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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Sounds like you are pushing the boundaries of CO2 for your current stock. Often, tap water has higher ppm CO2 due to all the things the city does to the water. You might be at that boundary, and your water reserve is pushing beyond the ppm they can handle. I would plan your water changes 24 hours in advance. That means, fill your buckets, dechlorinate immediately and drop an air stone or pump in the bucket/s. Wait 24 hours before using that water for your change. Do your water changes before CO2 starts or after it stops. Ignore pH differences from bucket to tank. pH swings do not harm fish, that is BS regurgitated from early days when "things" were less understood. Test tank KH and reserve KH. If they are within 1.5dKH from each other, you're good to go. Osmotic swing is what kills fish. Example: my tank pH 7.4, CO2 lowers pH to 6.2. My water change reservoir is pH 9.2, but my KH matches my tank. 1. Age your water change reserve with stone or pump. 2. Increase filter turnover to 5x to 10x water volume per hour. 3. Add faster growing plants: stem plants (Pennywort, Moneywort, Ludwigia ect) Use that good substrate! 4. Start surface skimming! You are high tech! Go high tech!! CO2 and O2 are independent, have lots of surface agitation. 5. Dump Easy Green, you are high tech! EG is great low tech, but way too expensive. Go dry firtz, way way cheaper and control. 6. Plan for the future, tap water is unpredictable. Start thinking about upgrading to RO/DI if you stay high tech.
  2. The best way to raise Alkalinity is in a measurable and calculated way. I would buy some Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3). Using Baking Soda should be your last choice. Why? Because adding sodium has no real benefit to the tank. But Potassium does, if you have plants. I use https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php to make the calculation for me. But if your lazy like me, 2.5 grams of K2CO3 in 100 litres of water raises KH by 1 dKH. Using crushed coral is just guessing, hardly seems "stable" to me. Just raise it slowly, increments of .5 degrees every week would be just fine.
  3. Repeat the normal dosing in 3 weeks as well.
  4. Precision is better. Just buy some Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) off amazon. It's dirt cheap. Then use https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php to calculate your dose.
  5. Easy, to lower GH, mix your tap with RO or distilled water. You will just have to try varying amounts and record the change to GH. It's roughly half - xppm GH in 1 gallon, add 1 gallon RO/Distilled 1/2xppm result, there about. It's easier to think in degrees hardness, to convert ppmGH/KH we would divide by 17.9. So your GH of 179/17.9=10dGH. With your live stock and plants, I'd shoot for 3dGH. To raise KH, I like to use K2CO3 (Potassium Carbonate). You can pick this up on amazon for like 16 bucks. It will last for a long time. It dissolves well too. I use https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php to calculate the amount to mix. But 2.5 grams will raise you 1dKH per 100 liters (26.4~gallons). For your tank, 3dKH should be fine. 3x17.9=53.7ppm KH. Hope this helps.
  6. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/algae-control
  7. Check out CO²Art. Pro-SE Series Complete Aquarium CO2 System with in-tank Flux_ Diffuser WWW.CO2ART.US Pro-SE Series Complete Aquarium CO2 System with latest in-tank Flux_ diffuser is a compilation of our most popular...
  8. I just set the extra one up. What light intensity should I start with? I had the single light at 75%
  9. Seachem Equilibrium is solid. Very affordable too. I can hit 5 to 6GH, 4KH and be right at 200 TDS.
  10. This 👆 And you can clip the nice lush tops, replant and discard the lower ugly portion.
  11. I have a 48inch Serene on hand. Would adding this accomplish medium high requirements?
  12. I'd imagine I follow the 55 gallon recommendation as they are the same height?
  13. I bought a 48inch Fluval 3.0 for my 75g. I'm switching over to a higher tech tank. Is this single light enough for medium/ medium high requiring plants? It says it's 71 PAR at 18inches. Thank you,
  14. Hygrophila Polyspermy and Frogbit come to mind. Hornwort has too many negatives in my opinion.
  15. I'm converting my tank to a high tech planted. I bought a Fluval 3.0 and CO² system. I didn't want to switch my substrate, so I purchased many Easy Green root tabs for my sand. I also purchased plants that can do well in sand. My question, will the recommended tab replacement time frame still apply, or will I need to replace them sooner? Also, will I need to invest in other fertilizers? I use all Easy Green products and supplement with Seachem Flourish. I don't have Easy Iron though, should I grab it? Thank you.
  16. What is high, medium and low light measured in PAR?
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