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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Adding this here. Still researching. I am contemplating moving the fish as early as tomorrow once I can verify the tank is ok to do so. It's been running for a few days, but the tank itself is brand new. I can add some bacteria from the current tank, just need to mull it over. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jfd.12346 Today I ran some water tests, added more ammonia to the QT tank.
  2. I think a lot of people tend to forget how big a 75g is. It's pretty big. It's a good size tank! That being said if you're keeping fish that get big, that's another story. If you're going to stick to SAEs and smaller.... Probably fine with a 75G. If you go above 75G you probably should go acrylic. One chain store won't have them because of the 50% off stuff they have to stock. They might have a 90 but not a 120. I've only ever seen them in saltwater shops, special order, or rarely at a PetSmart.
  3. A. Circulation (may or may not be an issue) B. Location (definitely isn't easy to fiddle with) C. Size / Design (people might be stuck on wanting to have it fit perfectly, doesn't need to) D. Homemade things basically replaced it. Nope, just gravel vac as you would a tank without one. Easy. Yep. You definitely didn't need to scoop out the gravel once every few months and rinse it off in the sink to get it back to blue. Definitely didn't need to, but we did. UGFs are fine. Air lift tubes are fun to stare at.
  4. Just got my box from the mail, impatiently waiting and excited to try some new foods tonight. (Bentley's stream is soon, still mulling over how much work to get done today) I had to rush out of the house and so the fish got repashy. They always do fine with it, the panda tank just seemed a little sleepy today. They were all out, but looked like some overfed whales on the beach. I checked all the water parameters, checked PH and tried to verify things going on. Found out that because of the weather my GH that was 400+, that slowly has dropped down for the past 4-6 months to 150- is now down into the 75 range. Water company is killing me with this stuff..... I have to keep an eye on that, stare a lot more at the tanks tonight, potentially try to dose that stuff back up if the rain is causing stability issues.
  5. Yeah that's a weird looking thing. It looks like it has some black colored appendages by its mouth. Right, it's probably one of those dual recessive gene traits so if this is the first you've seen, it speaks to the mix of genes. I, personally, would pull that shrimp to a different tank and just see if you have any more. Could be classified and labelled as one, but is just a weaker color strain that throws off more strays. Hard to say. There are basically two methods... Keep the colony you have and cull out bad ones, or you hand pick what you want to start a new colony and then do the above. Either way it's just culling / sorting / grading. Some go as far as leg coloration, pattern, and quality of those traits, others might not, but it's all the same "morph".
  6. It's dry in the desert! Or they are just damaged in some way and a % of them don't hatch properly. Potentially, but it shouldn't matter. In Cory's video and many others they keep them literally in the fridge and then go right into the water.
  7. Especially seeing the white spots on the eye (first photo on the latest post) is an indication. I was trying to find the name but there is two diseases that prevent very similarly. One will have white spots on the eye (bacterial I believe) while the other will have it on the fin rays mostly (Ich) Do one of you recall so we can clarify this for @kgeugene @Coluoor @Odd Duck
  8. Yes. Lifegard = Lifegard aquatics and they do sell some of their stones via big box stores for more ornamental use. Word got out, pandemic hit, and that all has changed.
  9. I'm actually watching videos of this guy on youtube, he has his own Indian Almond tree for leaves. Going to try to locate one for the house, then I thought about an alter tree. A Manzanita bush is likely FINE in the front yard, but..... just funny how we go down these rabbit holes. The idea came from pondering Cory's setup. His pond, his creek, and just how that would flow into that type of a setup quite literally. Obviously he wouldn't want customers at the house, but what a cool thing to be able to have on hand if it made sense.
  10. Yep! I am literally just waiting for plants to grow now. The "if you build it, they will come" approach.
  11. Have a large, secure, flat, strong surface, but also have a rubber mat (and some edges.... as you mentioned not a tight fit.... I'll never forget seeing waves in my tank. I always get frustrated manufactured stands are so tight tolerance to the tank now.
  12. Hmm... maybe have a jug with some of the water at the same salinity so you can "top off" the hatcher when you drain it. Very peculiar.
  13. I've got a group of 4. plants and moss in tow, they should be able to drop eggs. I have one female who is ridiculously robust and looks like she's about to pop eggs any day. I will need to make an effort to feed them and get them going, but... hopefully soon I can get some behavior.
  14. I would hand catch the betta and just see if your finger will remove the bubble. No pressure or anything like that, but just to see if you can remove it. YAY! Good job Geppetto!
  15. Welcome to the forums. If you have aquarium salt and feel safe using that in a planted tank, it is beneficial for this type of thing as well. Salt can help to treat a variety of external parasites.
  16. What meds do you have on hand, is it possible to move the cory to a smaller QT tank so you can dose meds a bit easier? What meds do you have on hand? I would lean towards aquarium salt, cattapa leaves (botanicals), adding oxygen due to dosing in meds, and then treating with kanaplex. This looks like some form of a bacterial disease.
  17. Needless to say, we've all been there. This hobby has some difficult days and some trials you have to journey through. We are here to help and we are here to give you advice and try to get you and your fish on the right path! I am sorry for your struggles and losses.
  18. Those purple ones you should be able to sell, even at a cull price or something, I am sure someone is interested! Nice fish @Fish Folk 🙂 For reference... cull doesn't mean "bad" it just means it's not the specific style or traits you're trying to enhance.
  19. Chemical warfare, basically. I think @OnlyGenusCaps can explain this a lot better than me, but plants release chemicals to try to fight off other plants from taking their territory. If you're talking about java fern specifically, ferns tend to want some specific nutrients to thrive and if they don't have that they will get black sections and die off. It could be that scenario, but not sure which plant you're specifically speaking about. When those stems grow in, it'll be a really nice jungle. Looking forward to it!
  20. Check out this thread if you haven't, some good tips in there.
  21. I can't say how much the leaves will drop PH. I agree with your assessment that it might be better off to have a different species of corydoras in the 55 or to move the pandas elsewhere. I'll toss this in here if you haven't seen it. It's one of my favorite videos Cory has made.
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