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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @mynameisnobody ive been told about this seller before, however its SO much easier to get the standard stuff from my LFS and they need the business anyway. (Aquabid seller you mentioned is Mobetta someone mentioned them to me before) Also yes, i am OBSESSED with these fish, hence my username. I mean listen. 1.Small 2.Colorful 3.Relatively peacefull, males chase each other around thats the extent of the agression 4.Will Nibble at hair algaes 5.Easy to Breed 6.Cheap 7. (My favorite part) PERSONABLE. you cant see it till you have a large group, but their group interactions are fascinating!
  2. @tolstoy21what kind of fish is this? It reminds me of a Kribensis. Also id prefer the Mako as a RAOK than this. I have a whole 2gallon tank (12x6x6) set up just for the mako.
  3. @mynameisnobodythat is useful information. Thanks! there are a few color strains of platy ive had my eyes on for a while. Bleeding Heart Platies, Blue Platies, and a few others i dont know the name of. I could get a trio of one of each and add them to my tank to expand my bloodline. Right now im not getting any new fish though. My QT tank is occupied with my platy breeding project.
  4. ive heard cory talking about Ich-X being dangerous if you dont water change afterwards...
  5. @mynameisnobody im rather new to this hobby, ive had my colony with the first fish for about a year. I havent seen any deformities, and im hoping not to. Ive started taking large amounts of platies to the LFS every 4-5months now that i have so many, and i just keep a trio (1m2f) of my favorites, my fish are definitely inbreeding, but ive seen no problems, and cant really prevent it, so i will just keep doing what im doing.
  6. @nabokovfan87 you're playing musical fish?! 😄 Yeah leak testing is important,you dont want to set everything up to have it fall apart with a tank issue. so how will you be moving fish? ive considered this dilema myself, if the 75 should go where the 29s went, where will the fish in the 29s go? you are going to drain the water most of the way and carry the tanks? 💪
  7. @mynameisnobody my platies are just standard stock from my LFS, nothing speacial. I started with a trio (1m2f) then got another, and havent bought platies since, ive turned 6into what now seems like 60.
  8. as expected i had corydoras hatch today! 😄 no way ill get a picture of them in this stage, once they get older i be able to get a picture though, after a traumatizing experience (for me and the fry) i moved them from their catch cup hatching container to a breeder box. I am harvesting BBS as i type to feed to them. Hoping for success! jar full of fresh BBS^ also a poem/rhyme: Having Trouble Getting Your Fish To Spawn Does Watching Your Fish Eat Make You Yawn Try Something New, Its Fun, Trust Me Feed Your Fish Something That Comes From The Sea You Buy Eggs and Hatch It Then Take a Lamp and Latch It Feed Your Fish Live Things They'll Enjoy It'll Be Like a Kid Getting a New Toy Give It a Try, Its Like Riding a Blimp Feed Your Fish Some Freshly Hatched Baby Brine Shrimp.
  9. i dont have a clown pleco, but my friend has one. Its name is "Waldo" but my friend sees it alot because it bad at hiding.
  10. Ive been meaning to start this for while. Ive seen the groups that @Beardedbillygoat1975has on rainbowfish and corydoras, and more recently @The endler guy for clown plecos, so this is for platies, which hence my username i am a big fan of. So come here, talk about platies, and post pictures! here is my tank with what i call a "swarm" of platies (20+). @MattyM@PineSong
  11. im not posting pictures because i dealt with it already, but i found a dead platy today. I saw no symptoms on the fish of disease or harassment but my theory is she died giving birth. I dont really know. Its sad, but not detrimental to me as i have plenty of other platies, its not like my Panda garra died. (Please dont die Garra Guy).
  12. have you considered the possibility that they bred? often things like that can happen in jungle style tanks where you see a baby every once a while, which hatched from an egg the adults layed on the plants.(But i dont know what your setup was, it might have been super bare)
  13. yeah, but not everyone understands it, and i gave the second explanation for that reason, also im not trying to insult your fish (Thats all i'll say without violating the "no Politics" rule on here, you probably know what i mean though)
  14. i shall make a suggestion and you will not like it with the amount of explaining it requires. My suggestion is this: Napoleon Why? Well the orange of that fish reminds me of a clementine, there is some tune that sounds like clementine, and you can sing "Beasts Of England" from Animal Farm to that tune, and ill choose the scariest character. (If nobody else understands this, i shall be sad) or Napoleon because often Apistos are territorial and as was Napoleon Bonaparte, to the point he needed even MORE land and took over most of europe, and egypt. (If im the only one that gets this reference i shall be even sadder)
  15. how long have you had this snail? You might want to raise the PH to ideally 7-7.2 for the snails. Have you added anything new to this tank recently? on a side note @Guppysnail@Chick-In-Of-TheSeaand @Cinnebuns all have good experience with mystery snails, maybe they can help.
  16. @CJs Aquatics certainly a interesting looking fish. i like the brown on black pattern, ive never seen these before
  17. Please provide actual paramteters, im not saying there is something, but there might be something you missed and its hard to diagnose without actual parameters.
  18. the temp is normally 78, i dropped it to 76 and they bred, but i raised it back to 78 now, higher temps can increase algae? I need to lower my temps then, im having minor algae issues. the last (and only) time i had cory fry, i tried to feed them at least twice a day, and i really tried to get BBS to them at least once a day, my issue last time was i left them in the ziss tumbler for too long, and i cant feed them in there, so now whenever i see wigglers i put some food in and the ones that can eat, eat, and the others will get food the next day. I can count 16 eggs right now and they all appear viable. My estimate is they hatch on sunday which will be day 5since they were layed, but with a day or two margain of error.
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