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Everything posted by Tedrock

  1. Howdy Nerms! Is this a common issue for us NERMs but do we start daydreaming our next project or upgrade as soon as we finish one? Don’t get me wrong I enjoy what I have accomplished but I start thinking about what is next. Does this happen to you? Many thanks, Tedrock Below I took down the 40 to build a 20 stand.
  2. Big job for my little fishroom. Took down the 40 gallon and moved it to the stand. In its place I built a rack for 20 longs. It was a leap of faith on my part. In my own ability. What a mess I still have to clean up.
  3. Sold 80 fancy guppies to my local fish store. Tiger Mosaic Half-moon and Blue Finned Albinos. I am selling fish every two weeks now.
  4. Nerms I thought I was doing everything right but maybe not. I gave my rice eggs a bath in methylene blue then placed them in an egg tumbler. Whamo whit fuzz, the kiss of death. What am I doing wrong any ideas?
  5. I was struggling to get rice fish eggs. They didn’t seem to respond to yarn mops and the eggs I found in the Java moss had fungus. So I saw the fish with the eggs attached pulled them into a Lee’s specimen container with a little moss. When the eggs were in the moss I took them out and gave the a soak in a methylene blue treatment. Then it was into an egg tumbler. We will see if this produces a better result.
  6. Set up the fish tumbler for rice fish eggs and the live bear hatchery for some sail fin Molly’s who are ready to birth fry. I hope all goes well. The endler fry are growin up right next door.
  7. The reason I brought this up was I just got some new Rilli shrimp and they are like track stars. Just wondering if I was doing something wrong I still wonder.
  8. This is a video where they are eating and are happy. I need a video of them not eating shrimpee sticks.
  9. Howdy Nerms. I have a couple of 10 gallon RCS tanks and they are don’t move around much. When the tanks were young these shrimp raced around often. Now that they are six months old they are just kicking back. They are eating and slowly producing. I have sponge filters and heat to 75. Sand bottoms with Java moss and Malaysian drift wood. Ph is 7.4 and GH is 6. Ammonia is zero. I feed a couple a shrimpee sinking pellets every two days. I do water a change every 5 days about 20%. Recently I did a substrate siphon cleaning (small python for nanos) to see if that would help do difference. i just wonder if others have had this experience and can tell me if I am doing something wrong? I have other tanks that are younger and much more active. you thoughts? many thanks, tedrock.
  10. I used to use these but I stopped because I couldn’t keep them clean. I will rethink their use. Maybe I will set up several of them around a five gallon with water changes. That is an idea. Space is a premium and air is cheap. I just need a source tank for the clean cycled water.
  11. You know you’re a NERM when your kids complain about stopping at a random local fish store to check it out on your travels/vacations. Kids love fish stores right?like wow! Who doesn’t love fish stores. Road trip!
  12. Finally saw happy fire red shrimp after tank migration. Two weeks in coming but I think I have it dialed in.
  13. Howdy Nerms! Ok I am now ready to attempt a Dean Master breeder fry and egg grow out "like" system. I saw a video (way back), and I cannot remember where it is now in the Coop Universe, where Dean demonstrated his system. I would like ideas on similar system to increase my success. Can my fellow Nerms suggest ideas or videos for me to check out? Many thanks, Tedrock PS Isn't this the greatest picture of Dean! It makes me smile to see it. I want it on a T-Shirt!
  14. Howdy Nerms! I am setting up an Angelfish breeding tank (30 gallon) bare bottom and I would like to know the best live plants to use for that tank? I am buying two easy planters from the coop what type of plants would you suggest I use in them. I would like some height to give some sightline breaks. Hit me with suggestions! Many thanks! Tedrock. PS sorry if this was asked before - I didn't do an exhaustive search.
  15. The nest question is, diamond drill bits? What do people recommend? Where is the best place to buy them? I have about 20 tanks I would like to drill for the fishroom and I know quality of the bits is a factor versus the amount of tanks to be drilled. Amazon doesn't look like the best place to buy them and Bezos could lose my business for sure.
  16. I just found this post and this has given me the energy and juice to try this next phase of tankdom. Thank you for this thread,
  17. I totally can get behind the rack. I haven’t shown a picture because I am embarrassed.
  18. My wife has agreed to this once I finish the other side. It will be my reward. My electric bill is crazy nuts. I would use a space heater but with all that cold cement it makes it a cold suck. I have thought of building false walls right now to then heat that space. It drives me a little batty.
  19. This wouldn’t be a problem if every tank I had didn’t need a darn heater. I tried some cold tanks but my basement is too cold - it is unfinished currently. I have nine - ten gallons on the top tier. They are spaced width end facing out due to limited space. With heaters and air hoses. Good thing here is I only have two lights both 48in long. Next two levels have twenty longs so you can get an idea of the number of cords. I have some going up to track bars attached to the ceiling and an air system too. But isn’t nearly enough.
  20. Greeting Nerms! I have a problem. I have many tanks syndrome as many of us do but that isn’t it. I am practicing safe use with appropriate load and surge utility strips but I hate the mess the cords have made. I have removed hang on backs, yet heaters and lights are a must for my basement fishroom in the tundra of Massachusetts. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Tedrock Zaxa
  21. I am no expert but here is an idea. Shrimp may be a good thing. They will eat the non viable eggs - the fugus eggs or damaged ones. When I get a large enough population of Rice fish I will introduce them to my shrimp tanks and see what happens. The little cleaners might be a good thing, we shall see.
  22. I use mops and Java moss. They use the moss like 9 to 1 if given the choice for me. To others have this experience as well?
  23. Right now I receive store credit but I have brought four separate orders to this LFS about three weeks apart. Mostly fancy guppies but they have all sold by the Sunday. Last trip the store gave me sailfin mollies to breed for them at no cost. I hope this relationship will become cash someday but if it doesn't I will use it to reach out to another LFS out of their market. (Another Cory recommendation) I started growing up Angels to breed they really wanted those. With covid they can't get the types of fish and the numbers they need from their wholesalers . I asked them what they needed and they told me what they really wanted to see. Here is something I learned from the mgr he said tons of people ask to sell fish but few do so regularly, on time, and consistently. So that is why I focused on Nano fish - Fancy Guppies, Endlers, and Rice fish. Nothing fancy but stuff sells and those are tough little fish. Best of luck, Tedrock
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