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Everything posted by RyanR

  1. I couldn't figure out where the shrimp topic came up. I see I started a "side discussion" with @NOLANANO that was off topic. Sorry, the shrimp and guppies are in another tank, not with the EBA and the Gudgeon. But, I do have a 3 or 4 yr old Amano shrimp in with the EBA and Gudgeon that I rarely see and forgot about. He's so big, I don't imagine that he will ever get messed with in that tank.
  2. LOL...my kids picked it out at the start of Covid. Last month, I switched it out to Eco Complete. That was not fun and took about a month or so to do. Now, I have a huge algae bloom that I'm working on. 4 years worth of mulm got stirred up.
  3. I kind of don't want them to breed either. Did yours breed easily? We have some pure Guppies and pure Shrimp that we are breeding now. About where are you in NOLA? I'm in Metairie.
  4. I have a 29 gallon medium planted tank (Hornwort, a big bundle of Java Fern and some Anubias Nana Petite, and Coffeefolia) with a somewhat small Electric Blue Acara (~3 in). I have 1 Peacock Gudgeon that we've had for about a month. I'm thinking of adding a few more. How many do you think I can safely add, without much aggression?
  5. One of my aquariums in a 20L. I'm currently breeding Rainbow Guppies and Ocean Blue shrimp. I have 3 ottos to help with algae. They are all doing great. I have some round river rocks piled up against a small piece of wood and some java fern, subswarsartang (sp?), java fern, hornwort and water wisteria. Also a couple of pieces of Cholla wood. Lots of places for baby shrimp and guppy fry to hide.
  6. What do you do with your leftover BBS? Currently, whatever I don’t use on the first day, I keep the rest in a container in the refrigerator and feed them the next day. After day two, if there are any leftover, I throw them away. Can I only use what I need and keep the rest in the Ziss brine shrimp hatchery to use over the next two or three days?
  7. Thanks. I’ve gotten rid of it before in other aquariums using Flourish Excel. Not sure if I want to go that route again or try the Siamese Algae Eater. I’m sure stiring up almost 5 years worth of mulm threw off my balance. This tank used to be on cruise control.
  8. When we got this 40B with our kids at the start of Covid, my kids wanted blue gravel. I recently changed it out with Eco Complete. Since then, all of my Anubias has what I think is black beard growing all over it. Is it just algae growth that I need to treat or is it taking out 4+ year old gravel caused maybe a phosphate spike? Just as an FYi, I did half the gravel about a month apart and each time I added a bottle of Fritz Zyme 7 to ensure my cycle didn’t crash. I did a few water changes and cleaned my HOB sponges quite a few times.
  9. Thanks everyone. It sounds like it’s just not happening as quickly as I hoped. No big deal. I can see roots coming off of the stems right above the eco complete going into the substrate, so it’s doing something.
  10. I have one stem floating to see what it will do. I was hoping that when I bought it, it was emmerssed grown and it would convert. 🤞
  11. Is this Water Wisteria? I’ve thought that WW is more “lacey.” I’ve had this for about a month and it hasn’t melted or grown new leaves.
  12. I think brine shrimp is equivalent to reef salt. The percentage of certain minerals might be slightly different as ACO is designed for brine shrimp and reef salt is designed for saltwater aquariums. Corey used to use Fritz RPM salt for brine shrimp.
  13. I just got some guppies through the mail from a popular site recently too. I've read that a popular person on this forum recommends 1 tsp of ACO Brine Shrimp salt\reef salt per 20G. I started doing that and it's the best my java fern has looked in years. My Neo's are breeding great and the fish in all of my aquariums are super happy. I'll have to remember to update this forum when my guppies start breeding.
  14. Here you go. Most of what I have is videos. I’ll see if I can get more pics.
  15. After about 10 days, I have quite a few baby Ocean Blue Shrimp. They must like the aquarium. They have been doing great.
  16. Thanks. If I can buy something from ACO, I will try. I know their products are close to the best quality, especially for the money. In addition I know I won't get ripped off, customer service is a 10+ out of 10. Amazon makes since for a lot of things, but if I can support a company I know and maybe only spend a couple of dollars more, I'm supporting ACO.
  17. I got some in on Friday. They worked great on that stubborn glass algae that even Nerites have a problem with.
  18. Thank you for the clarification.
  19. Cory has mentioned this website in his videos and recommended people buy shrimp from this site. That is how I found the site. If the mods feel like it needs to be deleted, so be it.
  20. I didn't see a video with those shrimp in it. Do you know the name of the video or can you send a link to it?
  21. I received my first "fish" order yesterday. I emailed Erik a question last week before I placed my order. He was very responsive and a pleasure to talk to. I ordered some Ocean Blue and Amano shrimp. The shrimp are gorgeous. They were very healthy and active. They were also very well packaged. Go check his website out first next time you are in the need for shrimp.
  22. I decided to try the Tubifex worms after one of your live streams or another video where you said that fish with smaller mouths would probably like the Tubifex worms more. The Acara is in with some Pearl Danios and they like them more than one of my other aquariums with Rainbow fish and Cherry Barbs - bigger mouths vs smaller mouths. I love the hard work and the research you put into your products. I've been buying from you since we got into aquariums about 4 years ago. Great education and great products.
  23. That was my other option. I'm getting lazy in my old age...lol.
  24. For cleaning algae off of the glass, do you prefer Bristlenose or Nerite snails or something else? Mystery snails are not that great for keeping the glass clean. I already have Ottos. Thanks.
  25. I got the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms over the weekend and fed them for the first time last night. I stuck a cube on the glass. Our small Electric Blue Acara went nuts for them. He would tear off chunks and take it over to a corner to eat. The complete surprise was the Green Cory. He swam up to the cube and sat there and ate off of the glass. I've never seen him do that. It was awesome. I also have the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Cubes and I have to be honest that I'm not as much of a fan. The shrimp are bigger than I thought they would be, they float for a long time and my fish aren't really crazy about them. If you haven't gotten the Tubifex worms yet, smash that link above, add them to your cart and checkout! You won't be disappointed.
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