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Everything posted by Colu

  1. If he refuses the medicated food I would just dose his tank following the instructions of the box you can add some aquarium salt as well 1 table spoon for 2 gallon that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  2. Doesn't look like velvet it could be an injury or the start of a bacterial infection what I would do is a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @Slick_Nick
  3. You can get Fritz expel p active ingredient is levamisole and prazipro active ingredient is praziquantel from the the co-op Amazon most LFS
  4. I don't think that's anything serious I would just monitor for now
  5. Looks like camallanus worms @Odd Duckhas a good treatment protocol for parasitic infections that works well
  6. It could a damage fin ray I would just monitor if your notice it getting worse then I would more it to the QT tank and treat
  7. Given the length of time it's more than likely permanent damage to the eye I would stop treatment and just monitor as long as it not getting any worse @Rebirth
  8. I kept two in a 6ft planted tank I eventually had to re-home them when I had to downsize and didn't have as much space
  9. It depends of the size of the pellets they might be to two big for your tetras it is a good quality food for cichlids I would still supplement his diet with repashy soilent green or broccoli you can blanch broccoli or other veggies leave them in for 24hr then remove it that what I do when feeding cucumber spinach lettuce to my catfish
  10. Treat with metroplex for hole in the head and salt to help reduce the fluid buildup in the eye if the eye hasn't improved after one week or starts to get worse then do a course of kanaplex
  11. I kept some about 18 years ago in a species tank as they get older they tend to get darker and lose some of their colour mine use to like hanging out in the plants a lot darting out when I dropped food in the tank
  12. It could be shimmies that caused by to lower mineral levels I would still up the the level of salt and do a course of maracyn2 just in case their a bacterial component you typically need one pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons you can add it to your substrate as well as adding it to your filter in a media bag to raise the KH you could add some wonder shell to add some extra minerals to the tank it won't do much to raise your GH or KH @Tropicalfishkeeping201
  13. The white spots look like the start of hole in the head with one eye being swollen that's more then likely caused by an injury when it's both eyes it's usually caused by a bacterial infections what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallon that will help reduce the fluid buildup in the eye and treat the hole in the head disease with metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 3 weeks if the eye doesn't improve after a week of salt and metroplex I would do a course of kanaplex dose the tank with kanaplex and keep treating with metroplex in food @Beardedbillygoat1975
  14. It's more effective in food you don't have to use the garlic guard that's just to encourage them to eat the medicated food seachems focus binds more broad of the medication to the food you don't need it you so you can use this recipe with just food and metroplex EBA are omnivores that require a higher protein diet that also requires some vegetable matter I would feed some broccoli and a good quality spirulina flake as well
  15. You could try using a fish fish trap to catch him i use a hobby genius fish trap with sliding door if you can't remove him than I would do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days you could add it to repashy as you have live plants I just add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes
  16. I can't see the video what I would do is add a pound of crushed coral to increase your KH increase the salt to one table spoon for 1 gallon 1 would also do a course of maracyn2 @Tropicalfishkeeping201
  17. Looks like canal neuromast inflammation you say your water parameters good what are your ammonia nitrite nitrate etc just in case something off what I would do is add a UV steriliser to lower the bacterial count and do a course of metronidazole in food that the active ingredient in metroplex feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks it can also be associated with a dietary deficiency what are you feeding and how often @ab1990
  18. If you have no ammonia nitrite low nitrates what I would do is treat with metroplex and do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve to help relieve pressure of the swim bladder metroplex treats anaerobic bacterial infections that can cause some of the symptoms your seeing @RennjiDK
  19. My guess would be the root leeching into the water column
  20. It looks like a hemorrhage caused by it swimming into something in the tank it should heal on its own I would just monitor for the next week if you notice it getting worse or any other symptoms give use an update @Gannon
  21. It doesn't look good what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallon that will help to reduce the fluid buildup dose the tank with kanaplex that a good antibiotic treatment as it treats kidney infection that can cause fluid buildup if you can get him to eat I would add metroplex to food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks depending of how he is progressing as metroplex treats aeromonas that can cause some of the symptoms associated with Dropys if you have weighing scale I would weigh one level scoop of kanaplex for example if a scoops weighs ways 5 grams dose with 3 gram of kanaplex @Sergio
  22. I still think it would be worthwhile treating with prazipro every week for 3weeks
  23. I have never used equilibrium not very familiar with it if you haven't done a water change in two week coupled with the decaying plant that can cause your GH and KH to drop I would assume that equilibrium only has a temporary effect of your GH some one correct me if am wrong
  24. It looks like you might have a bit of ammonia as your test kit tests for NH 3 and NH 4 total amount of NH 3 much lower and the toxicity depends of the pH level he's a chart
  25. If all your fish are flashing I would follow up with prazipro treating every week for 3weeks flashing can be caused by other things irritating the Gill's causing them to flash if you use carbon pad in your filter the carbon dust can irritate fish Gills if you had an ammonia spike that can cause fish to flash @LDZ
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