the tube shape) Male vent, direction being the indication here: Here's the little one in question. I could totally be wrong, but this is what I see... His vent looks to point straight back, not at a 45 degree. Size of the vent makes me think female. That's what I'd use beyond the dorsal fin and try to see if it looks like a tube or larger than a male. If you made me choose, I'd say he's a he. Here the anal fins look pointed. :throws hands up: Length on them was what I was trying to look at, if it goes beyond the body and into the tail section (longer = male). These look longer.
  8. Something to watch for sure. I would want to see that fin regenerate a bit and make sure she's recovering. If not, potentially drop in meds. I waited almost 2 years to treat my corydoras for worms. It was a lot of observation and I'm glad I did when I did. they are behaving a lot more like themselves after the treatment took place. Whatever caused it, I'm thankful to see the big female out and about now.
  9. This one might need to be dewormed or something. Does the front fin look deformed in person or is this camera trickery? I am trying to grab a picture of mine for comparison sake just to illustrate a few things. These are "black Venezuelan" Corydoras which are a black color form of the Schulztei Corydoras. Notice the red on the top how it extends across the length of the body. The second big factor here is the actual length of the body. These ones are pretty chonky. The female, center in the first photo, is pushing 4+ inches. https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?task=&species_id=34 In terms of others, let me try to find a post which might be helpful here. You have very short corydoras, but they do look chunky. Bronze 'Aenus' Corydoras: https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=51 Note: this is a very amazing photo with some pretty intense coloration. could be another species, but it is tagged as a bronze species. I'll attach two here to give you an idea of the variation / confusion. I think this is what you have. Proper Venezuelan Corydoras. Ken has some as well as a few others here. He has raised and posted fry photos you can use to compare. https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=716
  10. Corydoras won't bother the shrimp and vice versa. Try to keep it above 68. The shrimplettes will for sure and that will increase your hatch yield. Having a mass of plants floating is fine. You don't need to have it packed in there or feel like you do need to. Black Rose? I would opt for 72 degrees.
  11. If you can, try to take some photos backed off a bit, focused a bit sharper and so we can see the whole body on the sides of the fish. Especially the first few photos it's really difficult to see the shape due to the focus / blur. Most "green corydoras" usually means one of two things... emerald green or salt + Pepper corydoras Emerald Green: These guys are easy to tell because of the defined snout and the defined large size. Of corydoras species, these ones do get bigger, broader, and sort of remind me of Arnold Schwarzenegger so to speak. Peppered Cory (Corydoras Paleatus): These guys do stay small and do like cooler temps. Very similar to panda. These ones look like @Ken Burke's Venezuelan (actual Venezuelan) corydoras fry.
  12. You should get some of these....! Caridina Cantonensis «Pure Red line» Caridina cf. cantonensis «Crystal Red» Neocaridina davidi «Red Sakura» Neocaridina davidi blue velvet Neocaridina davidi red cherry Neocaridina davidi blue tiger I would check out the red Sakura and see what they look like. Should sell well if you have a shop to do so at.
  13. Scrubbing is probably what damaged the seal? Your easiest way is to fill the tank with water and then dose in some white vinegar. You can run that for an hour or so on a HoB with nothing in it, then treat that as clean. I tent to sanitize my things by air drying them, even UV is a good way. Set it outside in the sun for a day. etc. Meds I don't worry about, parasites I would.
  14. Easiest way for me to tell is the dorsal rays on the fin. Secondly is the pectoral fins (females, like corydoras are rounded) and there is head shape, but it can be difficult to tell. Males have the first few rays that are raised, for bolivians that's almost always a given characteristic. The tail rays are usually indicative as well, but that isn't really a certainty on some batches. I'd have to see some more shots of snoopy with the fin stretched out, but I think for everything I've seen it's a boy. Not that it matters either way.... Snoopy is dope. He/She knows it.
  15. It won't let me quote the video, but yeah, he's a fun fish, and it's nice to see you to interact! I almost walked out of the big box store with a betta this morning. Was stuck at the store for 2+ hours after than, and then other errands on top of it. Not my "style" of betta but this dude was pretty epic. There was also a female that captured my attention before anything. She was smaller, baby blue and this very vibrant royal blue color. Little female that was about an inch or so long. Then I saw the male on the right edge, WOW. He was blue, slowly turning teal, red was also popping into color. It was a plakat, and my guess is that he would've ended teal and red as the final colors. Just looked really good. He was the only one on the end and I didn't want him to get bumped or have that fear of a shadow walking up so I moved him to the center where he could get some sight breaks, less stress than being so exposed. If I had a tank for em ready to go, totally would've ended up with him (or her).
  16. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. I didn't realize how many "online stores" sell things on amazon. Shipping is kind of nuts as a result, but it is opening some options for me that I am eagerly excited about!
  17. I apologize for my inability to edit words down. 😂 I am a writer.... Not an editor, that's for sure. Unless it's a technical document. I could tag a few people but there's a few I really, really want to highlight. Everyone's favorite @Seattle_Aquarist for the time and patience to work with us on our plants and share such incredible information (and photos). The detailed analysis is extremely helpful, even if it's not my tank. (There are quite a few people that also fit this category as well, but I will always forget someone 😞 ) Secondly, @Colu for trying to help us all get our fish through illnesses, even when dealing with their own at home. It's a much appreciated effort to try to help and you do try to help so many people here. It's fantastic. Finally, @Odd Duck For the many hours discussing fancy moss and one of the people that made this forum a comfortable place to be when I really, really needed that. One day I'll have the tank I dream of, but seeing those plants, the elegant moss, getting tips on where to find some, it's such a small thing, but the trajectory it sent me on has been helpful for me and I've learned a lot because I stuck around.
  18. I'm working on setting up a few things, working on some surprises, which leads me to a few questions.... 1. For Amazon specifically, is there a "good brand" or a difference between brands for botanicals? I'm looking for 100+ pack of alder cones. 2. I made a thread on it, but food, I really need to get some flake, leaning towards bug bites or discus granules. Everything is slightly more expensive not ordering from the Co-op but that's where the gift card is. Is there any issue feeding hikari discus food to normal community fish? Does anyone have experience with bottom dwellers and the fluval foods? 3. Any ideas on hardscape, mopani or otherwise, rocks, is there a good place to get random bits? I really miss the WYSIWYG, but all I can seemingly find is lifeguard aquatics off Amazon as an option right now. Prices have gone up, what was cheap is now a $30 piece of mopani 😞 Thank you for the help, any experience will be appreciated.
  19. They usually have these. Keep in mind stock is low because of the move. Move should be done in February, I'd wait until March for things to land.
  20. I view it as... it's a 10G tank, there's a sale, replace it, then decide. You should be fine to run it for a little while, unknown how long. You also might want to swap it for a 20L... etc. Given the sale right now you have options. The price of a tank is about the same as a tube of silicone. 1000%
  21. Looks like this one to me. I think Suss has a different texture / transparency.
  22. Welcome to the forums 🙂 I like the setup you have going on there. The plant on the right is my favorite in your tank.
  23. Uhm.... I need this please. I don't know what people do, but I have a terrible time trying to get some suss (and grow it). I wish that plant was something the big box stores had gallons of in their tanks so I could get some. Looking at Ocean Aquarium as the example. How was the meeting for you, being the chair and working in the new role? I've never been to a club meeting / auction, but have seen them via youtube. What happens when something doesn't sell in your club?
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