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Taco Playz

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Everything posted by Taco Playz

  1. I had trouble getting the roots in the substrate
  2. So I saw a dead Young Ghost shrimp today 😕 and did a 50 percent water change and moved my amazon sword to the front of the tank. One mans loss is another mans treasure I ended up feeding it to my Golden panchax which OF COURSE gobbled it up.
  3. Idk yet. I was thinking on making it another guppy tank. But idk yet it might be for fry or shrimp. How much were those lights?
  4. I'm looking into setting up one of my spare three gallons. What lights, filter, and pump did you use.
  5. Welcome! Would love to see that tank!!!
  6. Okay thats so cool! Still haven't seen any eggs but they do scurry ALOT. I hope I get some though!!
  7. Yeah those are emperor tetras. They look good!
  8. So yesterday I thought I saw my Pygmy cories doing something like spawning. I have a super big female right now. How do they breed so that I know if that’s what they are doing.
  9. Ikr it’s probably my favorite can’t wait for the new episode coming out today I’m pumped! 😁
  10. I watch To your Eternity, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, I used to watch MHA, have watched some Dragon Ball and that’s about all.
  11. Can you take a screen shot? Looks like some sort of tetra definetly.
  12. Yes! Them and guppies are probably my fav fish.
  13. Today I am going to feed Hikari frozen spirulina brine shrimp!
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