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Everything posted by FlyingFishKeeper

  1. Green water? Ha, my tank looks like someone poured a gallon of milk into it right now lol (If you don't wash Purigen it turns out BAD, sadly from personal experience)
  2. Ohhh, can't wait to see what happens with your tank! Good luck!
  3. Nice tank! Is the crypt from one of your own tanks or a store since I haven't heard of a way to keep them from melting apart from cutting their leaves?
  4. Well, I didn't go very far without needing to post... How long will it take to clear up, and is it better to have a filter running or not? Also is there a timeline for how long it'll take to break down? Thank you!
  5. Thank you! I'll keep an eye on it, and post if any problems come up!
  6. Thanks! Does it break down naturally in the substrate or will I need to gravel vac?
  7. Hi everyone... I think I might've messed up... Here's my tank right now I didn't rinse my new Purigen correctly and got this, now. It's honestly ironic since I got this to help polish my water since it was a bit hazy. So PSA: WASH YOUR PURIGEN WELL PLEASE. I was wondering if this will clear up without doing a water change, I just have Purigen and a paper towel in the filter. Also how to get the specs of Purigen out of the substrate? Also will this be hazardous to any life, aquatic or otherwise, especially since I put my water change water into my yard? Thanks!
  8. In my opinion keep dosing the trio, keep the water clean, have them at low stress, and feed them good foods. You should also be careful with salt since in some concentrations it can be harmful to scaleless fish like corydoras. Some more experienced fish keepers might also be able to help you. Good luck!
  9. I'm not an expert in this, but if your on a well could it be that it came into contact with some sort of hardening mineral? Apart from that I'm not really sure what else could cause it apart from your city changing something related to their water?
  10. Are you using crushed corral, wonder shell, etc since unless your tap water is changing I can't really think of why it would keep rising? Although someone with more experience than me might know something I don't. Gh is kind of like pH as I understand it, as long as you aren't doing something like putting a soft water fish into water with a gh of 80 dGH it should be fine, trying to get something specific will just stress the fish out. Plants can take up some of them, some distilled or reverse osmosis water with nothing in it should dilute the minerals.
  11. If your tank is doing well right now just keep it stable, and don't try to get to a certain number. According to Aquarium Coop's article on it here on gh (or general hardness) is how much calcium and magnesium are in the water, although it is possible to have all calcium but no magnesium, so it's not a definitive statement on exactly how much of each you have. More of just a ballpark. Gh can be measured in both ppm and dGH, to convert from gh ppm to dGH you just have to divide the ppm by 17.9 to get the dGH and vice versa with multiplying.
  12. Somehow I managed to kill anubias nana, barteri, and petite, I only have one piece of anubias nana petite now lol. Probably the pogostemon genus, Pogostemon stellatus is a really good stem plant, while Pogostemon helferi looks kind of like a crypt plus a bunch of other species
  13. Thanks everyone! I'm waiting for the tank to grow in a bit more so I'll wait until then to give it more thought. I'll also do some more research and maybe some testing once a printer becomes available which I'll post here. Thanks!
  14. Hi everyone! I was considering designing essentially a 3D printed cherry shrimp to see how my betta would react to their presence in the tank without risking actual lives or spending money for them. I was wondering if Neocaridina davidi have a certain scent to them that a betta would smell? Thanks!
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong but could it be that he's biting his tail since I can't really see any signs of infection? Idk though, I might just be missing something or just lack of experience?
  16. Nice tank! It sounds really good that teachers are trying to connect with their students. Maybe try working with buoyancy and make boats/rafts using a set of aquarium safe materials or use a 3D CAD program like Tinkercad as an intro to 3D Design and 3D printing?
  17. Maybe some pothos coming out of the tank, or out of a HOB? Might create some areas for fry to hide in the roots?
  18. Agreed with that above, if Cory had mats of that algae like they do java moss I would definitely get it. Also might be a good algae control measure since fight algae with algae?
  19. Personally I use API's Quick Start, but I've heard good things about Fritz's. I had some ammonia, then dosed some bacteria and overnight it took care the majority of it. Might just be a fluke though, I would probably also decide if it's completely needed since I treat it more as a precaution and sometimes it's not needed for months.
  20. Maybe some beneficial bacteria, I've had my cycle crash before and it's probably a literal life saver. I personally love the Tetra Easy Strips. Also one or two buckets since they're a huge help with isolating fish for medication. Plus they're good for water changes. A pipette is also a huge help, especially once bottles get empty it can be hard to get exactly 2 ml for example.
  21. It might be columnaris, but it's kind of hard to see in the photo. If it is columnaris then general cure probably wouldn't work since it's an anti parasitic medicine. @Colu , @Mr_Manifesto, and @James Black might be able to give you better information then me
  22. Thanks everyone! He seems to be fully healed, and is eating well!
  23. Lol, these are all great. A while ago I had some fake rock decor from a big box store that was hollow. One night I couldn't find the tank's inhabitant, looked everywhere, and moved the stand thinking that he had jumped out. I look back in the tank, and see my betta looking annoyed at me for disturbing him lol. My guess for what happened is he got sucked into a portal to Aquarium Coop for a vacation, then came back. Or went into the hollow rock, the first seems much more likely though!
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