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Moved 4x adult Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish out of this 20 gal tall in order to allow fry in there to grow free from predation.


Moved the adults into this recently unstocked 20 gal long, after unplugging heater for a day.


Moved over a few water lettuce floaters too. Temperature difference feels about 4-6 degrees F warmer in new tank.

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On 6/16/2021 at 6:21 PM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

In an effort to reuse I turned an old coffee filter to a floating "breeder box".




That would be a very awesome scud containment unit for adults while the babies get through the screen for constant live feed for baby fry. Could do the same for daphnia too. Thanks for the idea, I was toying with using a mesh breeder box but those take up too much space in my fry tanks

Edited by Daedalus
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On 6/16/2021 at 7:21 PM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

In an effort to reuse I turned an old coffee filter to a floating "breeder box".




That is just way too easy. You can't imagine the time I have spent gluing pieces of screen and backer bar and whatnot to various containers with holes cut in them attempting to make something that does just that.

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Did my every other week delivery of Cherry Shrimp to the LFS, also took 19 Baby Panda Corys that have been turning up in my community tank over the last several months. She had some wild type Endler's Livebearers that somebody had brought in. Pretty little things, I think they'll have an new home tomorrow. 

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Water tested the main tank (all good) and topped off about 2 gallons.  Siphoned up debris in the breeder box.  Gave the valisneria a trim and boy did it need it!  Replanted a few stems of val that had popped up where I didn't want it.  Did some filter maintenance.  When all was said and done, gave everyone a treat with frozen baby brine.  The baby fish are finally big enough to eat it and they seemed to enjoy it.

Tested the water in the quarantine tank (I was attempting to breed rummy noses but they weren't interested).  All's good so tomorrow I'll probably go looking for some live bearers.

Edit to add: I found a single piece of duckweed (?) in the big tank.  I'd had some sneak in on plants a while back for whatever reason they all died (the duckweed), stuck to the side of the tank and just dried out.  I figured that was that.  Well, one popped up today so I put it in the baby box.  Maybe I'm crazy 🙂

Edited by Emika_B
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Been treating a sick hongsloi for bloat. Been nearly two weeks so not sure he is going to recover. As usual the problem with treating bloat is you don't know the exact cause. The last fish that had bloat recovered so i'm still crossing my fingers but as more time passes it seems less likely.

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So today I did a rehaul on my 20 long mostly cleaning up some plants and removing some that don't really fit in the scape. It's looking much cleaner now and more like a scale and not a knot of plants and roots lol 

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Went to the LFS for some feeders and some frozen food. Came home $180 poorer and with a big box... Oops.




Sounds about right!

I ended up getting:

1X Black Clown Goby - $10
1X "Fancy" Ocellaris Clown - $15
1X Captive-Bred Blue Neon Goby - $25
1X Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - $30
1X Red/Green Blastomussa Coral - $50
1X Green Hairy Mushroom - $20
15X Ghost Shrimp - $5.85 (.39 ea)
3X Feeder (Fiddler) Crabs - $7.50
4X Magenta Mystery Snails = $10

With tax, it ended up being $179 and change.

Expensive, but I think I got some good specimens. The Clown Goby has been in the store for a while and was interacting with me through the glass (they tend to be shy and extremely underweight). The Clown was new, but was about the right size for my existing Clown and at $15 was a steal. The Neon Goby is just cool - they have tons of personality, and captive-bred saltwater fish are still a rarity.

The Blasto coral had been looking super fat and healthy in the store for a couple weeks, and I decided to go ahead and snatch him up. The Hairy Mushroom was a last minute upsell from the LFS owner... he knows me too well, lol!

The Magenta Mysteries were something I was about to order online and try to breed, but they happened to have them in-store. First time I've ever seen them in person, too. Coincidence!

Then the shrimp and crabs are feeders for the puffers.


And... I forgot the frozen stuff. Dangit, Bobby!

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Deep cleaned my betta/albino corydora tank. After deep cleaning my 36 gallon community tank yesterday. Takes me 3x longer with my back acting up but had to be done. Now to sit back and watch my babies. Pic of my 10g which didn’t need much. My nerites are just chilling in there 


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