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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Omega One sells freeze-dried plankton as a marine or freshwater fish treat. I'm not an expert, but I can't see why it wouldn't be safe. I'm sure she was just sharing her personal experience.
  2. My people are a nano-people. 10 and under because of room, and the desire to have several projects.
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/people-dumped-their-pets-into-lakes-officials-say-now-football-size-goldfish-are-taking-over/ar-AAM2q5b
  4. The loaches would probably require a bigger tank. A lot of this depends on your betta also. For ours, he doesn't play well with others. Snails are a great suggestion!
  5. Great tip, James! Any money I can save is more money for fish/plants/gear etc!
  6. Kind of off topic, but you know your brain has changed to aquascaper mode if you're waiting for the Mrs. outside of a store and the whole time you'r eyeballing a nearby ditch because there's some really cool rocks and plants!
  7. "Am I fat or does this tank make my butt look big?"
  8. Endlers or a Betta would work great, I also LOVE my Celestial Pearl Danios in my pico tank. A sparkling gourami too big, but maybe one dwarf gourami would work.
  9. Most people would cringe at the thought of a snail infestation, but I welcome our new invertebrate overlords.
  10. This is good work! Nice find on your jug quest.
  11. Which brand had the 7.6 if I may ask!? I knew we had tested some spring water and it was higher than the distilled.
  12. Fascinating critter, but probably not good for skrimps!
  13. You can always try using distilled water for your 5g if your tap ammonia is too high. Obviously if the tank was bigger, that would be prohibitively expensive, but not too bad with a 5g.
  14. Great looking tank! Welcome 🙂 I've heard Amano shrimp are helpful with the hair algae.
  15. Well it definitely looks like its going to want better lighting, but that's already on the way.
  16. Thanks! Anything special I should be aware of about their care? They have been hit with root tabs and easy green so far.
  17. We got our new 10 gallon set up, with eco-complete, root tabs, an established sponge filter, etc. We ended up getting this mixed multi-pack of plants really cheap, but I have NO idea what they are. I could tell that the one we glued to the rock was annubias of some sort, and I think there's a sword in there but we are not good at identifying these! We could also use some advice on a good carpeting plant for this setup. We went with mopani for our wood choice. As a side note, the bulbs that came with the hood are dingy and weak, got some decent LED bulbs on the way.
  18. Bloody Marys are SO awesome looking!
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