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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. There’s hardly any snow right now, all melted! 🤦‍♂️
  2. Could work…no harm in trying, but maybe @nabokovfan87 or @Irene might have some ideas?
  3. British anti-tank weapon actually I think, but 10/10 for trying!
  4. My best nature orientated snaps in the last week:
  5. Ha! I’ll probably be beaten up if I write that in my next school presentation 😂
  6. That sadly looks a lot like blue-green algae to me. 😢 How do you plan to treat it?
  7. I just had a snoop around your channel. 😜
  8. Nice idea! 😂 Have you tried putting it in a fish tank?
  9. I can see that in some kind of art installation somewhere..😂
  10. You’ve got me hooked! Any pics of yours??😁
  11. It’s really hard to tell them apart. I have 2 ‘Tiger’ ones, and since ones a little darker than the other I’m not even certain they’re the same species. Though I am sorely tempted to get some more and see what kind of fry come out…😁
  12. I usually just siphon out the top bit of water and if I have to go deeper I try my best to avoid them and put back in any that somehow get sucked up.
  13. What size tank is it? Most fish in my experience will eat planaria 🙂.
  14. If the colors are getting stronger it means they’re slowly getting into spawning mood. Provide an Apisto Cave and some mulm. I’ve seen this before with my A.Agassizii:
  15. No eggs, I’m adding the parents because I suspect that the temperature in the main tank reduces egg fertility in some way. If you have a look on page 1–3 of this journal, I expect you will see my last attempt.
  16. Do you have a small container you can setup with an airstone for them? Gently remove the eggs from the glass/decorations through a rolling motion and deposit the eggs in there. @nabokovfan87
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