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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I really enjoyed it, and even delayed my evening plans to catch every minute. She was educational and entertaining at the same time, just like the best teachers. This was outstanding, and I can’t wait for more!
  2. Thanks @ChemBob! On the way: Anubias Golden Anubias nana "petite" Anubias Nana Anubias Coffeefolia Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green Cryptocoryne Wendtii Cryptocoryne Tropica Cryptocoryne Lucens
  3. Here is a previous thread on this topic:
  4. I am about to place an order. What plants would you add to this tank?
  5. One or more Nanos would look great with that tank, and help you align your other technology. I would consider moving your filtration to the back wall because of your viewing setup.
  6. I think the individual LEDs are the same, but you get a different number in each size. At one point, I had 3-4 Nanos on the glass of a sixteen bow, but running at perhaps 20-30%. This was overkill, and one 15” does the job. However, on larger rimless tanks, multiple Nanos might be a fun option. They have aluminum construction, and the height control is cool. I ran 2-3 on my Askoll 20 for a while, also before the 15” unit showed up, which is what I use now.
  7. The Fluval Nanos can give you height, and the 24” is nice too. I used many configurations, especially before the 15” unit appeared. If you skim my indoor journal, you will see the various configurations that I tried.
  8. I did this in my Vermont journal, but I would do gravel instead of sand for my cap if I tried again.
  9. My biggest surprise was how much I began to love sponge filters! When I was in my previous marine phase, I was all about canisters and internal powerheads. I thought running air was old-school. In my early days back in the hobby with freshwater, I ran a bunch of MF10 internal filters, and tried other internal filters and skimmers from Eheim and Tunze. I also enjoyed testing some Dymax HoB filters. I gradually went to all Co-Op sponge filters, or no-tech. The sponge filters are just so low-key, and mine haven’t clogged because the flow is low.
  10. @JettsPapa, is it the opposite face to when they discover a bad smell and freeze up, often when self-cleaning?
  11. @DevoB, can you please add this content to the Fluval lighting thread for posterity?
  12. I feel like we need a thread on trail cameras and security cameras for monitoring outdoor tubs now!
  13. @DannyBWell, congrats! @TheDukeAnumber1 was close! I’m going to give Scott Lang an honorable mention for almost eating a taco, and perhaps two off-camera!
  14. Interesting idea. I will see what options are available in the settings. I will also see what the configuration choices are.
  15. I’m sorry for your experience. Maybe you could move the plants and inhabitants inside, and point a camera at the tub, so you can identify your opponent.
  16. 2.8 gallons is very small. Those fish would be much happier in a 20 gallon tank. You could run the tiny tank with plants and snails until it is seasoned for shrimp.
  17. I joined this community because I was a fan of Cory’s low-key style. The Co-Op tested a chat setup, but it was chaotic and required real-time moderation. When we adjusted to the reality of 2020+, this forum came online at just the right time. When I was cut-off from my local friends, I found a new community of Nerms. Everyday, I would see what my new friends had shared, and share updates to my modest tanks. I love this community, and I am glad to be providing some technical assistance. I also enjoy being a cheerleader for perseverance in our hobby.
  18. I feel good about my small, shrimp-only tanks when I am confident that they are are getting food primarily from the ecosystems, and my feeding is just a bonus.
  19. Thank you to the Aquarium Co-Op C.A.R.E. forum. More yellow neos were supposed to be on-camera for this video! I got shy and didn't want to say anything. I got the plants and tech from that one site. This tank was a marine tank that was flooded out in 2011. When you are part of a community, you try again. I may make something else, maybe in nature where I say a few things.
  20. I went no-tech with my 2.5 gallon shrimp tanks, but only after they were very well-seasoned, with the right amount of algae and biofilm. They are among the tanks in my Indoor journal, linked in my signature.
  21. What would happen if you introduced black beard algae next?
  22. @Fish Folk, please sit down and take a deep breath. I just learned that Domino's Pizza in Japan created Fish and Chips Pizza. Someone on Twitter accused them of making a food that "insults both England and Italy!"
  23. The fish were in tubs with similar conditions. I put them in a bucket for a day, and then added them to that tank on its second day. I moved plants from my tubs, and some of the water. This worked out well for the White Clouds, but the new tank was not messy enough for the Neo shrimp that were also moved indoors. This was an important lesson. I only keep shrimp in well-seasoned tanks now. I should add that this is a tank I run for my folks, so I only see it about once a month. When I visit, the last thing I want to do is a water change.
  24. That sounds like really good advice! Thanks @Jungle Fan! I was testing in tiny tanks.
  25. I tried stratum in two 2.5 gallon tanks, and it was very difficult to keep plants rooted. I went right back to my organic soil with gravel.
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