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Taco Playz

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Everything posted by Taco Playz

  1. I'm very sorry.. do you have any aquarium salt?? If so I would dose whatever it says on the back. Normally Salt can help any disease or sickness no matter if it's rare or very common. Once @Colu responds it will be way better help than I can give because, I have never experienced something like that.
  2. That looks really bad. @Colu Is probably one of the smartest people on this forum when it comes to treating fish.
  3. No problem always happy to help. I forgot about the tubing, I know you want to order straight from the Co-Op and I 100% respect that but here is probably the best tubing for the price. https://www.amazon.com/Penn-Plax-Aquariums-Flexible-Standard/dp/B0002563MM/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=airline+tubing&qid=1637947564&qsid=145-6863458-3585159&sr=8-5&sres=B0002563MM%2CB01N8SNNOI%2CB0774BFZG4%2CB08Q3K2TZ3%2CB01HBSU9EA%2CB096ZG8LZK%2CB08YXF82QB%2CB08N61GFCD%2CB08CKG5RC6%2CB07RJTG4K9%2CB08L7WLRP7%2CB006L49LNQ%2CB08L7WX1Q7%2CB000255NYQ%2CB0002AQ0TS%2CB08F1WXDYT%2CB089ZZK24Q%2CB08CKKH43T%2CB08BBZJKY9%2CB0002AQI9U
  4. Sounds good they are in my cart! Thanks I would like an egg scattering fish but a egg laying fish would be cool too.
  5. Sorry your daughter died I know it must be hard.. So let me get this right you want to order everything from the coop? On a QT tank you don't really need the brightest lights but here. Lights: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/finnex-stingray-led-lights?variant=17546455748 Small Sponge: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/aquarium-co-op-coarse-sponge-filter?variant=29459429195845 Heater: https://www.amazon.com/Tetra-Submersible-Aquarium-Electronic-Thermostat/dp/B000OQO69Q/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=aquarium+heater+10+gallon&qid=1637946781&qsid=145-6863458-3585159&sr=8-5&sres=B000OQO69Q%2CB075PSPCNY%2CB07ZVQSMND%2CB07STZ447W%2CB091334BZY%2CB07MJJJ4QQ%2CB00P9QH5US%2CB08B3K945R%2CB08DCYK1YC%2CB07ZNX5G3F%2CB08K93ZYVN%2CB017A5E1LQ%2CB07H333NG2%2CB08XY6MRY6%2CB082KVL63L%2CB00NETRZG6%2CB07GWFFPPX%2CB000YAJK02%2CB07RM4YM8P%2CB07XR9XKFM Air pump (Must need for a sponge filter): https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/usb-nano-air-pump?_pos=4&_psq=air pum&_ss=e&_v=1.0 On a 10 gallon QT I wouldn't recommend the FInnex Stingray because it's for a smaller tank but if you want to order straight from the Co-Op there you go.
  6. I have had really hard trouble on finding rice fish. I also am not that big of a fan of ordering fish online. I really love Ricefish but they are so expensive online. Also if you have any good lights for a ten gallon from amazon send me some links thanks!
  7. I actually may agree with @anewbieon this one because the fish is yellow not albino.
  8. Yep, I've seen another albino synodontis on another forum that had black eyes.
  9. It could be a hybrid species of Synodontis
  10. That looks better with the wood at the bottom. Should hold the tank now. Would be cool to see some photos once you set it up. I would cut it so it would be flushed with the stand but other than that looks good.
  11. Ah it's fine. I'm not the best picture taker. But they look like to me Albino Synodontis.
  12. Kinda hard to see but maybe a Albino synodontis.
  13. Looks like a Glo Danio.
  14. So I have about 5 10 gallons and I'm about to set up another one. I have decided to breed a certain species of fish (NOT LIVEBEARERS I'M DONE WITH THEM FOR A WHILE) I know it's limited in a ten gallon but it would be cool to breed something kinda rare but not really thanks!
  15. Aww I love him so much! In my experience White Clouds are the easiest egg laying fish in the hobby and have one of the cutest babies. Just out of curiosity what did you feed yours when they were really young?
  16. Looks pretty! That's really cold, where I'm at its still 60.
  17. It's definitely not either of those worms. Here's a picture of blood worms. Here are Camallanus worms. Neither of them look like the worm above. In your shrimp tank are they always at the top? This makes me not think they are earthworms. Earthworms can survive a bit in a body of water but eventually they will die.
  18. Took photos of one of my smallest white cloud fry and he is so darn cute. 🥰
  19. To me that looks like a regular earthworm but I'm not certain. Normally earthworms get lighter colorations when they drown. May I ask, was it moving around when you found that one?
  20. So I posted a few hours ago on Black Friday deals on the Co-op. I was wondering if there was any Black Friday deals on tanks at like Petsmart that would be a really good price. I wanted to set up another 29 gallon, but I don't really want to get a starter kit because I think those tanks are absolute junk. Thanks
  21. Here is a picture of one of my smaller fry.
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