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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Just keep an eye on parameters, do an extra water change if you need to. If you have a filter designed for a bigger tank, less maintenance for you. You’ll love watching all of the crazy antics your snail will do!
  2. Kinda. They are not asexual, there must be a male and a female to produce offspring. They will mate in the store and hold onto the sperm - for months. And over time lay the fertilized eggs. When I hatched the baby snails I only owned one adult snail.
  3. Now that there’s practically no hardscape, Geppetto hasn’t been tail biting. I suppose he may have just wanted some more swimming room. I observed him from across the room yesterday where I could see his natural behavior (if he sees me, he fixates on only me, and begging/socializing, etc). He was exploring the bottom, looking around at things he might be able to pick up off the sand (possible noms), and he utilized both of the rock swimthroughs on the bottom during his trek. He also rests in his pvc. I think I’ve got it ironed out. Except for the small hole in his tail. It seems to be perpetually there. No dark or red edges or anything. Nothing weird about it. However he does have his low dose salt in the tank (+ tea) and has had 2 courses of Kanaplex, so I think I’m just going to leave it alone. He seems happy. Last week I added some s. Repens as well. I trained him to swim through his tunnel on command (little bit of made up sign language) and he gets a treat. He’s eager to do it. We’ve been working on dive down to the bottom. He “kind of” gets it (sometimes) but only goes down an inch. If he even partially does the trick, he gets a treat. Not to exceed 4 treats. Then we’re done. Just little mini sessions at mealtime, about 3 min. Not every day. He gets days off. Sometimes he will follow my finger to the other side of the tank also. And is rewarded.
  4. I had one in there for him but had to take it out because the betta was getting fin tears. Although I pretty much figured out it was tail biting. But I never saw Kratos latch to the driftwood. (Not mopani)
  5. I supplemented him by swirling a little Soilent green Repashy in the water and also he latched on to a catappa leaf.
  6. Then he took a nap or hibernate or whatnot for like 2 weeks.
  7. No kidding! I did not know. That’s cool. I feel better. He’s doing his natural thing. Thanks! 🙏 One time in the betta tank he went on an eating frenzy and ate basically all the algae in the tank in 2 days.. and there was a LOT! @Cinnebuns I took photos of his progress.
  8. 11/19 is when I got Kratos, a king Koopa nerite. He was living with a betta. I had never seen the betta pick on him except one time when he was first added. Then 2/14 I noticed the betta trying to get at him, so I moved him. The betta tank is 80 degrees; the community tank is 78. I bag acclimated him 30 minutes, with a partial water swap at 15 min. I placed him on the sand and he went behind the PFS and partially burrowed and that’s where he is. 8 mysteries, 1 other (zebra) nerite, 18 tetras, 1 Bolivian ram, and 2 elusive shrimp. This is a pic of what Kratos looks like (not his current location)
  9. @nabokovfan87Aren’t shrimp nocturnal? Who knows, I see mine active always. Anyway, I pulled a “covert operation” this morning and dropped some shrimp cuisine in the dark. The tetras were still asleep and all I had to do is get the pellets past the midlevel. They don’t like to bottom feed. I think it worked. Unless snails eat it. But I tried to drop it in her favorite plant which is very full/lush. Here’s to hoping she finds it and gets some proper nutrition for shrimps. Best I can do for her, I believe.
  10. Yeah I don’t know. I really think he’s hibernating. But he did dig more this week. Just a little.
  11. Still there. Gentle nudge to check suction. Still very strong. It has been about 3 weeks.
  12. They like Repashy. Crab cuisine has calcium. They will eat algae wafers. A piece of cuttlebone in the tank is good (make sure it’s not flavored cuttlebone. You’d find this in the bird section); it will slowly dissolve over time and they will occasionally graze on it. They will eat canned green beans also, you have to get the ones with no salt. For the leftover green beans, I freeze them in ice cube trays. Also they can eat these vegetables raw: cucumber, zucchini.
  13. @Colu there are shrimp in there, is this treatment ok for the shrimps? There is a kuhli loach too
  14. I doubt it was the gravel. It is recommended to have 1 mystery snail per 5 gallons of water due to their high bioload. If the tank wasn’t cycled when they were added the bacteria that were trying to grow probably couldn’t keep up with their waste level.
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