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Taco Playz

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Everything posted by Taco Playz

  1. I'm not a Mod but it's probably because on the C.A.R.E Forum is meant for having fun and learning about fish and helping others. Not about Debating or fighting with each other. Which is what all politics are these days.
  2. I have probably about 100 guppy fry and 5 tanks dedicated to them. 😂 On the white cloud side I have about 7 fry now that I can see. They are SO DARN CUTE. 🥰
  3. Okay I’ll try to ask @WhitecloudDynasty
  4. So I have seen some spawning activity from my 2k golden white clouds the past few days. I came home today and checked my tank and THERE THEY WERE little 2k fry swimming around. I have counted about 5 so far but it’s a jungle tank so there is probably a lot more. Any ideas on how to care for these little fellers because I haven’t really bred any other fish intentionally other than guppies and now these guys. I have a group of 5 adults 2k white clouds and Pygmy cories should I be worried on the pygmies eating them. Also what should I feed them? Thanks! See if you guys can find the little fry in the hornwort. Hint: he is in the left corner.
  5. Looks like a bacterial bloom. Do you have a test kit? If so I would test it because there could be Ammonia or it could just be since you newly set up the tank. How big is it? You also said that the tank had two bettas the one that I saw on the filter looked like a male. I would rehome on of them because it could turn into a pretty nasty situation. I have also always wondered if guppies and Bettas can go together because of the long fins. Looking at the stuff at the bottom of the substrate it looks like a little bacteria colony which probably happened from how you just recently set up the tank. I would take away more of the fake plants and add some more live plants as @KentFishFanUK suggests. Happy fishkeeping!
  6. Would be pretty cool to have a 180 gallon African Cichlid tank!
  7. Welcome to the forum! Would love to see some pics of the tank! Please ask us more questions because we can help you with stocking your tank or anything else you have questions on. Happy fish keeping!
  8. Golden Panchax. The will steal the Algae wafers for the BN and the Corydoras and they will eat out of my hand.
  9. Amazon swords. They do need iron but nothing easy Iron can't do. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/easy-iron Hornwort is super easy too but when its not happy you will definitely know because it sheds like a dog. I have also had really good time with Rotala species in a Low Tech setup even though they will not get the cool red color that they would get in a High Tech setup. Java Ferns are good too. They will even make baby plants too! If they get Java fern tell them that Java Fern is a Rhizome plant which needs to be above the gravel and not under because that is the only way that a Java Fern will die.
  10. Put a cucumber in there. After a few hours take it out and there will be tons on it. You may get other snails too but it's a good way to get rid of them.
  11. My fish really like Hygger tropical fish flakes. They also LOVE frozen brine shrimp. I think tetra Aquasafe is good because it is affordable and has been a really reliable dechlorinator. Lastly my favorite filter is a sponge because though don’t have to buy cartridges every month and cleaning them isn’t too hard.
  12. The only thing I would worry about is if you have endlers or if you have fry because I have heard stories of ADF eating fry and small endlers but I wouldn’t worry. I would definetly feed those sinking pellets that your lfs recommended. Happy fish keeping!
  13. I had to catch him to take photos because he wouldn’t stop swimming when I was going to take the photo.
  14. I really like my male blonde cobra that I have raised from a fry. He’s super pretty. I’ll try to get pics later.
  15. My lfs has 5 dollar filter section that has been used but they still work. It’s very good because they have used Marineland filters and sponge filters for super cheap.
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