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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Paracleanse and general cure have the same active ingredients praziquantel and metronidazole
  2. Colu

    Pleco scrape?

    You say he's starting to lose weight what are you feeding him and how often what type of pleco is it and have you got a picture of the white patches on his head and what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc @Hally M.
  3. If he's spitting out food flashing it could have wasting disease in that case what I would do is a week 1 a course of Expel p water change then do a course of paracleanse week 2 do a course of Expel p week 3 do a course of Expel p water change then do a course of paracleanse @Knitty Smalls
  4. No Don't use them at the same time do a course of paracleanse water change than do a course of wormer plus then repeat the paracleanse in two weeks Water change then do another course of wormer plus
  5. As she hasn't responded to any of the treatments it could be a tumor or a benign growth the only other thing I could recommend is you could get a vet to remove the lump if you don't have access to a vet I would just monitor closely as long as she eating ok and active I would just let her live her life if you think further down the road she's starting to suffer than I would euthanize her with clove oil
  6. Looking at the symptoms and the fact you have seen no improvement after a course antibiotic medication I would leaning towards a viral infection as you have live plants what you could try is Epsom salt baths 1 table for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days that can help to reduce the size of the lumps if you see no improvement after that I would just monitor them as long as there eating ok and active and they are showing no odd behavior
  7. It could have swim into something in the tank causing an injury or you can These type of patches with columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill any were from 24hr to a couple of days depending on the stain what I would do is quarantine this fish on his own just in case it's columnaris and treat him with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan I would just monitor the other fish for any patches on the body or white patches on the mouth if you start to see more fish with these symptoms than I would treat all of them with the treatment plan I recommended straight away @Karen B.
  8. What you can do is another course of paracleanse then follow up with another course of wormer plus then repeat the paracleanse in two weeks then do another course of wormer plus if your seeing no improvement you can lower the level of aquarium salt to 1 table for 10 gallon
  9. I have never had copepods in my tank so am not sure how you would get rid of them
  10. I would recommend a Bigger tank a 75 gallon and more wood and plants to break up the lines of sight that size tank doesn't give the female enough room to get away from the males constant attention
  11. It's difficult to see off you photo what I would do leave the temperature were it is increase water changes to keep your nitrates below 40ppm first I would add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and monitor after a couple of days if your seeing no improvement up it to 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for one week if you can get a better picture it would be helpful
  12. A balanced diet rich in plant matter with some protein is best for common pleco Algae wafers cucumber lettuce zucchini blood worms repashy solent green morning wood
  13. What type of fish What are the symptoms your seeing also with nitrates of 80ppm that can affect your fish immune system and also cause growth problems in younger fish and can you post a picture of the sick fish it will help with a diagnosis
  14. Nerite snails are fine with salt in nature they are found in brackish water
  15. Possible tumor or benign growth what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties
  16. Colu

    Panda Corys dying

    I think it would be worth doing a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 just in case there's a bacterial component to the deaths
  17. It's more than likely a fungal infection you can treat with combination of ick x and maracyn to treat fungal infection's it will also help with any potential fin rot
  18. It's difficult to tell off your pictures does it have a fuzzy appearance to the growth on the fins
  19. Looks like your cats eyeing up his dinner 😸
  20. You can wait for her to go into her cave and block the end off and remove the cave with her in it or you can use a fish trap I use a hobby genius fish trap with sliding door to catch my bristlenose Don't feed for a day or two so they are hungry bait the trap with there favorite food and wait till she goes inside then lower the door
  21. I agree with @lefty o Iooks like a tear would keep an eye on it if you notice the fins start to recede than I would quarantine and treat with Aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons and Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties
  22. You could add black emperor tetras I don't how they would do with your shrimp
  23. Just remember to finish the Full 7 days of the medicated food and a full second course of jungle fungus clear fizz tab's
  24. What your ammonia level as it looks like it has some reddening of the Gills I wouldn't go lower than 72 with cherry barbs
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