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Andy's Fish Den

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Everything posted by Andy's Fish Den

  1. no adhesive, just press and hold against the glass for a few seconds.
  2. Pretty much any of the freeze dried cubes can be stuck to the glass. I've done it with blackworms, tubifex and brine shrimp cubes
  3. Welcome to the forum, looks like you are well on your way in the fish keeping hobby!
  4. Candle lights, red roses, chocolate, Barry White.... Seriously, there are a couple good videos on the co-op YouTube channel with Dean, here's a link to one. How to Breed German Blue Rams - YouTube
  5. I have some of these same corydoras, they are still young so I haven't purposely set them up in a tank to breed, but I did find eggs laid on the glass last week after a water change, so I am going to say that they are probably like aeneus in that they lay eggs on the glass and possibly larger stiff plant leaves like anubias.
  6. If you want a carpet of parva it is best top start out with a lot, it is very slow growing. I had some in one of my tanks and it took a long time to even double in size.
  7. If you thought ten gallons were easy to drill, wait until you drill larger tanks with thicker glass. I hate drilling 10 gallons because the glass is so thin, cracks easier. Be careful when installing bulkheads, don't overtighten.
  8. You could keep one angelfish, but there is a good chance that with one it would hide most of the time. they like to be in groups. In a 29 gallon, you could keep a group of 4 easily.
  9. I found eggs in a mop from my Aspidoras spilotus yesterday, so have them incubating. Also pulled some eggs from mops in my gardneri killifish, have those water incubating.
  10. I have kept corydoras for many years and on any of the different substrates you can get for an aquarium and never have I noticed barbels eroding away on any of my fish. I was even roasted a few years ago because of a picture I posted on a popular corydoras keeping page of some of my fish in a tank with eco-complete substrate. I believe, like @Corysaid, that it depends on what you feed and how much you feed. I make sure that plenty of food gets down to the substrate for the corys so that they don't have to go digging down into the substrate for food.
  11. Did a water change, trimmed plants and cleaned filter sponges on my 93 cube tank. It hasn't had a water change since the day before Thanksgiving, just added water from evaporation. I got lazy during holidays and everything to bring supplies upstairs and get Python hooked up to clean.
  12. I made the mistake of putting my blue dream shrimp in a tank with a dark substrate (eco complete) and now I can't see them unless they're on a plant or the sides of the tank. I'm going to be changing out substrate soon.
  13. I have always used the rule of 1/3 water to 2/3 air in bags. Whether I'm shipping, packing fish to take to a club auction or whatever. Best bet shipping guppies, I would use small bag, bag individually, probably only need a cup of water in each bag. I've always just used tank water, never heard of anyone used fresh conditioned water until I saw one of Dan's Fish videos showing that what he does. It works cause I've heard lots of good things about his fish and shipping.
  14. Yes there are a couple size granules, you will want the larger granules. The smaller is way too fine, almost a powder. Tractor supply, rural king stores, any store like that usually has it. Just be sure to rinse really good.
  15. I miss the local fish club meetings, auctions, conventions. A couple of clubs did have an outdoor swap meet last fall, I'm hoping they do again this spring or summer. The LFS I have been to in last several months have had a large stock, I was talking to one owner and at first back in late spring and summer it was hard to get shipments in. But now that planes are flying regularly now it's easier, but shipping costs have gone way up so fish prices have too.
  16. I would say no, minimum 82. Angels will do fine in 82 water. I wouldn't keep rams and kribs in the same tank anyways. They both use the same area of the tank (bottom) and can be quite territorial when spawning. So I would choose one or the other or set up another tank.
  17. I have kept German blues, and electric blue rams in my hard tap water with no issues. Your best bet would be to get them from a breeder or store in your area so that they are acclimated to the local waters. I think the issue most people have with rams is not keeping them warm enough, When I have had them, I keep them between 82-86 degrees.
  18. Ive done the heavy duty tape thing for hinges on mine. So far it has lasted a year, I only replaced the tape on one, and it was super easy to peel off and replace.
  19. I use it on most of my aquariums. Very easy to cut with make whatever size, shape you need.
  20. Not unless you put a bunch of leaves in. My shrimp tanks are all 10 gallons, I only put one or two leaves at a time, depending on how many shrimp are in the tank. The catappa leaves give the water a slight tint, but I havent seen any tint from the mulberry or guava leaves.
  21. Very true! Even with multiple tanks, I am always wanting to change tanks up, re-scape, different fish etc
  22. Galaxy rasbora and celestial pearl danio are same fish. That is a problem in fish keeping, there are quite a few fish that will have more than one common name.
  23. Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you got bit by the MTS, and have a nice selection of fish there. Are you trying to spawn any of them?
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