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Everything posted by Colu

  1. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc and can you post a picture of the fish to marks on his head @ccmay
  2. The best advice I was given was Take your time don't rush do your research the best advice I would give is test your water parameters weekly and do regular water changes and live plants are the best filter you can have for your tank and take your time researching the fish you want go with fish that best suit your local water parameters don't try and change your water parameters you will only stress your fish out in the long run and relax and enjoy your fish
  3. He some information on breeding them I found
  4. If you want to dose the tank with with paracleanse before adding new fish to kill any suspected parasites you can do that nitrite poisoning can cause hanging near the surface rapid breathing lethargy loss of Gill colour orange coloured poop can be caused by the food your feeding you usually get white stringy poop when your fish have parasites ammonia can cause scale damage bottled bacterial doesn't do anything speed up the cycling process when you add new fish if you get ammonia or nitrite spike you want to do is test daily and daily 50% water changes and add a double dose of prime every 24hr to help detoxify any ammonia or nitrite till they constantly stay at zero
  5. Paraguard isn't a very effective medication for treating flukes you would want to treat with prazipro or paracleanse as you did a fish in cycle that could be the cause of some of your losses some of the symptoms you describe can be caused by ammonia and nitrite what were you water parameters when you started to lose fish what I would do is get a bottle of Dr Tim's ammonia or add a small amount of fish food daily to cycle your tank before adding fish you want to see a raise in ammonia and nitrite then a raise in nitrates to about 10-20ppm and then zero ammonia and nitrite before adding more fish and gradually add fish don't put them all in at once add two lightly feed and test your water for a week then add two more @Alexis22
  6. Looks like an injury you could add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and monitor it should get better on its own with good water parameters low stress environment @Lennie
  7. Tetracycline would would work it would be more effective in food he's a food recipe you can use with tetracycline@Goshfush
  8. I feed mine a combination of cucumber spinach lettuce algae wafers EBO youngest grow paste and spirulina paste EBO veggie sticks brine shrimp and theirs plenty of wood covered in biofilm for them to gaze on @AllFishNoBrakes
  9. Over the years when I had sick fish the recommended treatments weren't very effective so I started to read a lot of books and articles on the subject and read up about the active ingredient in the medication to find the most effective treatment so self taught when you have kept fish for over twenty years you pick up a few things disease is one of the things every one who keeps fish will encounter at one time I find prevention is better than cure always quarantine new fish good water parameters good quality food live plants correct tank size will all help to reduce stress in your fish and prevent disease out breaks
  10. It's difficult to say whether it will spread with out knowing exactly what the cause is you can get the medication I recommend off Amazon I would definitely recommend quarantining them even if you decide not to treat
  11. What I would do is daily 25% water changes and add a double dose of prime till your ammonia constantly stays at zero the symptoms your seeing could have been caused by an ammonia spike when you were away what I would is Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants and will also reduce any possible fluid buildup causing the bloating @Denied Taco
  12. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc and how long has the fish been bloated have you tried fasting it if so did you notice any improvement @Denied Taco
  13. It could be your high levels of nitrates it looks like 80ppm to me high levels of nitrates can effect your fishs immune causing secondary infection rapid breathing lethargy poor feeding response loss of colour what I would do is cut back on the easy green as that adds nitrates to your tank increase water changes add a double dose of prime that will help to detoxify any nitrates till get your nitrates below 40ppm I would aim to keep your nitrates between 20-30ppm @Staceyh527
  14. Could be an internal growth or a bacterial infection causing inflammation of the surrounding tissue what I would do is quarantine and do a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days
  15. As his lips are swollen Frist thing I would do is a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties that will help reduce some of the swelling and salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons @GoYankees10
  16. Welcome to the forum nice Javan fern jungal
  17. What I would do if you can is quarantine the neon tetras and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 in food if there struggling to dose tank
  18. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc have you added anything new to the tank recently any rapid breathing listlessness hanging near the surface flashing loss of appetite @Staceyh527
  19. As long as it has some flow going though the sponge it should be fine
  20. I was reading about these recently apparently they are easy to breed using spawning mops or Javan Moss maybe you will have some baby stone cats further day the road
  21. What I have would do is have an empty tank to hand and have a spare sponge filter running in the main tank if disease pops up you can add water from your main tank to the quarantine and the spare sponge filter that will be colonize with benefial bacterial it doesn't need to a big tank 5-10 gallons depending on the size is of fish you will be treating
  22. Some medication such as kanaplex aren't heat resistant I would be careful with using heat with any antibiotic medications @cinnanoodles
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