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Everything posted by Alesha

  1. For an alternative answer, @TomO, you might check out the last post here by @RovingGinger:
  2. I use the nano sponge for my 5 gallon tanks. It works really well. Aquarium Co-Op Coarse Sponge Filter WWW.AQUARIUMCOOP.COM Coarse Foam Weighted Base Can Install Air Stone Sponge filters offer reliability and hassle-free operation. With no moving parts, all you need is an air supply and you've got a filter that is fully contained within your...
  3. Yup! Bummer on that BBA, but those fry are adorable!!! 🙂
  4. I don't have any of those fish, but you sound like you are really thinking it through thoroughly. I think what's important is that the fish are visually appealing and interesting to you. I do think it's wise to avoid fish who are going to multiply a lot, since you are limited in tank space. Looking forward to seeing what you choose!
  5. Welcome to the forum! Your tanks look great & that pea puffer is adorable!
  6. That's a really great gadget! Good job @TheDukeAnumber1! And @Lizzie Block, congrats on the gorgeous, undisturbed scape! 😍
  7. I do recognize the java fern, but unfortunately, I still don't know many of the plant names yet. I know the ones in my tank...lol. And I'm slowly learning the others. 🙂
  8. 😃👍🐠 (I've used up all my emojis today!😂)
  9. All the plants look great, @Ruud! So glad you found the Marimo moss ball...hope it does well for you.
  10. Well, pooh! I'm sorry the girls aren't playing well together! 🙄 Glad you caught it before there was great damage. Ohhhhh...those nitrates in soil and dirt. I think they are what has caused my tank to be soooo touchy. Especially since I was adding Easy Green too, not realizing that I didn't need that for a while. The soil was just put in last October and I had trouble with my parameters all the way through the spring of this year. Now things have leveled out, thankfully. Hoping you see some balance restored soon. Thanks for the update!
  11. Thank you, everyone! The demon-spawn has been removed from the tank. 👹☠😱😬
  12. You could be right. #42 looks about right, although mine's a lot smaller still. Next question: what do I do with it??? Take it out? Leave it? Nuke the tank??? Btw, this is my 5 gallon quarantine tank. It's been fishless for about 3 weeks, but just last night I added 12 new white clouds and a mystery snail. I've not added med trio yet...had planned to do that today.
  13. that double eye movement gets me every time!!!
  14. I agree, but I couldn't find any dragon fly larvae pics that looked *exactly* the same.
  15. I know, right??? It looked like a giant ant in the tank until I zoomed in on it and saw that pulsing...tail? head? I don't even know! (shudder!)
  16. Welcome to the forum! Beautiful planted tank! And Creme Brulee has to be one of the best fish names ever!!!
  17. Sometimes, I feel like I'm starting to know some things in this aquarium hobby. Other times I feel like a complete novice. What in the world is this thing in my aquarium???
  18. You know it's good when it comes back around the 2nd time🤣🤣🤣:
  19. Ah... very nice idea with the Angel Tree! Best of luck to you with your endeavor this Christmas.
  20. I was telling my husband (6'3") about your tank & your height disadvantage. 😄 I completely understand it. If it weren't for him, our 55-gallon would never have any scaping changes. I can't reach the bottom of it either. 🙄 You were smart to start growing plants before you needed them. I'm curious what the short plants with the runners are?
  21. Do you??? I've never thought about it before, but am bringing one home tonight. 😁😁😁
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