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Everything posted by TheDukeAnumber1

  1. 9-18-2019 Here you can see some vallisneria plant growth with their first new runners sprouting, and my sister needed to rehome some mollies.
  2. 9-8-2019 First non floating plants added! I purchased (2) vallisneria from the Co-op and (1) anubias nana "petite". Both val had small runners so I got (4) val total. I planted the val along the back and tied the anubias to the wood with twine. My fish room does get cold in the winter and although the white clouds can handle it I wanted to have some daily temperature changes. So I put in a 25 watt heater and plugged it in with the light timer. It's technically undersized for the tank but that's by design so the temp changes are low and slow when the lights come on.
  3. 8-18-2019 The setup had been running for a month at this point. The filtration for this tank has been (2) 3D printed airstones in the back corners running on usb airpumps and giant duckweek I purchased off of ebay. Stocked with white cloud mountain minnows I had just bread in a 100g summer tub, and MTS & ramshorn snails. Their diet consisted of fluval big bites and baby brine a few times a week. I used aragonite substrate and the wood is from a dead apple tree in my yard I had cut to fit. The lighting is a finnex stingray 20in set to run 14 hours a day. I would occasionally dose the PPS-Pro fertilizer reciepe to keep the duckweek running happily. My water is sky high KH and GH well water and the tank is covered with a tight lid I cut from an acrylic sheet.
  4. Jungle Tank Log I've wanted to make a log thread of this tank for a while, it has been a very fun tank for me and I would like to share its progress. This tank has been running for over a year now but I have kept logs since the beginning so I will start there and fill it in as I have time until we get to the present after which I'm planning on doing monthly-ish logs.
  5. That's pretty cool, a feature of snails I don't normally see.
  6. I think these valves are brass with a chrome finish so they can develope a patina. I use one of these in my brine shrimp hatcher as an air/dispenser valve and it has developed a noticable green patine on the inside of it. Looks like yours are getting wet often.
  7. I completed my very first project running my own python program. My 4yr old son and I sometimes like to play Mario 64 together which uses this power meter for Mario. Power Meter Inspired by this I made a 'behavior' power meter for home use similar to how some schools use different visible signs to mark daily behavior. We'll see if it's effective, either way it was a good exercise for me lol. Ugly... but functioning, better ways to code it, probably but it was cheap using the Pi zero.
  8. The only downsides I can think of are aesthetics, some creatures will destroy a sponge filter like some crayfish or turtles, and any filter will end up grabbing some amount food during feeding times. I prefer just a bare air stones and in a high bio load case would use a Ziss tumbling filter.
  9. I don't have test data, but in my experience a little surface agitation is all you need to get sufficient oxygen into a 3 gallon. I wouldn't worry about its vertical placement.
  10. I would look into quarter round molding too so you can keep a nice finished look.
  11. After receiving the care package I'm left wondering if the Co-op can read my mind lol. The coffee mug, towel, and stickers are all things I genuinely wanted but never have treated myself too. And the fry food was very well timed, I was on the verge of running out of my Northfin fry food and I really was considering giving the Co-op fry food a try. My test for the new food... would my small fish eat it out of my hand... Yes, they did :) Ty Co-op!
  12. Then what the heck do you call this... Daniel's Fishroom You poor thing 🙃
  13. Cute little guy, looks like it needs to be getting more food tho. I love the weirdos too. Here was one of mine.
  14. @Daniel That would be pretty darn cool, share if you find the time lol.
  15. So many cool things that don't deserve a thread lol. I would like to share the... Raspberry Pi Foundation https://www.raspberrypi.org/ I love "making things" and have always felt limited by not knowing how to code. Many years ago I bought a Raspberry Pi 2 and played with it a bit but it wasn't unitl a few months ago that I decided to seriously learn to code and I am currently in the process of learning Python. So I purchased a few Raspberry Pi 4's which are awesome, it's a great learning/prototyping tool, affordable, and it is powerful enough to be used as a desktop computer. I'm using it right now 🙂
  16. Sounds like you have algae control through nutrient competition down but there is a 'wildcard'. Allelopathy! Although I'm not a fan of Walstad there is some value in her book. Book quoted below. "Different species of plants produce different allelochemicals. Ditto for algae. Thus, the possibilities for unpredictable interactions in the home aquarium are truly enormous." "Allelopathy may explain the unexplainable..."
  17. Take time with your memes. It doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be fun! (most of the time)
  18. I'm sure their foods are fine but IIRC from a live stream Cory mentioned that the owners of spectrum foods were pretty rude and basically told him that feeding anything else is fish abuse. Like if you have repashy he is supposed to tell you to throw it away and use spectrum foods. I've had success with xtreme and like the owners, good enough for me.
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