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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Could be a bad test. Those API test kits are hobbyist grade.
  2. I have all CO2Art regulators. I was being nice in using the "overseas" language. But screw it, chinese goods are mostly crap.
  3. Baseless? Cheap regulators and single stage regulators are notorious for doing this. Also ISTA, an overseas company is well known for it's cheap products.
  4. Use all 3. Set yourself up for success. Don't skip steps.
  5. Could be TB. Just Google fish TB and see if that's what you are seeing.
  6. I transfer my liquid fertilizers to higher quality glass jars. While in the fridge, there's no light, but you can grab brown glass containers if that would worry you.
  7. I have 2 3.0 on my 75. It's way too much. I have them both set to peak at 50% with 0 blues. Having 2 only helps with front to back spread. If you get 2, drop the intensity or you will have an algae farm.
  8. Return the regulator and spend a few extra dollars on a better quality regulator.
  9. Hands down, Eheim. I have 2 2215 and a pro4. All silent. I have two tidals, pretty noisy. There's a trick you can do to them. Grab some food grade silicone. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CAWWSQU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_WKMZZP9X2XSC7PNJ291D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Take off the motor assembly and pull off the impeller. Lubricate the shaft, place the impeller back and move it up and down a few times. I find after about 3 applications, the lubricant holds for months.
  10. Sounds like a bad batch of meds. There's no difference in API or Fritz, just different manufacturer. If you can rule out any other possibilities, I would assume a bad batch of meds. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and 0 nitrates does not mean you lost a cycle.
  11. Looks like you have too much surface film. You need to add more surface agitation or start skimming. As for the particles, it's either co2 bubbles or particles building up from lack of filtration.
  12. Alright, it's probably Epistylis then. You need Kanaplex or Maracyn 2. It will have to be dosed orally, despite the box directions. I like Kanaplex. Grab both Seachem Kanaplex and Seachem Focus. Also, up your water changes.
  13. Bbs is irrelevant. Using the chart or observing a 1pH drop is the best way to calculate ppm of co2.
  14. CO2Art has a pretty good price on packages and they are pretty solid. GLA are good too, for a bit more money.
  15. This is unlikely iridovirus, as it mostly only affects dwarf gourami. This looks like hemorrhagic septicemia. Most likely the bacterial variant. I would dose with Kanaplex or Maracyn 2. It needs to be oral dosing. Have you ruled out ammonia burns? I'd also raise the temperature, 73 is iffy. I'd go 76 to 78.
  16. Does the pond have fish in it?
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