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Jungle Fan

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Everything posted by Jungle Fan

  1. Red, pink, purple, and several shades in between, although the blueish purple bee balm spreads the most. hummers and butterflies will frequent all of them but the hummers definitely prefer the red, and with them being such a desirable piece of property you'll see the most amount of aerobatics, and mini dogfights over the red bee balm.
  2. If they are just males I would figure maximum 8 to 10, however if you should happen to get a female all bets are off because they turn fertile at about two months, and can have anywhere from 20-30 babies each time. I'd probably go with 7-8 males to leave wiggle room for growth. Max size for endlers is 1.4".
  3. Sweet! Very nice tanks, and fish. Looking forward to see the progress after the move.
  4. Nice Cherry shrimp! Welcome to the CARE forum @Pygmy cory.
  5. @Mmiller2001 is correct the longer you wait, the more damage from lack of nutrients will occur. I don't like to put products down, besides the fact that it is forum policy that's why I said you would be better off with the Easy Green All In One. What you see on your Java fern, and on the Amazon sword are nutrient deficiencies, the damaged leaves will eventually die off, but new shoots, and so far undamaged roots and rhizomes will recover as long as they get what they need for regular growth which are nutrients, light, and CO2; you seem to have the last two well covered, and your tank looks very nice and clean, so I would emphatically endorse the Easy Green All In One and start dosing as soon as you can. PS: Just reread your post and you might also want to increase your lighting period somewhat as 5 hours is a bit short, usually I run my lights from 8 - 10 hours, looking at your plant selection I would think that right around 8 hours might be closer to the sweet spot but of course you will have to gauge that for yourself by results and either decrease, or increase. Lighting is a process of finding the middle in between stunted plant growth, or damage with too little, or algae with too much. I hope this makes sense to you and helps.
  6. My tank has a whole layer of crushed lava rock underneath the top substrate for beneficial bacteria to colonize and help with flow of nutrients and filtration, I've also previously used it in big filter material bags to help build up aquascapes towards the back of tanks, or to build elevated mounds for islands, or to support and stabilize driftwood, and as biological media in some of the trays of canister filters. After you crush it to desired size just make sure you rinse it really well, if you plan to use it on top of the substrate make sure it has no more extremely sharp edges, or that it is covered with glued on plants like moss, Anubias, Bucephalandra, or Java fern. If it is covered with lichen before you crush it I would soak it in hydrogen peroxide for two days repeatedly until the organic material is gone (over the period of two days the hydrogen peroxide turns into water), rinse it with plain water, and dry it in the sun.
  7. You would probably get better results out of a good all in one like Easy Green, and some root tabs for that sword plant. If you are using the Flourish line, some of their potassium might help your Java fern. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/the-easy-range
  8. As long as you type with a slice of the real deal in your mouth, for authentic comparison😆.
  9. Pizza is like fishkeeping a matter of personal taste and preference, I find the diversity as refreshing and interesting, as the ethnic connotations, or the discussions about what makes great pizza, the opinions are as varied, as those about what makes a great fish tank. Some like Lake Malawi with just rocks, others Dutch style heavily planted, and reglemented with varying color and texture stem plants, there are fans of pure Amano style Japanese Aquascapes, some like wild style fantasy landscape, or Bonsai looking scapes, some like myself like nature style jungle tanks,... I'm glad there are different style pizzas, and different styles of tanks, so we don't all have to like the same thing day in and day out. Have you ever noticed how boring even your favorite food can become if it is all you ever get, day in, and day out? I fondly to this day remember my three student dormitory friends from different regions of Italy that were ready to go to fisticuffs over which of their pizzas ruled supreme but all went silent and agreed while munching French Crepes coated in sugar, flamed with Grande Marnier, and served with whipped cream and strawberries. Diversity, and different experiences is what makes life interesting, and since we all come from different backgrounds we tend to like different things, sometimes we agree, finding those commonalities enriches life, and makes us appreciate it. How boring and drab would a world be where there was only one prescribed way to do things without license to find your own way, without freedom to explore, so you can find a better, or sometimes tastier way but without discarding knowledge that has been found to work. I have developed food allergies so I'm restricted in what types of food I can eat but just because I cannot, or don't like some foods won't see me criticizing others' choice. All that said I enjoy a good food competition like a spaghetti competition, a bake off, chili cook off, with all the ensuing discussions and challenges, as long as in the end every faced is stuffed, and winner, or not the prevailing feeling is fullness, and settling in doubt over the capacity to have space for dessert.
  10. She has "busted" all over her face.😄
  11. Purigen won't do anything in regards to iron, it's designed to remove nitrogenous organics and tannins. A whole house iron filter might be worth looking into if the water still tastes metallic after current treatment.
  12. @StreetwiseI don't think we have enough liability insurance to peddle those results I got out of my attempts to recreate what I tasted in Italy. 😄 I have not found a single pizzeria that could come even close to passable, or even remotely close to the original product.
  13. Today the youngest new additions to the garden made their debut, they must've left the nest this morning. Tiny little guys, and their feathers aren't quite as colorful yet.
  14. @Patrick_G the Bolivian rams won't limit you in your choice of tank mates. Mine happily eat their sunk pellets with Blue Dream Neocaridina shrimp crawling all around them picking out their "share" while not even giving them a second look.
  15. You might want to start checking around for extra tanks, I used to raise several different strains of fancy guppies and you'll be fine as long as you remember that guppy math applies to all their breeding: "1, 2. 3. whole bunch!"😀
  16. I have seen many different pizzas that were unusual, very few that would arise to the claim of "crimes against pizza," but I wish I could say the same for calzone. I have yet to have anything worth the title "calzone" that wasn't produced in Italy, or at the very least by an Italian owned and operated pizzeria in Germany, or elsewhere in Europe, and that includes several home tried disasters of my own.
  17. The ability to program your aquarium LEDs! 🤣
  18. I thought the same but then again even grizzly bears love ants and berries.
  19. Amazon soft belly soil, with underlying layers of crushed lava rock, Stratum, and medium coarse gravel.
  20. More like non-native being dumped-ters. So sad we live in a throw away society.
  21. Corny, but true!
  22. With that monster in place do you now have to make sure there are no lose objects on shelves and tables, and hook up with a carabiner to a wire running through the warehouse in order not to be blown against the wall? 😁
  23. I agree, now would be a good time, considering you've got a ticking time bomb population explosion on your hands and they don't take very long to hatch.
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