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Everything posted by RyanR

  1. That was my other option. I'm getting lazy in my old age...lol.
  2. For cleaning algae off of the glass, do you prefer Bristlenose or Nerite snails or something else? Mystery snails are not that great for keeping the glass clean. I already have Ottos. Thanks.
  3. I got the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms over the weekend and fed them for the first time last night. I stuck a cube on the glass. Our small Electric Blue Acara went nuts for them. He would tear off chunks and take it over to a corner to eat. The complete surprise was the Green Cory. He swam up to the cube and sat there and ate off of the glass. I've never seen him do that. It was awesome. I also have the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Cubes and I have to be honest that I'm not as much of a fan. The shrimp are bigger than I thought they would be, they float for a long time and my fish aren't really crazy about them. If you haven't gotten the Tubifex worms yet, smash that link above, add them to your cart and checkout! You won't be disappointed.
  4. I’m not new to plants. I mostly have Anubias and stem plants. I have a new Amazon Sword fromACO and I’ve heard they can be root tab hogs. Currently in my 40 breeder to keep my nitrates at about 25, I use Easy Green every 3 days or so. How often do you think I should I be putting in root tabs?
  5. I can't claim the this is an original idea, but I wanted to get some feedback if this is good or bad. I either read this here or saw on a video or something similar that gave me this idea. I use HOB on our 40 breeder, 29 and 20L. I have a couple of ACO sponge filters. I used to keep a small size in our 40 breeder to use if I need to setup a QT. Honest, the only reason I don't like the sponge filter is the appearance - I don't like the way to look in the tank. In the 40 breeder, I have an Aquaclear 70. In the basket, I normally keep 2 sponges, then a filter pad, then a bag of bio media on top. This tank stays crystal clear. Recently, I replaced one of the sponges with 2 sponge filter sponges (side by side and smashed down a little). I only need one, but I put two in there to take up the space. This way, I can take one of them out to put right in the QT when I need it. Does anyone else do this?
  6. I’m kind of leaning towards axelrodi because of the color, but the pics I’ve seen, the yellow goes more towards the head. I’m thinking it might be a mix between an axelrodi and a bosemani.
  7. I bought a this guy from an “assorted rainbow” tank at the LFS. Can someone help ID him? I don’t think he’s a Bosmani because he’s not orange enough and no blue up front.
  8. Can someone tell me why my inserted photos are showing black, like below? I’m using Chrome on an iPhone, as I always do.
  9. Thanks. After reading about Hygrophila pinnatifida, good luck to me...lol. The results are all over the place. I'll just have to see what happens. I don't dose CO2, but I have hard water and try to keep my nitrates between 25-50, so we will see. At least it wasn't too expensive.
  10. Someone took my kids to the LFS and they came home with these two plants. Can someone help me with what they are? Thanks.
  11. RyanR

    Red Rainbow

    There aren't any spots on the fish, It's all bubbles. When I get home this evening, I'll get a better picture without any bubbles. His mouth will open about 2 or 3 time rapidly every 20 or 30 seconds, but I don't see his gills moving in rapidly. I've always thought he was being a little picky with food. Since we got him, he will swim around rapidly, like normal, for food, he'll eat a piece or two then spit it out, then actually eat another piece and so on. I didn't mention those things before because I didn't think much about it until you asked the question. We feed all of our fish a combination of Extreme Krill, Nano and Spirulina and frozen BBS and freeze dried BBS once a week each. We didn't quarantine him when we first got him. I ordered the med trio today, so hopefully I get it in on Thursday.
  12. RyanR

    Red Rainbow

    Thanks. Sorry I forgot to include that. Nitrate 25-50 Nitrite 0 PH 7.5 Hard water Medium buffer Ammonia 0 Water temp 78 I have 4 other rainbows that are doing well in a medium planted 40 breeder. I don't see any poop from him, but I've dropped a few Extreme Nano pellets right in front of him and he won't even start to go towards them.
  13. RyanR

    Red Rainbow

    We got this Red Rainbow about 3 weeks ago. He was doing great, then all of a sudden, his color got darker, he started hanging out at the top of the tank and stopped eating. Last night, I moved him to a QT tank with a sponge filter and went right to the level 2 salt treatment. My med trio meds are a couple of years old, so I decided not to use them. Any idea on what could be wrong? Those are water bubbles on the glass on the QT tank.
  14. Thanks, but that wasn’t it. The instructions that I typed earlier were almost exact, but I just don’t remember the rest after the 2 week water change. I think it said maybe to let sit for two weeks. @Candi do you know if the Maracyn product page has been changed in the last week? Thanks
  15. There were specific instructions titled something like Aquarium Coop Instructions on the maracyn product page that started out 1 packet per 10 gallons and let sit for 1 week, then do a 25% water change. There were more instructions that I do not remember and I can’t find on the website anymore.
  16. About a week ago. I read Aquarium Coop directions for maracyn on the Coop page under the directions sections. Or at least that where I thought I read it. There were the Fritz directions and Coop directions. Did it disappear or can someone post those directions for me? Thanks.
  17. I have a red melon sword that I bought from the Co-Op. It s a little over a year old. From the day I bought it, I put it in an easy planter. I fertilize with easy green and easy iron and use root tabs in the planter about every month. It has never gotten tall and has always been like it is in the picture. The roots are growing decent, but not spectacular. The 2 anubias on the wood is about the same age and they are both doing well. Is it possible that the plant is stunted from being in the planter? If I take it out and put it in the substrate, do you think it will recover and grow tall again? For reference it is in a 29 gal.
  18. Thanks @Zenzo. I am really looking forward to them coming back in stock. Even keeping them plugged in as a backup or when I'm out of town, that would be awesome! Any ideas on when they might be back in stock?
  19. I've been looking to see if anyone has any information on the new air pump and how it might compare to the nano air pump? Has anyone been able to purchase one yet? How lone does the battery last in power save mode? How strong and loud is it? Right now, I'm using the USB pump, plugged into an Anker portable battery on 4 or 6 inch air stones in a few aquariums. I'm using one pump per air stone and if I can get away with one pump powering two air stones, that would be a bonus.
  20. Thanks for everyone's help. I will be storing it long term, as I don't when I will be setting up another cichlid tank. It's only about 30-40 lbs, so I'll probably get a 2 gallon bucket and store it in that with a sealed top after it dries out.
  21. I'm switching out one of my aquariums and I don't want to throw away the aragonite. How should I store it?
  22. I'm never sad when I receive a Co-Op box...lol. Clear tape is fine also, bit this does look great if you are going to use branded tape.
  23. @Dean’s Fishroom I use your brine shrimp setup that you used to use with the 1L: Essentia water bottles and the Co-Op brine shrimp eggs. The results are amazing! I have about 6 aquariums, so that gets me through 2 days of feedings. Keep up the hard work!
  24. Thanks for the help everyone. He's pretty and we also have a female, so we'll probably keep them and see how things turn out.
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