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  1. BellaNova

    Disease ID

    Established tank Api test kit Nitrates under 5ppm (between 0 and 5) All others 0 PH 6.8* Recently added guppies- they have been in the tank for about 2 weeks now. One male was kind of a weird guy to begin with- not interested in mating. Noticed last night he was swimming in the stream from the bubble bar- swimming and swimming. Not interested in even stopping to eat. Then saw one of the females attack him. Took a real close look at him with the flash on camera and noticed he has some white across top of his head and his scales look kind of ragged and not smooth. Setting up quarantine tank now Should I Quarantine all fish? If so shoud i seperate the males and females? Can anyone ID this? It does not look like Ick- im worried its columnaris. Just got back from nearest pet supply store and got all this pictured, can anyone recommend a treatment? Other fish seem okay and not acting irregular like this guy but I have noticed two others will randomly hit themselves on the substrate or decor. Running an under gravel filter, alot of plants. Working on adding a sponge filter in the next few days. Do 30% water changes every friday. Hard well water. Unknown exact hardness of water.
  2. I was able to diagnose my Betta, Linus, yesterday morning with velvet. The gold dust is unmistakable, but I have not been able to get a picture that shows it. His current water parameters are same as normal: pH 7.2 Nitrates 10 Hardness 200 Nitrite 0 KH/Buffer 120 Water Temperature 82-83 (as of yesterday, I turned the heat up to help kill the velvet, the tank is normally between 80-82) He has a 10 gallon tank with live plants and 2 small sponge filters with air stones. I do not have a quarantine tank, but he is the only fish in the tank. I started treating him yesterday morning with Ich-X, as I had it on hand and it says it works for velvet. Unfortunately, all the instructions on using it are aimed at treating ich. I have been following the instructions so far, treating the tank yesterday morning, and again this morning after doing a 30% water change. I know the instructions say to use for 3 days, but other info from Aquarium Co-Op that I’ve seen says to treat with Ich-X until it works (for ich)(but not more than 5 days if there’s no change) and then for 3 days after to make sure the ich is dead. Does the same apply for velvet??? I have also covered the aquarium with a thick bath towel, as from what I’ve read, velvet needs light to grow and live. Aquarium salt was another option to help, and though I’m not doing the velvet dosing quantity, I did add the appropriate amount for the water I was adding back in the tank this morning (a little over 1tsp for 2.5 gallons)(I don’t want to use a ton, as I don’t want to kill my plants) Appearance wise, I haven’t seen any change as to Linus’s velvet. His fins are not fully clamped any more, so that’s a little promising. Yesterday morning I noticed that his blue eyes have changed. The blue is not as intense, almost watered down and the interior rims of both eyes have turned copper. No changes there as of this morning. But behavior wise, he is doing better. He ate before I started dosing the tank, though he has not eaten since (I’ve tried to feed him twice). He is not as lethargic or disinterested. He was swimming around when I was changing his water, slower than normal but interested in what was going on. His swimming was also much smoother and normal, as before I started dosing the tank yesterday morning, his swimming was jerky, like he was having spasms. Any suggestions for continuing treatment would be helpful, especially on how to use Ich-X for velvet 😊 Thank you!
  3. Currently freaking out a little…. So, I’ve been switching my tank over from silk plants to live plants and just finished the switch last week. Only thing is, my betta was very upset about losing all his tall plants and hiding places. He was wiggling and dislodged one of his new anubias, which then began to float and he decided that he liked it that way and has been constantly resting in it. I felt bad that he lost almost all his surface resting areas, and so I decided to temporarily leave it. But then I noticed a growth on the roots…I thought it was normal, but my betta has been more sluggish lately, sometimes fins slightly clamped. He can be rather dramatic when he’s not pleased, but I’m a little paranoid over my betta’s health after loosing my other previous bettas to various unrelated illnesses. I checked the water perimeters about an hour ago, and the readings were completely normal, all in the safe zone. I started doing research, though his symptoms can also just be from stress…. But if it’s white algae that he’s basically laying on… could it be causing him health issues? I’ve only noticed this on the 1 floating anubias. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, sorry for the quality on some of the photos, but the aquarium light is already off for the night.
  4. Nitrate: 5 Nitrite: 0 gh: 300 kh: 120 ph: 8 chlorine: 0 ammonia: 0 temp: 80f Ok, bit of a long story but bear with me. I got 4 platies and 4 mollies from ac about 4 weeks ago. I quarantined them and treated maracyn then para cleanse, near the end of the para cleanse treatment the male molly got a few cloudy white spots and died about 4 days later. I then dosed ich x every day for 3 days. During that time A platty died, I hadn’t seen any spots on her or any of the other fish the whole time. Her body was quite crooked and she hadn’t eaten for several days so that makes me think it was unrelated? I then put the 6 remaining fish in my 30 gal planted community tank. (6 petricola cats and a bristlenose). The next day I noticed one tiny white spot on one of the platies so I put her in quarantine and started treating with ich x. She kept just the one spot for about a week then got like five more. The cloudy white spots seam to have gotten a bit lighter since. I read about stress ich and am wondering if it could be that? See dots on her tail. A week ago I noticed 2 of the Molly’s had lots of cloudy white spots so I quarantined them to. Their spots mostly went away after a few days but there are still some cloudy ones that don’t look quite like their white markings. (Looks like there are more spots that there really are due to plant bits in water) Another thing I noticed is that my aquarium glass had a bunch of cloudy white spots. See third pic. Idk if it’s related or just algae. I cleaned them off since then. I have been treating ich x inconsistently for about 2 weeks. They seam to have gotten a bit better but I guess I am wondering if I should continue or do something else? I am also wondering if it is really ich or if it could be velvet? They all eat and act normally. I might be overreacting as it seams to be getting better, but I want to be sure that I am doing the right thing. thank you! And again sorry for the long explanation!
  5. I have a betta sorority consisting of 9 female bettas and 1 very small bristlenose pleco in a 29 gallon tank. I had noticed that one of the girls had some missing scales, but thought maybe she had been in a scuffle. Today though I she looks like she has gold dust on her head, and am thinking she has velvet. Will I need to treat the entire tank with Ich-X? I do have some plants, and the bristlenose I'm concerned about. Any help or advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!! Tank Parameters 78 degrees, Ammonia & Nitrite 0, Nitrates approx 40-80 (its hard to tell the colors apart)
  6. pH - 7.6 Nitrates - 30ppm Hardness - 360ppm Nitrite - 0 Ammonia - 0 KH/Buffer - 260ppm Water Temperature - 76-79F Hi guys, my community tank seems to have developed a massive fungal infection, and quite severe. I woke up today to 6 of my beloved fish dead: 2 black neon tetras, 2 boesemani rainbows, 2 serpaes and my awesome bristlenose pleco :(. I must admit I'm ashamed I didn't notice this earlier, I suspect I cross contaminated the tank a few days ago, when I was treating some of my severums in my 100g for the same-looking illness. I wish I could have a med trio right now, but it seems I have to act in this instant. What would you guys use out of these two products? - Paraguard - This bottle of medication from a well-known brand here in Mexico: The formula reads: Methylene Blue HCI 3.7mg Formaldehyde 1.8mg Malachite Green Oxalate 3/7g. Do you think this would be more effective than the paraguard? Are these concentrations strong enough? I'm assuming that 3 different active ingredients together will be extremely stressful right? But I guess it's better to just take the chance. Below are some pics of the disease as well, all of my fish are showing this, with the rainbows being the more critical ones, while the corydoras the least: It kinda looks like ICH but I'm sure this isn't the case, as these fish were fine a few days ago, and now I had 7 casualties. Ich doesn't kill this quickly right? So, paraguard or the atomic cocktail of methylene blue, malachite green and formaldehyde? What would you suggest? These are the only meds I have right now on my cabinet, but I can go and isntantly get any of these from the local fish store, if you think would be better: Potassium Permaganate Erythromicyn Chlorine Dioxide Copper Sulfate Thanks guys!
  7. My rasboras aren’t looking too good - can I get help diagnosing if this is ich or velvet? And if velvet, how to treat? First noticed they looked bad Nov. 24, and did a water test. Parameters were as follows: ph 7, 0/0/20, temp 75. The spots look much smaller, more dust than salt-like than what I've seen as Ich on my neon tetras (different tank) in the past, but as the fish are smaller I decided to try it anyway. That same day I started dosing IchX once per 24 hours with a 30% WC. I raised them temp to 80 as well, and blacked out the tank for 72 hours in case it was velvet and that could help. There doesn’t seem to have been a huge improvement in that time period (This evening I will be doing dose #6). No deaths have yet occured, but the rasboras seem to be slowing down and looking more worn out, though they are still chasing each other and the tetras. Only my rasboras seem to be affected. Can anyone help? Tank inhabitants: 18 neon green rasboras, 8 adult ember tetras, 3 baby ember tetras (born in the tank a few weeks ago), 6 sterbai corydoras, 3 gold laser corydoras. Recent tank history: I added a school of 10 rasboras and 3 gold laser cories (that I road tripped to the coop to get!) to the tank about 3 weeks ago. They had been in qt in a densely planted 20 gallon for 3-4 weeks with qt meds and no signs of illness. The tank's temp had previously been set to 80, and I reduced it to 75 when adding the rasboras and laser cories. Since adding them, they have been sparring non-stop and have kept the ember tetras hiding in the plants around the edges of the tank. I went to remove the obviously unhappy tetras and noticed the rasboras are in rough shape and I hadn’t noticed before. For now, the tetras are staying in, but I will remove them and try to reduce the angst in the tank amongst the rasboras if possible, especially if this stress was part of what led to the disease. If this level of chasing is normal, that would be good info to have too. In the past, when I got my first school of 8 rasboras, they started as a much larger number and I lost a lot then too. Are these fish just super crazy delicate and get sick every time another school is added? I love their color, but the sickness is stressful! More Tank info: 40 gallons, sponge filter, heater, live plants, petrified wood rock, play sand and eco complete, driftwood and fake decor hobbit hole. Set up mid summer - the ember tetras have been in it for most of that time, and have been spawning and the babies doing fine throughout all of this. *Tank looks slightly cloudy in pic, this is just the bright light. Thanks for reading to the end, and for any help!
  8. How does one successfully treat velvet? So far, I have tried IchX for a week with no success. (Thinking it was ich, before determining from pics and good local lfs employee that its actually velvet) Lfs has recommended copper safe (I have a cycled bare qt tank to use) set temp at 80F, cut the lights, and I’d add some aquarium salt too. Lfs said to dose the copper up to 1.5 ppm and just leave it. Can anyone who has successfully cured a fish of velvet provide any experience or advice? The fish in question are neon green rasboras and the school size that remains was still a significant investment and just feel sick that I might lose them all. I have a previous post titled “Ich or velvet? Neon green rasboras not doing well” if you want more background on my situation. I can update that thread with what I try and if it works as well. (Still new to forums, so want to be sure I do it right 😅) Thanks in advance for any help!
  9. I treated for ick for 5 days with no change in the white spots on my the body and fins of my rice fish. So I started paracleanse this evening because I read it may be velvet? The fish seemed to be losing weight as well. Anyone else have this experience or go through this? many thanks, Tedrock
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