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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Just a little over a week's growth. Super pleased with this beauty.
  2. We just planted ours a little over a week ago and its starting to just go nuts. Pictures coming soon.
  3. If its not cost prohibitive, it might be worth a try. It worked for our 5 gallon pretty well.
  4. Not sure how often you are doing water changes, but in smaller tanks you could try distilled water to reduce hardness.
  5. Definitely Fred. I love all our aquababies, but Fredthulu is a sight to behold.
  6. One guy I do remember from my youth was a little freshwater flounder. I want to say it was about 2 - 2.5 inches long. I'm not even sure if those are around these days at all.
  7. Yeah, squarespace has all the stuff you'd need for a small business.
  8. I wish I could remember the hodge podge of stuff I had in my 10 gallon tank as a kid, needless to say it was a "oooh one of those and one of those and one of those" aquariums. Getting back into the hobby our Betta has been our gateway drug to more tanks.
  9. Wow that is a fantastic piece of driftwood, and a great tank!
  10. Welcome to the forum! I love Foo the Flowerhorn vids, so peaceful 🙂
  11. Great tank! We have a dwarf lily that has been in about a week, it's showing nice growth so far!
  12. We've also tried with Co-Op Strips and Tetra Strips and they are matching up on all parameters.
  13. We've had this same experience (or similar) with a couple of tanks now. Now we do keep smaller tanks, but even a 50% water change tends to barely make a difference in the best cases.
  14. If I'm not mistaken (and I hope I'm not because I'm ordering some for this purpose) Nerite Snails are great at eating hair algae. They are also really pretty. 🙂
  15. Did I her a KG Tropicals vid in the background? (The giveaway is him saying betta/betas)
  16. Keeping this updated. We planted 2 Amazon Swords, and the CPDs and Shrimp seem to approve. Dealing with a bit of a nitrite spike with Prime and more quick start. We also added more floaters temporarily to help pull some of the nitrites/nitrates. The debris on the ground is what's left of an algae wafer, something I will probably avoid using in the future!
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