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Everything posted by GameCzar

  1. Do you have a lid? They have been known to escape.
  2. I've never met any strip that didn't change color at all.
  3. Yeah, something similar at least on a smaller scale maybe.
  4. I was reading that barley straw is used for algae control in ponds, I wonder if its a bundle of barley straw.
  5. Yeah it looks like some sort of a bale of hay, maybe its for Seahorses. 😉
  6. If you want them for cleaners, maybe try Amano shrimp. They are a lot bigger than the caridina and neocaridina species and they are fantastic cleaners.
  7. Annubias are a great beginner plant. We still have our first annubias, and its slowly growing just fine. Also a big fan of the dwarf lily. Watching it sprout and go crazy in your tank is super satisfying.
  8. I've always wanted a big tank full of Silver Tip Tetras, I think their schooling behavior is mesmerizing! Also, I agree with @Patrick_G, Cardinals in large group are just stunning.
  9. He might have made a good snail for a terrarium 🙂 Really pretty shell.
  10. Howdy fellow Texan! Nice tank. I'm guessing your Mystery Snail is still fairly young, he/she will get nice and fat!
  11. Thank you @NorthernAquarist! We've looked at some Endler's too.
  12. Yay! That means if it messes up its all @lefty o's fault. 😉 Kidding of course, thanks Lefty!
  13. I thought most generic water conditioners just removed chlorine. But I have no idea, honestly. I can confirm that Prime saved our bacon during our first nitrite spike with our Betta.
  14. How many would be safe in a 10 gallon? We were thinking 6 danios and 3 guppies.
  15. I can only answer a couple of these questions. The substances will still show up on your test kits, and I believe the ammonia is detoxified for 48 hours? Then you will need to re-dose. Edited to add, we use Seachem Prime
  16. Oh noes! I hadn't heard that before
  17. Awesome, they sell them at walmart, so we'll grab one. Thanks!
  18. Poor guy probably thinks he's a Guppy now 😉 I'm totally fine for them to eat the fry, I really don't have room for an overflow tank! Thank you!!
  19. So thanks to watching @Cory's guppy vids, we have now caught the fever. We have our new 10 gallon cycling already and decided that instead of worrying about getting a Dwarf Gourami or two that might nip fins, maybe we could keep Zebras and Guppies together? A little quick research shows their parameters are close, and I think they are both peaceful. Does anyone have experience keeping them together? How many would you feel would be safe in a 10 gallon? (we aren't scared of water changes) Would the Guppies and Danios keep the guppy fry to a minimum? We don't really have an LFS to breed for, I guess we could give them away on Facebook or something. Any opinions are appreciated. Attached is our tank as it quietly cycles, with new LED bulbs and a new statue!
  20. You got all the great advice above, just offering my positive vibes and telling you to keep the faith-a faith-a faith!
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