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Everything posted by Mmiller2001

  1. Start with what you have. It's a pretty good spread. You will be able to propagate pretty quickly. One last red plant to look at, Rotala H'Ra. Usually comes in bunches of 7 or so and not expensive. Stunning.
  2. I had a weird cycling issue some time ago. So if water changes are making you nervous, don't forget you can dose Prime up to 5x the dose every 24 hours. That will keep things in check till it cycles.
  3. Indeed there is. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JQC8LR6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_88BHN0362Y0C4D2TY32X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 https://rotalabutterfly.com/nutrient-calculator.php
  4. How long has it been in your home? Do you see any pin size dots anywhere on it's body?
  5. Bacopa Caroliniana Pennywort Ludwigia Repens, Rotala Indica Tiger Lotus
  6. That's not too far off what I'd expect my pH to be at that KH in a low tech tank. But to answer the question, tap water has a bit of dissolved gases in it. CO² and O² for sure. As they gass off or equalize to the atmosphere, the pH fluctuates. After some time, your numbers will make more sense.
  7. Woops, sorry about that. https://www.plantedtank.net/threads/greggz-120g-rainbow-fish-tank-scapecrunch-interview-1-18-2021.1020497/
  8. There's several ways to, but I like using Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3). It dissolves instantly and super cheap.
  9. Looks good to me. Just plant more! You're off to a good start.
  10. At some point, those things are necessary. Except maybe a Walstad. Root tabs are never necessary and are a fraud. Terrible analogy.
  11. What are your nitrates after a water change? Can you test GH and KH? Drop your Fluval 3.0 to 50% intensity. Something like this. Red 45% Blue 2% all whites at 50%. So 1 hour ramp up to the above numbers, and a 1 hour ramp down to off or 1% blue (moon effect). Peak intensity is no more than 6 to 8 hours. I'd go 6 and work up from there. If algae persists on new growth, drop over all intensity another 5 percent.
  12. I've had to navigate multiple problems at once. And this tank is in recovery from those problems, but here is a shot of my plants. Sorry for the terrible glare.
  13. Here's his journal from another forum. It's very interesting. I hope some people here will find this and have a look. He never uses root tabs. When I stopped root tabs, many of my problems went away. I'm still learning, aquascaping is definitely not my forte, but if show stopping tanks are acheived in inert substrates with no root tabs, I'm sold. A Hocus pocus money grab preying on the uninformed.
  14. Well said. I might be slightly biased with my recent root tab nightmare!
  15. Absolutely not. I'm saying root tabs are unnecessary to grow amazing tanks. They do little to provide what the plants already have access to in nutrient rich aqua soils or in inert substrates with proper column fertilization. I also believe that root tabs are causing more problems than they solve. They add an unknown amount of nutrients into the tank while many people are blindly pumping all in one fertilizer into the water column. Few can really properly navigate problems that arise from adding so much fertilizer. Especially new comers to the hobby. Hocus pocus.
  16. EI dosing only. And prior to switching to Aqua soil, he used Black Diamond Blasting sand. https://scapecrunch.com/gregg-zydeck/
  17. https://www.2hraquarist.com/blogs/algae-control/how-to-control-cynobacteria
  18. The green water is 2 prong, and the staghorn is related. You had an ammonia spike and too much light intensity. Sounds like you are on track. I just battled 3 rounds of green water and a massive staghorn outbreak. Drop that light intensity and photo period. 8 hours is good with 6 hours at max intensity (50%). Dose Seachem Excel or spot dosing Excel will destroy the staghorn. This will help mentally. The green water needs to be UV'd, micron filtered or run a blackout on the tank. UV is very effective. Once you clear the water, you can bump light intensity back up but go very slow.
  19. I would dose those separately.
  20. Test GH and KH. API sells a kit with both. It's good enough and cheap.
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