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Taco Playz

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Everything posted by Taco Playz

  1. Mine is very mean too. Do you have any other tank that you could put him in?Mine is about 3 inches and he bullies the Cories over food.
  2. I would always add tons of plants instead of adding them to a breeder box. If you want to add something to the breeder box I would add the fry if you want to keep a close watch on them.
  3. They could of eaten them. They are Livebearers they WILL eat your fry. I had a platy drop only one fry one time and there was plenty of hiding spots. 86 F is a little high. Platies aren't like guppies in my experience they don't have as much fry but they last longer which turns out to be more fry in the long run
  4. I was watching one of Cories videos and he said something like CPD's can live UP TO 15 YEARS!
  5. Yep them and CPD's will live very long.
  6. In my 5 gallon I have 5 white clouds, 4 Pygmy Cories, and 8 Ghost shrimp. It's a really cheap and hardy stocking for a five gallon. After I added the plants everything ended up being about 40 dollars. SUPER CHEAP!
  7. For the Cycling question I would definitely add a sponge filter from another tank and add some plants and it will basically instant cycle the tank. You could also just add a HOB filter cartridge and shake it around for about 3 minutes and it will instant cycle it too. Love to see some pics!
  8. Wonderful Betta tank! I bet he loves it. I agree with everyone above looks like biofilm.
  9. Welcome to the forum! Would love to see your tank. Happy Weekend!
  10. I absolutely love shrimp but I think sometimes they are a bit overpriced. Btw that's a good looking tank!
  11. @xXInkedPhoenixXis right SAE will hold their guard in fact they sometimes bully my other fish for food.
  12. A big SAE would be good in that tank. Mine does a good job on eating my hair algae in my 29 gallon.
  13. They look good! Can't wait to see them when they grow up.
  14. I have to say. My Golden Panchax killies are the MEANEST fish I've ever had. They bite me all the time when I am doing water changes. Even though it doesen't hurt it scares the Crap out of me. 😆
  15. I listen to them sometimes. They are pretty good!
  16. I was thinking about buying some colorful ramshorns from ebay or something. Any color ideas?
  17. So I am setting up my spare 3 gallon tank and have been watching TONS of aquarium co-op nano videos. I really want to do something cheap and really cool. Thanks!
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