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Everything posted by Colu

  1. When a species of fish have been captive bred over a long period of time it's not uncommon to get color mutations in nature this usually wouldn't survive in captivity they often survive I have common bristlenose pleco that have the normal coloration they produce a mix of color's in they fry from normal black color to yellow
  2. If he's got pineconing I would start treating with Aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup as he's not eating I would treat the tank with kanaplex it's a good antibiotic treatment for kidney infection that can cause the fluid buildup and I follow up with a course of metroplex that treats aeromonas bacteria can cause some of the symptoms associated with dropsy @EnderRen
  3. What your temperature at as most cases of illness in Betta are because they are kept at to low temperature they do best at 82 can you try uploading the picture again it's not loaded properly
  4. Some information would be helpful whats your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate temp etc any signs of bloating what type of filtration are you using how often have you been feeding him when he was excepting food also a picture of the sick fish might help with a diagnosis
  5. It's the safest way to treat your fish less likely to harm your shrimp I can't give a 100 % guarantee that it won't harm your shrimp if it's eaten kanaplex is stressful to invertebrates it cause them to slow down I would still recommend the medicated food or you could more your fish to a quarantine tank and treat if you have a spare tank
  6. Sera micron or hikari first bites would be good food to start them on if there to small to except bbs
  7. Kanaplex can be harmful to shrimp what I would do is a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days its less likely to harm your shrimp in food and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone to treat the tank the combination of the two is very effective treatment for columnaris I would do two course of jungle fungus clear fizz tab's back to back while treating with kanaplex in food I would do a course of levamisole in food its more effective feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 14 days after you have dealt columnaris
  8. As you have a leak that can cause weakness and you are at risk of the glass panel blowing out depending on were the crack is I would lower the water level to reduce the pressure and I would get another tank as soon as possible just for piece of mind
  9. You could add 1 table spoon for 10 gallons of aquarium salt at that level it won't harm your plants and will have a benefial effect during treatment and I would just follow the instructions on the bottle when treating with ick x
  10. From what I have read ick x is safe to use with shrimp and snails I would also add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss aquarium salt will add back in essential electrolytes there's a possibility ick x will stain your silicone I wouldn't worry I would see how your neon tetra is after treating with ick x and salt I think that would help with what's going on @Aiden Carter
  11. I would add some aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons for one week it looks like a deformed fin ray looks like a lump at the base of the fin ray if you notice it getting worse after 5 days than I would do a course of maracyn2 in food active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties
  12. Looks like a Japan blue double sword Endler
  13. Colu

    Panda Corys dying

    77 is fine for angelfish and neons Cory's swimming to the top to gulp air is nothing to worry about it natural behavior flashing is when they rub on objects in the tank thinking out side of the box is it possible your well water got contaminated
  14. Colu

    Ich and med trio

    I would do one more course of paracleanse before adding them to the main tank one of my x-ray tetras has swim like this since I got him 4 years ago I don't think it's anything to worry about probably injury or swim bladder damage that never healed right @Neha
  15. Colu

    Panda Corys dying

    Have you recently done a water change before the deaths did you use a dechlorinator like prime have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly spitting food out flashing also the temperature on the high side for panada Cory's I would gradually lower the temperature to 77 @Roxvet
  16. Could be fluid filled cyst you can also get lumps like this with viral infection like lymphocytis what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons if it's cyst the salt will help to reduce there size if getting worse I would do a course of maracyn2 in food the active ingredient minocycline has proven effective at shrinking some types of lumps
  17. Colu


    I would quarantine the fish and medicate
  18. I get antibiotic medications off e bay it does take a couple of weeks to get here it's always good to have it to hand
  19. Colu

    black corys dying

    As you seeing more deaths in the main tank it's more than likely a bacterial infection you could contact a vet to get antibiotic medications it would be the quickest route in this case ESHA 2000 only treats mild external bacterial infection it won't have any benefit in this case
  20. ESHA 2000 is only effective at treating mild external bacterial infection it doesn't treat internal bacterial infection for that you would need kanaplex or maracyn2 or add antibiotic medications to food
  21. I haven't kept Betta's I would say it's unusual to have your Betta rest on her back it's possible she could have swim into something in the tank and it's been temporarily stunned I would just monitor for the next couple of days you could add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes @DaPrawf
  22. Colu


    One of the active ingredient in myaxin acriflavine isn't safe to use with invertebrates
  23. I would recommend doing another course of ESHA Gdex and ESHA ndx ESHA optima it a vitamin and mineral to boost the immune system that why your seeing a benefial effective it won't type internal bacterial infection's
  24. Looks like a tumor or a benign growth can be common in some types of livebrearers due to inbreeding there's not a lot treatment wise I could recommend @Michael_K
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