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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Need more information. What is normal? What lights? How bright? How long are lights on? What nutrients are you dosing? How often are you dosing? Is that a crypt or a Java fern?
  2. I love Eco Complete! Too much of a pain to hand out the pea gravel? But try the general cure first. Worry about water parameters after we make sure no worms are in them.
  3. Ah, yeah, that's a bummer. People will say "stable is better" or something along those lines. But from my short time in the hobby, re-creating their natural habitat is the long term solution to stability. I fully believe there's a big difference between "surviving" and "thriving". A few generations raised in tap water doesn't undo thousands of years of evolution. It blows, but making a substrate change now might set you up for success with these fish.
  4. Dechlorinate the bucket, then fill. To make things easier and faster, buy a cheap pump. You can slap a tube on the pump, drop it in the bucket and plug it in. Easy.
  5. Okay, it's possible they have some internal problems going on which is causing the slow die off. Also, the hard water could be causing enough stress to also cause the slow die off. My recommendation, Paracleanse or API General Cure treatment and slowly start softening your water.
  6. The biggest lesson I've learned so far. Keep the plants that work the best in my tank. I was killing myself trying to keep plants that will never work with my parameters.
  7. It's a well maintained tank, maintained by a "pro". And this tank has been running for a while. https://scapecrunch.com/gregg-zydeck/
  8. Have you medicated them? Your water is hard and they are soft water fish. What are the parameters of your source water?
  9. There's some misleading information being presented to you, unfortunately. Stem plants are not all root feeders. You absolutely don't need root tabs. There's no best. Stay in your budget and in your willingness. Are you willing to break a tank down to replace a substrate that's depleted, or go with an inert substrate that will never need to be changed?. A 30 dollar light can grow plants just as well as a 300 dollar light. Pick plants that match your light, substrate and maintenance plan. Choose easy plants and learn, then step up if you want to. Do your research, every tank is different, what works for me may not work for you. Any available substrate can grow the plants you chose. Dry fertilizers are cheaper and just as easy to use. I recommend GLA and Nilocg. The single most important fertilizer is CO2. And there's no substitute for CO2. Staying low tech? Nicrew Planted is cheap and works. Want to go high tech? Depends on budget. Finnex, Fluval, Prism all work. This picture is of a man named Greg, unfortunately, I can't remember his last name. This is in Black Diamond Blasting Sand, with only water column dosing. No root tabs. Per his words when I asked him.
  10. Drop intensity just a little bit. See how it goes. Make sure everything is growing well. Keep an eye on older growth. Those are the places you will see those "spots".
  11. Try dropping your light intensity a bit. How many hours is your light on?
  12. Clip the plant, so one plant becomes two. The tops will be healthy. If the bottoms are weak, get rid of them. Replant tops.
  13. Snails for sure. I'd imagine it's safe for fry, but I can't be sure as I've never tested it. Personally, I'd dose the fry if they are infected.
  14. It's internal parasites and flukes. Hit them with API General Cure per directions and then hit them again in 3 weeks, full course. Then watch them. If the flashing returns, hit them with PraziPro.
  15. I've seen this on a few of my fish some time ago. I believe it to be damage from bumping into things. Keep an eye on it. Mine went away in a few days. Keep the water extra clean.
  16. It does increase Nitrates. Also, test nitrates before dosing fertilizer. It glitches the test temporarily.
  17. Give it time. Hard to tell with just 2 weeks. If new growth looks good, then snip the tops, trash the bottoms, and replant.
  18. Are you using water before or after your filtration system?
  19. This guy knows what he's talking about. He's also on youtube. Look for the learn section in the drop down. https://www.2hraquarist.com/
  20. Purigen, hands down. Carbon is fine. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/filters-overview/what-about-water-polishers
  21. Double your filtration and dose prime, heavy, every day till it finally cycles.
  22. Would go with Eco Complete vs sand, and never bought bottom dwelling fish. Wish I'd know how awesome plants are.
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