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  1. Anyone else catch it yesterday? I took a ton of notes and encourage everyone to go subscribe to catch the VOD. Soooo much useful info! Big thanks to Fish Master @Dean’s Fishroom for the tutorial and to @Cory @Zenzo for making it live to public. Definitely more benefits than being a Co Op Member than this but these live talks are pretty special when you want to digest as much knowledge about our hobby you can to not only benefit you, but the hobby we all love in general! Check it out!!!
  2. Hi folks! Setting up my first fish room and starting to plan out drainage. I know I've seen a video/Livestream where Master breeder dean has all his drainage feed into a bucket with a sump pump in it. I've searched for a few hours and can't find it. This is kinda my last hope to find it. Can anyone link me the talk? This is the perfect solution to my problem in the basement. And you folks are the best! So hope someone remembers where it is. Ill do my best to post some things but honesty I'm bad at it. But hope you all are enjoying nature daily and thanks in advance!
  3. Morning folks, Spotted a couple of Cpd fry in my main tank. Not enough to warrant getting one of my 5 gallons up and running so I set this up. Big shout to Dean for the inspiration Using my spray bar for water changes makes life much easier 😁
  4. Hello, quick question, have any of you had any luck breeding rams in hard water. My water out of the tap is 7.4 ph with a gh of 8-10 per the api test. Edit: the Columbus 2020 water report states a ppm of 120 which lines up with the api test. Is this too hard for rams if I keep the water clean and temps high? dean talks about high temps, but doesn’t mention soft water. I know he has soft water, but I also know he lived in Ohio for a little. I wonder if dean had any luck breeding them in Ohio. I’m very interested in this fish, but idk if they will fall apart in my water. Thanks!
  5. I want to breed some Angelfish so of course I started my research. I have never done this before so I would love the collected ideas of team NERM! Of course I have watched Coop video's but I think it is valuable to hear other's experiences. Please consider sharing. Many thanks, Tedrock
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