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Everything posted by Colu

  1. More information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc how long has it had these lumps any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing not eating and have you notice if it's still pooping@BabyOB
  2. It could be swim bladder most cases of swim bladder are caused by fish over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder internal parasites can also damage the swim bacterial infection of the swim bladder or an injury such as swimming into something in the tank if it's an injury and it's not improved in 3 weeks it could be permanent damage I would recommend Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder I would also do a course of metronidazole that the active ingredient in metroplex @B1gJ4k3
  3. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate temperature when it tries to swim does it just sink back down to the bottom of your tank does it have a sunken belly @B1gJ4k3
  4. If it's got internal breeding or injuries just keep it in a lot stress environment add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and monitor for the next couple of days for any signs of secondary infections
  5. Epsom salt and aquarium salt are safe to use together from what I have read you shouldn't get a negative interaction between the two
  6. No DNA sequencer yet I did the thread in my signature the most effective treatments of commonly posted disease
  7. That's why I got a microscope for that reason when ever I get new fish i always look take a sample of their poop when there in quarantine to look at under a microscope for sign's of parasitic infections @jwcarlson
  8. Looks like Dropys that's caused by a number of thing Usually when they get pineconing like this its caused by organ failure kidney infection or internal parasites the most effective treatment I have found is a combination of metroplex kanaplex and aquarium salt what I would do if he's still eating is do a course of metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for for upto 21 days add kanaplex to the tank and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons metroplex treats aeromonas that can cause some of the symptoms associated with Dropys kanaplex is a good antibiotic treatment for kidney infection that can cause fluid buildup and and the aquarium salt Will help reduce the fluid buildup if he's not eating dose the tank with metroplex @memorywrangler
  9. I have only tried tissue culture once it was Taiwan Lilly it did well for a long time before my hoard of bristlenose plecos kept snapping the leaves off just to clarify there was about 200 hundred bristlenose of varying sizes and they didn't eat the leaves
  10. Spitting food out and sunken belly can be wasting disease it can take four treatment of Expel p once a week for 4 weeks you need to black out the tank for 24hr during treatment as levamisole is a light sensitive medication @nerdyaquarist
  11. Hows your pike cichlid doing @Stephen Zawackiany pictures of him
  12. I just order some crinum thaianum and red tiger lotus and water Sprite I wanted to whether tropica premium liquid fertilizer would provide all their needs or do they need root tabs as I haven't had these plants before any tips on ideal growing conditions
  13. If you seeing pineconing what I would do is quarantine and treat with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 week add kanaplex to the tank and do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days you can also add aquarium salt to his tank as well @bettaballistic
  14. At different times and of the year your water company can flush the pipes with large amounts of chloramines it's possible you under dosed your dechlorinator or it could be temperature shock if the water you added back in was a lot colder what I would do is add a double dose of your dechlorinator at this point it's a case of wait and see if he pulls though @evonner
  15. Epistylis is in your tank all the time only in times of stress weakening your fish immune system or poor water quality leading to high bacterial count that you get outbreaks of epistylis it feeds off of gram negative bacterial that grows on the slime coat of your fish causing secondary bacterial infections that what usually kills your fish you can add a UV steriliser to lower the bacterial count I think it would be ok to add fish back in now if you did get an out break of epistylis in the future I would treat with a combination of kanaplex and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallon kanaplex @neto333
  16. I vote for x-ray Tetra's look great in planted tank
  17. If they both have had the white patches at the same time I would be suspicious of something like columnaris it's a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the strain as I can't be sure it's columnaris what I would do is keep treat with maracyn and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon if you notice it getting worse than I would treat with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan @Theplatymaster
  18. I would just treat with kanaplex for now do one full course and then give us an update
  19. The picture quality not good enough to give a definitive diagnosis do they both have white patch's and have long have they had them any signs of mouth rot or any other symptoms @Theplatymaster
  20. Your nitrate look high can't tell weather it's 80 or 160ppm I would increase water changes to get them below 40ppm high levels of nitrates can effect fish's immune system leading to secondary bacterial infections swim bladder problems poor feeding response what I would do is just treat with kanaplex and start doing Epsom salt baths for Congo tetra with the prolapse @stevelle
  21. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate KH etc any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out sunken belly @Louise02
  22. Young goldfish start off a brass or brown colour as they get older they will dramatically change colour it's nothing to worry about if you buy young goldfish you can't guarantee what colour they will be @Hannah Parker
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