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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. id advise myself how to actually plant val, so i could have just filled my tank with it
  2. nice! whats the stocking? I can see glowlight tetras, and is that a peacock goby?
  3. fine, i apologize, my source must have had an improper setup than. And why dont you explain to us what a proper set up is, instead of just proving me wrong, which i tottally beleive.(I can be wrong)
  4. huh, well you're the expert, not me. Just saying what i heard
  5. @anewbie thats a question for @Lennie who didnt clarify a species. I was hearing about it happening to agazizii (pardon my bad spelling)
  6. @EVoyager31 what are the water parameters? Sometimes fish can be shy when they are sick, also some fish are just naturally shy.
  7. As few of you might know im currently running a Tidal 35 on my tank. As some of you might know, (im thinking of you @nabokovfan87) the tidal filters have a few issues. As most of you would know its not worth it just to get a new HOB for a few issues, with prices these days, though i consider it. As barely any of you would know, in storage i have a tetra whisper HOB. Its in storage because it was too loud for my liking, but i want to use this filter. So any tips to silence it? The impeller seems to be making all the noise. Will just getting a new impeller help? what else could be happening? Please help.
  8. not just bottom dwellers, my platies will explore into my coconut hut. Livebearer females like to have hiding spots to give birth, even fish that are being bullied like hiding spots. My perfectly healthy panda garra also likes to go into my coconut hut, same with my betta
  9. i do like the submersible pump on them, so in a power outage, once the water drains, when the filter starts again its not running dry. i dislike the surface skimmer, without a intake tube on the 35 though, and thats the model i have
  10. looks like a standard crypt wenditii red
  11. in my expereinces with these nets, they are so fine, sometimes they can hold water too. I just use mine for very little things, like fry and worms. except for the tidals, you have a whole thread about fixing those
  12. unless its a livebearer,unusually large, or visibly carrying eggs, sexing fish at the LFS is always hard. For most fish.
  13. i thought zenzo was more into African Cichlids than south americans?
  14. i think its val aswell. A microsword has much finer leaves, bug it might be a swarf sag
  15. I think they do fine alone, Ive seen so many places that people reccomend just one as a nano centerpiece fish. As for harems, ive heard a male and female will pair off, than bully the rest.
  16. i keep mine fine alone. From what i understand they like to be in groups, and have funny group behaviors, but do fine alone. I mean mine is acting perfectly healthy alone.
  17. In general more females to males works better with most speicies, i do hear they are very shy fish though.
  18. they should be fine alone. i know @anewbieand @tolstoy21 have some experience with apistos. As for a pair community setting. Lots of room, maybe minimum of 20long. Dont do any bottom dwellers, so no cories, these would get killed fast if the pair wanted to spawn. Ive heard people use things like hatchetfish and endlers as dithers, so the parent protect the fry.
  19. I would not reccomend it, pea puffers can be very agressive. Id just do 1pea puffer, or 5chili rasboras not both.
  20. no lie, its useful to have a 3D printer for this kind of thing. I am planning on making a fry tray with mine too
  21. sure. sorry if i sounded agressive, its hard over the internet.
  22. Update: I set up my 2.5gallon tank a few days ago, and its doing decent, ive been adding stability to cycle it, and have lots of plants. However this is still lots of Nitrate and more importantly Nitrite. Still working on the cycling process, I'll try to get pictures soon.
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