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Everything posted by RyanR

  1. I know you wanted other ideas besides an actual fish tank and I love @Irene idea. I use a 10 gallon aquarium that is always running. There's a ton of pond snails and floating Water Sprite that help keep the cycle going. The problem for me is that I don't use sponge filters, except in my quarantine tank. So, setting up a tub and instantly cycling it is not an option. I have sponge filters, but I only have them to use as backups with USB Nano Air Pumps and these battery backups (mine are black) in case of a power failure (I live in south Louisiana).
  2. It looks like it's a little too small to pull off and you'll probably get a lot more. I've done a few things with my plantlets, but none of my methods so far have produced fast results. I've floated them, I've attached the plantlets to rocks and wood and I've put the roots (not the rhizome) in Eco Complete. They all grow, but slowly. I've watched a few videos on growing them emmersed, but I haven't tried that yet. Growing them emmersed seems to produce faster results, but I'm sure there will be some die off once they go into the water.
  3. That explains a lot. I've never heard they grow slow, but I understand. We will.be putting them in a 20 long, so I only want to start out with probably 3. For only 3 of them, I don't mind paying $12 or $15 each. We might have an LFS about an hour from me in Baton Rouge that can order them. I'm going to look into that route also. Do you normally sell and ship fish?
  4. Ahh thanks. They at least have them listed, but I will check with them. Thanks for your help.
  5. Thanks, I searched on "neolamprologus" and "shell" and got 0 results. I can't figure out why they are so hard to find.
  6. If multies are so easy to breed, why are they so hard to find? I'm going to be setting up a new aquarium in about a month and my son wants a pair of multies. I can't find them anywhere. I have about 4 LFS's that I checked and Aquahuna. Does anyone have any websites they can recommend that won't change $40 for shipping?
  7. Mine were doing the same thing and I starting thinking back that I hadn't fertilized in a couple of weeks. Even though your nitrates are at 40, you still need to fertilize, but it also means that you might need to do water changes more often. High nitrates could be coming from rotting leaves or other sources that the plants can't use.
  8. I got some too with one of my orders and I don't mind them too much. They multiply fast and every once in a while, I vacuum some up for population control. I recently noticed that they might be trumpet snails. Any opinions?
  9. By far, my favorite sticker so far. I love Bosemani's!
  10. I started using the Aqueon Pro also mostly because it's solid black and doesn't really standout in the tank. I have a Fluval M in our 40 breeder, but the silver shiny color is noticeable. The one thing I don't like about the Aqueon Pro is how hard is to turn the dial to adjust the temp. I haven't had mine for a long time, but so far, they are nice. The Fluval E like Irene mentioned are very nice, but a little pricy.
  11. My aquariums are moderately stocked also and I water change every 2 weeks, I am hoping that I can get 2-4 weeks out of them. I will only have a sponge, a pad and bio media in the filter.
  12. I know every tank is different, but how often do you need to replace the poly pads?
  13. I just ordered the fine poly pad to put in all of my Aquaclears and was wondering what others experiences with it are. I know the two of these use different ways to accomplish the same result, but I'm hoping to use this as a replacement for Purigen. I'm getting tired of cleaning the Purigen and I have a couple of AC 20's that I don't like the way the Purigen fits in there. The only thing I don't think the poly pad will do is remove the tanins, which Purigen did an incredible job (but fouled up in a week).
  14. I'm going to be doing an small outside "pond" that will be 35 gallons. I've seen Golden White Clouds in year round tubs and they are pretty,
  15. I like water sprite. It's very hardy and easy to control. Also, the fish love swimming through it. I have a Betta that will sleep in in it and a Glass Cat that swims through it all day long.
  16. I've only had the one mussel for a couple of days, so it's hard to tell if it's going good or not. I haven't seen it open yet, but I don't look at the tank all day.
  17. It literally just changed as I was looking at a post. I love the new theme. Looks much more modern.
  18. I have Amano and Bamboo Shrimp and they aren't bothered by the Excel, but I've heard things about Val and Flourish. I don't know if the problem with with Flourish or Flourish Excel.
  19. If it is staghorn, I got rid of staghorn in a week in one of my tanks using Flourish Excel after reading this article.
  20. The only things I've heard is about blue lights. The blue lights grow algae quickly and that plants don't "see" blue lights, so to plants it's like having the lights off.
  21. Has anyone cared for freshwater mussels and can offer some advice. I did some searching, but didn't find a lot except to hear that if they die, they can pollute a tank quickly. My LFS had them and they were cheap, so I got 1. He said they can live in 80° water, but he said to try one first.
  22. Does anyone else use Purigen in their Aquaclear 20? Wondering what you do to get it to fit? I fold mine in half, but I'm not sure if I'm restricting flow through the Purigen by doing that.
  23. My QT is loaded with pond snails, so I raise them in there. I forgot to mention that Rachel O'Leary has a couple of great videos on what to do with the eggs once you see them.
  24. I used Flourish Excel and it got rid of my stag horn in about a week. I read this article.
  25. So far, I love my java fern. I just got some java fern trident and I'm hoping it does well, it's definitely different and good looking. I also got some micro sword as a foreground plant in one of the 10 gallons, but it really slow growing and it's in some coarse sand, so it's difficult to keep rooted.
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