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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Honestly, I cannot see any worms or parasites in the photos.
  2. If I were only to be gone for a week or so I wouldn't have anyone come over. Fish can go at least a week without being fed with no ill consequences. Generally the safest route is not to have a 'fish sitter'.
  3. I think my mailbox was full. I have deleted a few messages and should be able to receive PMs again. Let me know if this didn't fix the problem. Thank you for the heads up!
  4. Yeah, this looked like a pretty scary thread when I first read it. So, I decided to wait because who knows, people just might have reasonable, non-personal back and forth discussion. Given the sensitivity and passions involved in this kind of discussion it looks like that has been what has happened up to now. But I think prudence and caution say let us just let this rest for now. Therefore, I am asking that what I am typing now is the last post on this thread.
  5. I would appreciate any PM your sent to me. You weren't blocked in any way were you?
  6. A long time ago, I did keep them in a community aquarium and they did breed. But these days when I want them to breed I put them in their own aquarium.
  7. I know Cory and it looks like Irene have that feature turned off. I am not sure but my guess is that the goal is to encourage people post their questions on the forum.
  8. @BettasAreSuperior were you PMing a regular forum member or an administrator?
  9. I believe Cory and Randy and many forum members have used Gladiator racks: One of the earliest threads on the forum was about Gladiator and Edsel racks
  10. I don't name my fish, but I do name some of my honey bees. For example. The queen in the lower right was only know by her tag 'Green 71', but her daughter, the much larger queen in the upper left was called 'the wolf spider' because of her size and attitude.
  11. Looks like a Cemex product maybe Lapis Lustre, not sure of the mesh size.
  12. @Grubhead Welcome to the forum, I think you will find it a wonderful resource. Just thought you might want to review a couple of the guidelines.
  13. Somethings is not right. Time to lock this thread.
  14. It is okay to use the filter cartridges that contain activated carbon as the amount of fertilizer removed by the activated carbon is negligible at best.
  15. I use my microscope on a daily basis to observe the happenings in my aquariums and I needed a way to take photos with my phone. I made this adapter with an eyepiece out of our kitchen cutting board to hold the phone while shooting photos and video.
  16. Mild interventions are usually the best. Keep doing what you are doing.
  17. Lighting would be a Kessil a360x 'Tuna Sun' which are compact but powerful. I have 3 so far, but all my lights would be Kessil's if money wasn't an issue. Substrate would be locally collected creek sand sieved through a #14 screen as cap over organic garden soil.
  18. This paper is the just the tip of the Google iceberg but is representative of what's out there. Analyzing Cold Tolerance Mechanism in Transgenic Zebrafish (Danio rerio) In this paper the authors examine the effect of energy homeostasis during cold stress on zebra fish that had been given the promoter for creatine kinase from carp. The paper found that this form of creatine kinase enhanced the biological processes related to cold tolerance including circadian rhythm, energy metabolism, lipid transport, and metabolism. However, there doesn't appear be a single common mechanism so much as just different forms of the same gene in warm water fish versus a cold water fish.
  19. I guess I should have said "I would feel 94 - 97% certain to get a pair out of 5 or 6 juvenile angelfish." 🙂
  20. From observation when my tropical fish are kept at temperatures in the 60°F - 65°F range they become lethargic and have a markedly decreased appetite. But so do the honey bees in my observation hive when kept at suboptimal temperatures. I know with my honey bees suboptimal temperatures cause the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions to decrease as the temperature decreases eventually impeding muscle movement. I suspect what stops working is the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions needed for metabolism and evolved to be optimized for certain higher temperature ranges. This rate becomes insufficient for tropical fish when the temperature drops, while other cool water fish like goldfish have ancestors that evolved over time with the enzymes optimized for a slightly cooler temperature range and therefore do just fine. Since this effect occurs across all living things and not just fish, it is unlikely it is a specific metabolic pathway so much as it is just the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that are critical for all life.
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