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Everything posted by Tedrock

  1. Howdy Nerms this is the first entry of I hope many to the Haverhill aquarium society. I have kicked around this idea for years and well dang it is time to dive in. I ask myself why get involved yet another life sucking endeavor for children (25 years of giving it away talking here) well it is about connecting to kids. Yuck I said. I usually don’t share my Nerm status because less I be judged but for the most part kids are interested in anything passed the goldfish even though they eat green floating plants. So here is the build so far all because I found an excellent marketplace sale and then when he heard it was for a school he threw is tons more. See ya soon! Tedrock
  2. Please take a moment and give me some direction in identifying this pleco. I am having a problem figuring the kind. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  3. Please take a moment and give me some direction in identifying this pleco. I am having a problem figuring the kind. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  4. Thank you all for the great ideas! I choose Haverhill Aquarium Society soon to be HAS. I’ll let the kids come up with the funky nicknames for our group. Thank you all again! Tedrock
  5. Howdy Nerms, I need your assistance with a possible whitty or catchy "Aquatics" High school club title name that doesn't use the word Aquatics. I got admin approval for a club but the only restriction I have been given. . . I can't use the word "Aquatics" in the club title. Rational is that it might too confusing with swimming ... I guess. So please sling some possible club names at me. Many thanks, Tedrock
  6. Howdy Nerms, This is a total fish nerd question (but an important one as I am about ready to buy another set of Matten filters). I am trying to decide on pours per inch cost analysis. I don’t know if it is really a 10 per inch but it is a ratio of increments based on inch. So with that being said, is there advantages for 10 over 30 ppi in water flow verse filtering bacteria power/area? It appears that a higher ppi rating would become clogged sooner. Can others offer insights into this area or am I just over thinking it? Many thanks, Tedrock
  7. So … I have never had Discus before and my wife really wants them. I know a little they like it Hot. I have a tank that has cycled and is 55 gallons. I know filtration is important and water changes. No plants yet. So what are some pointers. What have you learned? Many thanks Tedrock
  8. That is some great insight. I look so much more than I buy.
  9. Howdy Nerms, What are things you look for when you are buying fish off of aquabid. (Specifically guppies) just looking for pointers. Many thanks, Tedrock
  10. You know you are a Nerm when you doing a water change and you step away just for a second. Then you hear splashing water hitting the floor because your water change bucket has overflowed. (It is in the basement on concrete but still a mess) You run over and grab the hose but still spill more water grabbing it. You know your a Nerm When one end of your suction hose falls lower than the bucket/garbage can (what I use). The other end of the hose is still in the bucket starting a suction and draining onto the floor. You know you are a Nerm when your wife yells down stairs to the basement “what died down there!” You don’t smell anything. Then you find the brine shrimp blender that hatched three days ago.
  11. Correct a combination of Norm and Nerd = Nerm. Normal by day, Nerd by night. I am still waiting for Nerm merch!
  12. Hi Jimmy, What type of work will you be doing with Fritz? Will the be any contract work with the coop? I am just learning about this now so what ever the circumstances I wish you the best. Tedrock
  13. Howdy Nerms, A question I heard that had caused me to wonder - had spoiled food ever been a problem for your fish? This may be a no brainer we all use good food right? But do we? I have had vibra bites that have smelled “fishy” because I have left them open. Please share your thoughts. Many thanks, Tedrock
  14. Howdy Nerms Inspired by the last member's talk on egg scatterers - totally awesome by the way, not to be missed, I am going to start an scatterers breeding project. I am curious what would you breed from scratch if building it up from an empty tank? I am looking for ideas. Please share. Many thanks, Tedrock.
  15. That is a good idea. In my readings they say sand is inhert so the Ph isn’t affected. I was wondering about those types that lower ph. There are advantages and disadvantages to those types, maybe it is possible to hear from those who use those types. Many thanks!
  16. Hello all, I am looking for recommendations for Red Crystal shrimp substrate. I am going all in this time and don’t want to just use what I have laying around or what it is available locally. I am going to do a special order and do it from the ground up this time. Many thanks
  17. Mine as well tape never stuck. Feedback for the team.
  18. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Aquarium coop just a customer and aquarist who consumes social media. Possible forecasts for the coop in the first quarter of sales focused specially on “the lights”. This is purely for entertainment and discussion. 1. The coop’s careful and well developed product has arrived after years of discussions on media platforms. All the fans and members (myself included) will buy them initially if they can or have a need they have been holding back on. Big rush on sales Black Thursday and Black Friday in January! Added bonus was all the add on products like heaters etc. to the orders. 2. Many “Aquarium influencers” big and small on social media will review the light. Mostly positive reviews and of course we will hear it’s not the Plant 3.0 (it wasn’t designed to be) but at the end of every review for the serious plant or fish keeper they love it. Everyone loves a winner. Possible requests for the coop to do internet interviews everywhere. They will politely respond but not inflame. 3. Huge reviews run into the coop website. Word of mouth drives sales. When is the last time you heard a company send out a text to members about the release of a product and a community send out texts to fish groups -privately even on a moderate scale. Facebook post and pictures of their new lights 3 to 4 days after launch. (Spreading the news further). 4. Sales stabilize but remain high for product in very short term. 5. Partner stores order lights more buzz and sales 6. Coop has already begun discussions about adjustments for 3 and 4 manufacturing orders/runs to deal with supply issues long term. Also considering possible tweaks based on feedback from customers. Also considering long term manufacturing run projections. 7. Light supplies become low faster than really anticipated (double edged sword). Customers service and Cory have prepare for complaints. Sold out till April when next shipment (maybe) arrives. second quarter and further projections 8. Coop brand light becomes industry standard for planted light in price range (100 to 300) once supply change issues are addressed. 9. Fluval sales of plant 3.0 light will fall significantly forcing them if they are smart to develop a product to compete directly with coop light or they will lower the price on their plant light 3.0. Investment of capital into marketing of new light would be significant lowering any significant profits. 10. Other manufacturers will play copy cat but not have a brand to hang/drive sales. Nor commitment to customer service. 11. Coop has long term expansion implications to plan for.
  19. I would love to hear about the snacks and drinks orders the staff at the coop got today as those light orders went live. The years of build up just crested the wave right down on them. I can just see the post office staff saying. . .
  20. I just bought my First 48in one. If all goes well I will upgrade all my lights to coops - someday.
  21. My project is raising red cherry neos in Cardinia perimeters. The Cardinia shrimp are red crystals. So far all is going well.
  22. I have bought many matten filters from ST but those shrimp still get behind them. It is all good they are just crafty.
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