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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Yes, we have files. I have encouraged forum members to use this as a place to share files (public domain of course). There are entire old aquarium books and magazines there, and well as research papers too. I have also encouraged forum members not to upload photos and videos there as it would quickly eat up the available space. Google drive the way you have used it is good because then the format of the file doesn't matter. I think most of what I have uploaded to files has been PDFs because everyone can open a PDF.
  2. Here is a file I just uploaded on commercially producing swordtails. The OP hasn't responded yet on why, but my guess is that it could be for live food production. Let see what he says.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A publication of University of Hawaii Sea Grant Extension Service School of Ocean Earth Science and Technology
  4. Probably swordtails, they drop huge amounts of fry.
  5. Doh, I forgot that I do have an angelfish tank with Eco-Complete as the substrate. The fish look good against a dark substrate. And, I have some angelfish in a tank with Black Diamond Blasting sand also.
  6. That is a really cool looking strain. I look forward to seeing how you develop it!
  7. I have had the exact same thing happen recently with Eco-Complete (and other substrates). Everything clears up if given enough time. In the aquarium below there were no water changes during the period from November 1 until now. The clarity of your water is mostly not related to filtration or water changes. It mostly has to do with light, nutrients and how mature and stable the aquarium is. November 1, 2020 November 14, 2020 December 1, 2020 January 1, 2021 (today) My advice is to be patient.
  8. I went with a light colored course grained sand in this recent angelfish only aquarium. But I like the look of Eco-Complete and if I were setting it up today, I might go with that.
  9. I would put it in the livingroom. I did put my initial aquarium in the livingroom. Putting the aquarium where there is the most traffic means it will be the most viewed (and the most well maintained). I wouldn't worry about noise, vibrations and the having the kids see the aquarium is half the point of having an aquarium.
  10. Test it. If it holds water, I wouldn't reseal it.
  11. I have purchased more than my share of $1 per gallon sale aquariums over the years which means I have a lot of Aqueon aquariums. None of mine have ever failed or leaked.
  12. I can't say what the proper ratio is. I can say what I use. I use 2 tablespoons of Instant Ocean per 1 liter of water and I am very happy with my hatch rate.
  13. Ebay has 35 gallon aquariums. Your local fish store might be able to order one also.
  14. Discus are super social. They love being with other discus and hate being alone.
  15. The discus that are just beginning to spawn for me now were nickel sized when I bought them back in July of this year. I just went back and looked at the Aquabid invoice. They were $17 a piece (not including shipping). The good thing about starting with very young discus, other than the price, is that they grow up in your water and eating your food.
  16. I had female betta that was crispy when I found her. I dropped her in a 5 gallon bucket of old tank water. I was very surprised the next day to she her swimming around. She eventually went on to successfully mate and produce offspring.
  17. I spent the day collecting scuds. My guess is that I collected as many as half a dozen different species. All of them were in shallow pools of water in woodland areas. In the wild they seem to feed on leaves, but like @Struggle, I think they will eat anything. I know they particularly like winter squash. The water temperature was low 40s to about 50.
  18. Discus have a pecking order and the one on the bottom always gets the worst of it, especially if a pair has formed between two discus.
  19. It is a manual mixing valve. It can go from pure cold water which is about 55°F to pure hot water which 125°F. Before I had an automated system, my water would start off very cold from a well, but because I always aged it for a day or two prior to using it, by the time I used it, it was room temperature.
  20. Invertebrates that fill niches in your aquatic ecosystem are rarely something your fishkeeping habits caused. Yes, a hydra population explosion does have something to do with all that bbs you are feeding, but not that first hydra. Aquatic ecosystems usually have a diverse array of invertebrate species that help shift energy up and down the food chain. Anytime you introduce fish, plants, driftwood, etc. from an environment outside of your own, you will inevitably bring part of the invertebrate diversity from the other ecosystem. More harm is likely to come to your aquarium and its fish with an attempt to control this bit of ecosystem diversity than doing nothing.
  21. When I first setup my big aquarium I was concerned about the temperature and used a manual mixing valve for automatic water changes (the yellow cap in the red circle). But over time I came to realize changes in temperature or pH didn't seem to matter to the fish, even large changes, and that this was more of a concern to me. So I don't use my mixing valve anymore.
  22. I wonder what the LD50 is on chocolate milk and donuts?
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