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Changed water on the Mocha Clownfish tank and the 37 gallon FOWLR, then I got lazy and put the water changes on the Green Spotted Puffer tank and 55 FOWLR/Mantis tank till tomorrow.

I do have some green water starting in an indoor "pond" (read: bucket), which was really exciting for me. I've also got what I hope to be a male and female ram in a tank, so I'm anxiously watching to see if they're gonna take or not.

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On 6/9/2021 at 8:22 PM, Griznatch said:

Tore down my 55 to get ready for angels I am getting this weekend. I hauled probably 80 pounds or more of rock and at least 100 pounds of eco-complete out of there. Got black sand in there now and more room for the fish.  Moved the 20 to new area and rescaped it as well as removing the eco-complete

the new ten gallon below the "angel" tank is gonna be for daphnia20210606_184319.jpg.0dcae35fdddf4f29dc0448fbe116f736.jpg


Ready for angels, gotta scrounge up a nice piece of  driftwood too and really add plant density. That tank to the left of the 55 has a new batch of baby cpds and my experimental green neo colony.20210609_181218.jpg.fd9963dd85f29135744f3b0fdafe3975.jpg


20 gallon now is chilies only. Now they are out and about, instead of hiding in the corner of the 55. 20210606_184342.jpg.e2841c165587b2840e53adfda9db9e74.jpg

Bottom is cycling and will be the remnants of my blue dream colony, and the remainder of my tuxedo guppies, Most went to LFS for trade on the angels, along with my male dwarf gouramis. Lots of plant regrowth to happen, but I'm really glad the chilies got their own tank. I'm re-establishing my yellow shrimp colony in there with them.

Got to say, the cinder blocks and boards design offers a lot of neat versatility. When you want to tear down. Move, reset, etc, I can easily imagine the appeal.

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Finally got an extension cable long enough to power my mad laboratory that used to be all battery powered. My 5 year old nephew asked if I was a scientist because he saw my brine shrimp hatcheries bubbling away. I guess they look like some mad scientist stuff he saw in cartoons. 😁


It's still a mess but I have the Coop Livestream tomorrow to clean it all up

Edited by Daedalus
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On 6/12/2021 at 11:56 PM, Fish Folk said:

Got to say, the cinder blocks and boards design offers a lot of neat versatility. When you want to tear down. Move, reset, etc, I can easily imagine the appeal.

I use them for this very reason. Even if you upgrade/downgrade tank sizes, you just have to buy new lumber - no need to replace the blocks.

On 6/13/2021 at 12:15 AM, Daedalus said:

Finally got an extension cable long enough to power my mad laboratory that used to be all battery powered. My 5 year old nephew asked if I was a scientist because he saw my brine shrimp hatcheries bubbling away. I guess they look like some mad scientist stuff he saw in cartoons. 😁


It's still a mess but I have the Coop Livestream tomorrow to clean it all up

I use the livestreams for the same thing, lol. It's a great time to put the bluetooth earbuds in and get some fishy work done.

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Im part way through setting up 2 10 gallon grow out tanks. Just waiting on that sweet sweet Aquarium Coop delivery of additional sponge filters, air stones, etc. 🐟

The tanks are for a "Yellow Tiger Endler experiment" more to come...

I also hope they can pull double duty and propagate some plants.

There are leaves w/ babies from Fish Tail Java Fern pinned under a couple of rocks

The Val, Java Moss, and Moss Balls are just there to get the cycle jump started as they all came out of an established tank

My lights arrive today and I need to do some serious cord wrangling lol. Also I need another 20" glass lid as I only found one at my 3 LFS...




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On 6/12/2021 at 4:36 AM, anewbie said:

I took a picture - it isn't a very good picture but hey it is a picture:





The tank used to look like this - i'm trying to decide which i prefer:



Let the Jungle grow! Looks great!

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Well... whilst listening to the post-halftime Aquarium Co-Op livestream... being weary of feeding a bunch of Killifish fry in separate jugs...


I decided to move them all over to a recently moved-in 33 gal. long (watched over by a mounted largemouth bass my wife wants hung nowhere ever)


I think this is more responsible than buying a bunch of new fish for an empty tank. When you love breeding fish, these decisions are necessary.

The empty jugs will be stored / saved for later projects.


I can now see the dwarf Gourami tank better...


I also caught the fry growing up in the adult spawning tank, and added them to the 33 gal. as well.


Killis are jumpers. So this is one of the first times I’ve made use of the plastic guard on the hinged glass lids...


Edited by Fish Folk
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Messed around with some B-Roll footage I got from my Mantis Shrimp Tank today... I made a monstrosity.

On the bright side, I learned how to overlay text and stuff... So, that's cool.


Edited by Chris
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Water changed my 11 g planted bowl. I’ve noted that I keep seeing very white and thick bubbles above the sponge filter. From what I’ve read this seems to be ammonia and protein build up. I’ve got Fluval Stratum in there so I suppose it’s just still leaching ammonia. I’ve got some Coop test strips coming so hopefully that’ll help the situation as I’m happy to water change my way through it if I have to. 
Spent time with all my tanks and ponds. 
Planning out the QT setups for some Japanese blue guppies and fireball platys, making sure my tank for the yellow neo shrimp is ready and coming up with a plan for Medaka eggs I’m getting in the mail. 

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On 6/12/2021 at 9:56 PM, Fish Folk said:

Got to say, the cinder blocks and boards design offers a lot of neat versatility. When you want to tear down. Move, reset, etc, I can easily imagine the appeal.

For sure.  Under the 75 I use those cloth cubby/totes to store all my supplies. The green ones look good with the rest of the plants in the room. The other reason for this type of stand is cost savings. The cost of lumber currently is astronomical. That little wooden stand next to the 55 (with the ten gallon on it) is the last one I'm going to build.  Unless lumber costs go down by  about half....

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I made an improvement on my small fish trap.  Before, I used to use only one water bottle to make the trap and didn't staple it shut, but it was difficult to keep the two pieces in the place that I wanted them.  This time I used 2 water bottles and my stapler.  I love how easy this is to use now!

Items needed to build trap;

  • two small water bottles
  • fishing line
  • binder clip
  • stapler
  • sharp knife or scissors


  • take label off of plastic bottles
  • cut one bottle at the base of the curve (near the water line when the bottle was full). then remove the cap
  • cut the other bottles' bottom off
  • take the bottle top that now resembles a funnel and insert it into the bottom of the other bottle with the mouth on the inside of the trap 
  • staple around the edges to hold these two pieces together
  • tie fishing line to one of the staples (easiest to staple the line to the bottles and then tie it)
  • tie other end of fishing line to a binder clip that is large enough to clip on the top of the aquarium
  • drop some delicious bait into the trap and slowly lower it to the floor of the aquarium (resting on it's side)
  • clip the binder clip to the top of aquarium (or edge of glass lid)
  • to empty trap, pull on the fishing line and remove the trap.  Unscrew the lid to put your catch where you want it to go.

Alterations that can be made;

  • use liter or 2 liter bottles for larger fish
  • instead of removing the cap on the "funnel" end, just drill or burn a hole in it to catch only fry


  • I use Repashy, Blood Worms, Frozen Brine Shrimp or earth worms to bate the trap.  Must be delicious!
  • I set the trap before I go to bed, turn off the light and check it first thing in the morning.
  • I use this method to trap my shrimp for sorting by colors590419437_smallfishtrap.jpg.9e83c54c7d5a4ff510f2f29af9f52b65.jpg


Edited by smoore
left out a step in the instructions
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I finally signed up for the forum! Also went hunting for Mosquito Larvae to feed to my ailing pea puffer... Poor thing won't eat. (Info in the disease forum if your are interested) Also started Fenbendazol after General Cure failed to knock out whatever the poor little guy has.

Edited by RogueAquarium
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