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Everything posted by Tedrock

  1. I used ick x as prescribed for a 10 gallon. I have lost 7 rice fish so far. I am not sure what to do. For the three remaining.
  2. Those are some great pictures. The Lilys look great!
  3. That is exactly what I did.
  4. I searched for CARE aquarium coop and located it on the app. Using it now. So far so good.
  5. I have discovered enough Hydra in my tank, enough to become concerned, what do I do to get rid of them?
  6. I agree the four outlet pump that go for around 30 dollars. You can loop two outlets into a 4 outlet gang value to extend its use. Something like this - I am not endorsing this product just using the picture as an example.
  7. I treated for ick for 5 days with no change in the white spots on my the body and fins of my rice fish. So I started paracleanse this evening because I read it may be velvet? The fish seemed to be losing weight as well. Anyone else have this experience or go through this? many thanks, Tedrock
  8. I have never heard about the jars. Where can I find more info about them?
  9. Also what should the temp be? Can you suggest the best type of plants for success with Angels?
  10. I want to breed some Angelfish so of course I started my research. I have never done this before so I would love the collected ideas of team NERM! Of course I have watched Coop video's but I think it is valuable to hear other's experiences. Please consider sharing. Many thanks, Tedrock
  11. I want Coop brand Dean’s headband flashlight. I know this is a nuance product but there has to be a way to hot rod it. I am being serious. We use flashlights in our fishrooms I am just saying. Laugh at me but I would buy it if it was good quality.
  12. 500,000! Congratulations to the Aquarium Coop Youtube team, the wave is building!
  13. So what breeding project are you juiced to start? I am really looking forward to breeding the orange rice fish I just got. They were pricey but if I am successful I will be able to recoup the price. Come on share your story.
  14. I made my first sale to a local fish store today. I don’t want to bury the lead I made $5.00 for each two oz cup of Java moss = $50.00! I was prepared for $2.00 a cup. The owner said it will sell out tomorrow. He will sell it for $10.00 a cup. The funny thing is the Java moss was a secondary sale to the tiger mosaic guppies of which I got $20.00, a dollar a fish. I figure this was a good place to start. To help build his business. No fancy guppies in his store. I almost fell down when he said $70.00. The picture is my fish in his tanks and the moss.
  15. Let me tell you a story about my wife and my NERMness (I know it isn't a word) Lately she has asked me questions about the "Hobby" and I delve down deep into the collective knowledge of podcasts, DIY youtube videos, and general aquarium research. Then I get this feeling that I have totally explained her question and 10x more information than what was needed. She politely listened and I smile and say I love her and thank her for putting up with NERMness. Having a great day, couldn't be better. Tedrock
  16. These two ideas are brilliant and will save me so much heart ache, Tolstoy21. Because I know I will be rushing and anxious to do this initially because I want success and I would have botched the job and ruined tank or caused a leaky bulk head. The diamond bit would have walked across the tank scratching the glass. Then by the fifth tank I would have discovered your ideas. Many thanks, Tedrock
  17. Thank you FrostiesFishes for the guidance about starting with the bulkheads first and still using the python. This gives a gradual approach to this daunting project because I really can't afford to do everything at once. My time is another story. Many thanks Tedrock
  18. Thank you for the advice Cory. When you watch all the DIY videos that make PVC overflows sound so easy and reasonable. I was little nervous about the whole drilling thing but I rewatched your making a fish room series and I feel better. Also the wisdom from the other NERMS and posters make me feel that it is the way to go. Looks like I will be ordering stuff from Jehmco someday soon. Many thanks Tedrock
  19. I am sure some of you have already thought of this but they are great for the kid's tanks in their rooms. They are nice night light. A soothing nature feature to calm them but you can turn them off from your phone regardless what time your child goes to bed. If it is early before the normal shut off time you can do it from down stairs. If you get home late from a weekend thing after normal time it is great too. Now I am not saying don't check on your child before you turn in, I am just saying no more bending over late at night. Easy Peesy.
  20. Howdy Nerms! I have grown into a fish room and breeding and would like to start a auto water top off or change system soon, maybe. Do you have any pitfalls or suggestions to consider as I research/plan? I have 25 tanks currently with city water. What are thoughts on drip lines verses sumps filter? Is it ok with DIY overflows or should you really have bulkheads. I really don't want to get ahead of myself just looking for some wisdom to center my thoughts. Many thanks, Tedrock.
  21. For me it is like trying out the “new” food everyone is raving about. I have a good name brand product now and I have breeding colonies. It is just going to be a a couple of months to go through the stock I have. I have multiple tank syndrome as I have moved to breeding fish for a local fish store (yes!) guppies, endlers, and rice fish (non heated) tanks because I live in New England and electricity is way expensive. So you see the dilemma is, keep spending money to better my product or just use what I have and save the cash. Will the Co-op brand make a big difference that I should make the switch right now for the retail market?
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