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Everything posted by TheDukeAnumber1

  1. Good morning on this fine Meme Monday Let's keep them rolling!
  2. GL Aubrey, should be a fun learing experience whichever way it turns out.
  3. Personally I would draw the line there and say no, snails are good, grow to love them 🙂 No way you'll catch them all, either need a creature that will reliably eat them or bomb the tank with copper sulfate or salt or something.
  4. "IMO" here. I'm guessing you have substrate since you have plants, I personally would just swap them out with no wait time. The substrate will have plenty of beneficial bacteria which can reproduce quickly in a mature tank. I would just make sure to not overfeed in the first week and as always with any changes to an aquarium, test water as you go.
  5. I would like to hear from @WhitecloudDynasty
  6. I hatch the daily feeding amount daily for fresh never frozen brine :), but if my schedule is off and I can't be there for the hatch I'll just freeze some in advance in an ice tray for flexible feeding those days.
  7. memes will continue until we get our meme live stream....... then immediately after the live stream they will continue again 🙃
  8. @RyanR I can't stop looking at the half tetra lol.
  9. He was a red dragon and is flaring in fish heaven now.
  10. 1 ....... 100% water change need more info on what size water changes you plan to make
  11. I wish I saw this earlier I actually knew that was a johnny darter. I want to guess another fish native to MN creeks but that doesn't look like any US native I'm familiar with.
  12. Neat, what class is it and what is your major? I would be happy to participate if needed but if you get 5 other experienced aquarists let them go ahead of me.
  13. Good morning on this fine MEME MONDAY!
  14. What kind of light do you have? I get the impressiont that this might be your limiting factor right now. My advice is take great care of the plants you have and make the tank look beautiful as everything grows in. When your parents see your success they may loosen up on their "rule".
  15. In past videos Cory has said they will take back fish they sell and possibly others too. I believe they ended up in a rehome tank to be resold for $1 per fish. This was a while ago though not sure if that is still the case.
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