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Everything posted by TheDukeAnumber1

  1. "Deep Deaning Mist"... I would be afraid to use that product 😄 This meme is awesome! well done.
  2. If you enjoy foam dart blasters, this thing blows everything away as far as value goes. You get a whole lot of blaster for $25 Aeon Pro - Dart Zone
  3. 1) Live baby brine live up to every bit of hype they get. 2) Keep your maintenance requirements less than the time/energy you can afford. Life happens and we all go through lulls in the hobby, you don't want a system setup for failure when those times come.
  4. 7-18-2020 The dwarf sagittaria made a lot of progress and is starting to carpet out as hoped but the staghorn is really starting to take hold on the rock. The heterandria formosa fry did very well. At this time I was feeding live baby brine daily and northfin krill fry food. I would infrequently fertilize with the PPS-pro recipe to ensure the greenery stayed happy. This is also when I began having an issue keeping snails alive. For reasons I still haven't figured out nearly all of the MTS died out, 80%-90% of the ramshorns died, and I haven't seen a baby snail since. I think I can rule out copper since I had shrimp when this all started. I am slowly trying to test what the issue is in other tanks by eliminating variables. ATM my best theory is that some pesticide that effects snails has made it into my well from adjacent farm fields. Fish and plants are flourishing but the snails in my tanks do not.
  5. @Aubrey Maybe 25ish memes per page X 19 pages = 475-ish memes Maybe 60 memes make the stream ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , 60/475 = 12.6% Extrapolating and reversing Cory's policy on carrying defective products, only the top 5% cream of the crop memes make it. Therefore we need 60/.05 = 1200 memes or 1200/25 = 48 pages of memes! We must push on! @Cory
  6. Warmtone is/was a similar model. https://www.amazon.com/Automatic-Aquarium-Dispenser-Schedule-Everyday/dp/B01B1GPWP4
  7. Was a pretty yesterday morning view out the window.
  8. Waste is produced in proportion to how much you feed. If you only feed the fish and let the snails get the scraps then no extra waste is generated and they will be a good for the ecosystem on your aquarium.
  9. Same ratio here, I use about 1 tablespoon to a half liter with success.
  10. Not what I would have thought. Love the accidental experiments, glad you thought to test it.
  11. @WillMcK I'm in the same boat as you. I've been using aragonite in my tanks with success but would also like to know if there are any significant or not differences between the two. Hopefully someone here critically compared the two and can chime in.
  12. I've exclusively used distilled water for my ice and it's never clear. My own light reading on the topic leads me to believe that freezing from the bottom up or other techniques to control freezing rate will get you clear ice regardless of impurities. I will say that making distilled water ice cubes can get interesting, a cube or two always forms ice spears that come out of the cube at a 45deg angle sometimes 1" long. I've read this is a common happening for distilled water. @Daniel Fluid dynamics AND changing states of matter... Most of us northerns practically understand ice but would be hard pressed to explain it 🙂
  13. Calico Ranchu I want to keep one in true 'wet pet' fashion but I am in a busy season of life atm and don't think I can give it the attention I would want to give it.
  14. 4-26-2020 After a few months the one heterandria formosa male has finally matured and little fry are starting to appear. The vallisneria wall is holding strong and the dwarf sagittaria made a lot of progress filling out the front.
  15. I frequently remind myself to use Hanlon's Razor too 🙂
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