I have a 2 year old female betta who sits mostly at the bottom of the tank. She's been doing this since the past 1.5 weeks. There are many copepods in the tank, and I believe that she may be affected with parasites. Last time I posted here, there were visible copepods attached to her body, which I was told could be because a parasite may have taken over a copepod which attached to her body. This time, there are no copepods attached to the body, but she is most likely affected with internal parasites.
I have already treated her with "Absolute Wormer +" but I don't think it had any affect. I am not sure what to do at this point, as she not eating well at all. Please advice me on what to do. To make the food more appetizing, I have used garlic guard. The scent attracts her towards the food but she doesn't eat it.