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  1. Amazon - get a smart plug. My favorite are by Kasa. You use a smartphone app to set schedules and timers for anything you plug into them. I use them for my mechanical filters. I don't want them on all the time because it's too much current but when I do water maintenance it kicks up stuff I want filtered out. So I have it set for off, then after I do the water changes I set a timer on the switches to turn on, but then turn back off in 2 hours (you could totally do the opposite). I also use them to set the time my aquarium lights are on. Super easy and versatile.
  2. I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders and a 20 gallon tank. I would like to use one pump to support them all. Can anyone suggest a pump and the size I need to be looking for? Thanks.
  3. I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders and a 20 gallon tank. I would like to use one pump to support them all. Can anyone suggest a pump and the size I need to be looking for? Thanks.
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