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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. @Catfish_Lover_Jane has some great suggestitons! If you are to get some moss balls, I would wait. Wait maybe a few more months. The risk of their beign zebra mussels in the moss ball is too high.
  2. I love his white tips! He is so gourgoues! I assume that he has warmed up to you now and not so scared when you walk up to him. Please continue updating about Aurora! Your plants are looking really nice too! Some amazon swords would look really good in there as a background plant. They are super easy to keep. I see that you have some cryptacornes, just treat the swords the same way you treat the crypts. What kind of anubius is that in the last picture?
  3. The good thing about Canada is that most tropical fish aren't ilgeal to own because if they were introduced into a public water way, they wouldn't survive the winter. I know stingrays need a permit in canada, but I think thats the same in the USA.
  4. I had three angels in a tank. The two angels killed the other one. I thought at first maybe it was because of breeding, but three months have passed and no eggs. All though sometimes it looks like one is about to start laying eggs. I've sometimes thought about putting another angel in there, just to see if they would accept him into there home. If not I would of course take him back. In your case it sounds like it could be breeding, the change of enviourment could have put them in the mood (fish are weird...) My angels did no lip locking, but chase the one around.
  5. Seems like it would be fine for them. There not a fish that need high temps, but not one that requires colder temps. I see on a different thread that you have live plants. I would reccemend to put your light on a timer it will be benfcial for them. But its not necessary. Sometimes if you forget to turn off your light on time, a few extra hours can cause a lot of algae. algae is not harmful to fish, just doesnt look good to everyone.
  6. Welcome to the Hobby! and the Forum! You could probably do 8 Black Skirt Tetras in a 10 Gallon. Yes it is completley normal that they are swimming that way, they are shoaling. I have my tank lights on for 10 hours a day (10am - 8am). I have them plugged into a wifi light timer. You can find them all over amazon. Lots of people like the Kassa Wifi Light Timer. I specifcally use the Teckin Wife Light Timer. Heres a thread forum member put together of advice that they would tell them selves if they could visit the past when they first started aquariums, hopefully this can help you:
  7. Bettas are very hardy, so when transporting you could even get a cup (after all thats how they live in the petstore) and put the cup in a cup holder. They'll be fine for the 12hrs, especially because its a betta. If you can keep him at your colleage during your one week breaks, as he can go without food for quite some time. And then move him back after your term, that would be ideal. Moving a 10 gallon can be a lot of work. Have you thought of downisizng to a 5 gallon for this? I'm on board with doing it.
  8. Yes defentley do waterchanges. Too much salt in the water will be harmful. When I did my salt treatment I would do 5 consective salt treatments along with waterchanges every other day. After the 5, do a 75% waterchange and then a 25% waterchange the next day (this will remove the salt). give it a few days before you try something else. when I did my salt treatment, The salt only killed the bacteria, and overtime he improved. After the 5 day treatment, wait 3 days and after ask your self this question "has he gotten worse", if he hasnt then GREAT! Leave it be, he will heal overtime. If not, go with the kanaplex treatment. Keep us updated! (You may wanna take a picture after the 5th day of treamtent so that you can refer to it 3 days later when you reavluate)
  9. I wouldnt do Kuhli loaches in only a 5 gallon. Shrimp, maybe not the best option all though ghost shrimp isn't a bad idea. It really depends on the betta. Other then the Kuhli Loaches all of the fish/ snails you had in your poll are fine. @Betsy has some nirite snails with her betta. And I had mystery snails with mine. If you want multiple snails, nerites are the way to go as they only breed in brackish water (mix between freshwater and saltwater). The Mystery Snails WILL breed. Nertites will be more of an algae eater, but mystery snails not so much. I want to eventually do Pygmy Corys, Ember Tetras, Neon Tetras, Celestrial Pearl Danio, Chilli Rasbora with my betta sometime.
  10. You could always take the decor out, and then let it dry. That should kill it off. Also the meds should too, but to be safe I would do the leting it dry out method. Also if your just quarinting plants, no need to cycle the tank or have the filter pre-seeded.
  11. If you want to do plants I would do at least 3 inches of sand. The sponge filter is always a great idea, and may be my favorite filter. Both works fine though. A Hang on back may be quiter, because the air pumps used for sponge filter can often be loud. But the nano usb air pump, is SOOO quiet. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/usb-nano-air-pump
  12. I've used the Nicrew 24/7 automated light. Its worked out great for me when growing plants. I would recemend to turn down the brightness and take it off the 24/7 mode instead get something like the Kassa Wifi Light timer to control your lights. I didnt do this at first and I had green water coming back all the time. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07PFHD1G1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. oooh, thats exciting! What fish?
  14. I would leave the temperture at where it is. When I treated for ich it took me 6 days at 74 degrees, and it wasnt just one dot of ich. There was lots! I would get out your ich treatment and start treating now! If you have an empty hosptial tank ready, add the fish in there. if you dont just treat as you did last time but with the temperture at the same level as it is now. If you have an empty hospital tank, go about as planned and add the plants as you normally would. If you dont hav a hospital tank, thats fine. Place your plants in either a bucket or an aquarium until you know for a fact the ich is gone. Wait a few days after the treatment is complete to make sure you have erradicated it.
  15. Lets just hope there not releasing their fish into the nearby ponds/ lakes.
  16. Thats cool! I would be interested in doing something like that with my tanks, but they are not fluval 3.0s. I have them timed on a wifi light timer, and I cant have more then one timer on at the same day. So for now its 10:30-8:30. ORD
  17. I would do 3 or 4, make sure there is only same gender in the tank (only males, or only females) they will breed.
  18. I like the Hikari Stuff better, my fish seem to like it more. I dont know if there is anyway to for sure make them not breed. To have them slow down their reproduction, let them feed on the leftovers. of course make sure they are eating. You could also try getting only females (bigger then the males usually more vibrant too), all though I'm not sure if they are the same as snails where they will "transition" if there isn't another male in the tank. Amanos is a shrimp that is hard to breed, so you could always try those.
  19. I love the scape! What kind of shrimp are you looking to get? Cherry shrimp?
  20. You could probably get away with 2-3 Ghost Shrimp or 5-6 Cherry Shrimp.
  21. Bigger is always better! did you mean a 1.5 gallon? perhaps you could get away with it.
  22. Honestly, you dont need to quarintine. But if you really want to, I would do 3 gallons minumum. If your doing snails, then yes you should have lid they do crawl out sometimes. And if your doing shrimp, then I dont think you do.
  23. Do you have a clear storage rubbermaid? @Irene has a great video explaining how she quarintines fish using the rubbermaid: I would do one week.
  24. knowing that your betta has longer fins, some cherrys might work. Of course it would depend on the betta. I would say get one cherry shrimp, see if gets eaten and if not then go back in a week and 6 or 7 more. They will breed lik CRAZY. I dont think quarinting would really do much as I dont think diseases can be passed down from shrimp to fish. And if it can, not many diseases will. Knowing that you only have a 0.5 gallon, no quaritning might actually be a safer option.
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