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Everything posted by Colu

  1. If it were velvet most effective treatment is copper based that would kill your shrimp the best option in that case would be to remove the fish and treat in quarantine with Fritz copper safe you would also need a copper test kit to test the levels of copper l would get holed of them just in case you do need to treat @Vod
  2. With what your describing I would start deworming week 1 Expel p water change prazipro week 2 Expel p water change prazipro week 3 Expel p water change prazipro week 4 Expel p water change prazipro the combination of the two medication will treat most commonly encountered parasites I would remove the Otto's if you have another and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons keep at that level for one week after one week up the amount of aquarium salt to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if your not seeing any improvement just remember to only put back in what you take out so if you do a 3 gallon water change put 1 table spoon of salt back in @AquaAggie
  3. Colu

    Panda help!

    Foam or bubbles at the surface can be a sign of ammonia I would test your water parameters @Helena
  4. Colu

    Gill flukes???

    Usually when treating with paracleanse it can take three full course of treatment 2 weeks apart to treat Gill or skin flukes @LDZ
  5. @nabokovfan87has clown pleco maybe he would no if this is a normal for them
  6. Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days would be helpful with Popeye
  7. Yes you could do that or you can get a plastic tote to use as a quarantine and add some of of your cycled filter media from the main tank and add an extra air stone
  8. With you being Canada what you could do is quarantine and treat with Aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and do Methylene blue baths for 5 days don't add Methylene blue to you main tank it will kill your benefial bacteria the combination of salt and Methylene blue is effective treatment for fungal infection's
  9. What I would do is add an extra air stone and treat with maracyn and ick x
  10. How long have they had this white fuzzy appearance on the bodies have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface @0145
  11. The symptoms you describe with spitting out food and weight sound like wasting disease you want treat with levamisole the active ingredient in Expel p once a week for a minimum of 4 week @john2436753
  12. What I would do is add an extra air stone and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and I would also treat with kanaplex it's a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment it treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria @Jaspyjasp
  13. It sound I like your water has been contaminate your water company at certain times of the year can flush the pipes with extra chorine meaning you could be under dosing your water dechlorinator I would add a double dose of dechlorinator directly to the tank add any extra air stone and and add some aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons as the the milky substance could be over production of the slime coat caused by poor water quality melafix is just a mild antiseptic treatment in this case it won't do much @Zigtons Wizard
  14. I couldn't rule out disease did you quarantine your new fish and did you deworm them
  15. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc added anything new to the tank recently do you use a water dechlorinator when doing water changes and can you post a picture of the sick fish it will help with a diagnosis @Zigtons Wizard
  16. If your fish were fine for a long time I wouldn't expect you water parameters to be the problem unless you had an ammonia or nitrite spike it's possible one of your new fish bought in parasites or the new German blue rams could have just failed to adapt to your water the fact that your tetras and Cory's are dieing would lead me to suspect disease have noticed any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness spitting food out @Ricklax96
  17. Did you add cycled filter media from your 55 gallon if not it's possible you missed a spike as your benefial bacteria won't have had time catch up with the bio load if you add all the fish at the same time with some of the white patches you describe it's also possible your dealing with a bacterial infection's such as columnaris I can't be 100% sure on that can you post some pictures of any sick fish it will help with a diagnosis
  18. Whats your nitrite and pH and if you didn't cycle your tank before adding your fish that can lead to ammonia and nitrite spikes and swings in your pH that could be what's killed your fish @ab1990
  19. There's a couple of thing it could be constipation or if it's a female could be full of eggs as you have fasted what I would do is Epsom salt baths 1 table for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help with constipation or egg retention I would also recommend adding shrimp and pieces of fish to it's diet
  20. Some more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc is eating ok what are you feeding and how often any rapid breathing listlessness added any new fish to the tank recently @SuzanM
  21. Kanaplex can effect shrimp causing them to slow down what you could do is a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days while treating the tank with jungle fungus clear fizz tab's kanaplex is less likely to harm to your shrimp when added to food
  22. As their from the same genius they will cross breed
  23. He some information I found about treating chytrid @GBrymer
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