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  1. I have a newly established aquarium (month old) and have had great growth on the plants. So far I have only used root tabs from the start but I’m wondering if I should start dosing Easy Green. Should I? The plants in the aquarium are vallisneria, dwarf sagittaria, rotala macrandra, eustralis stellata and crinum calamistratum. For reference on plant growth I have added pictures from day one to present.
  2. Rock Kribensis are for sale at my local fish store and I’m interested in possibly getting them for my planted 40 breeder. Unfortunately, I can’t find much information on them. Do any of you have experience with Rock Kribensis?
  3. I need some advice on how level an aquarium needs to be. Let me explain my situation. I recently setup a 40 breeder on a metal stand from a big box store. I diligently worked to level the stand and aquarium perfectly, however, I can’t seem to get one side perfect. Length wise and on one side it’s perfectly level. The other side I can’t get perfectly level without throwing all the other side out of wack. The picture attach is as close as I can get the one side level. Is that close enough or will this cause problems? I have tried leveling the the aquarium empty and full, same result. Thank you in advance for your advice.
  4. Happy New Year everyone! I need some advice on how to treat Chytrid infection on my African dwarf frog. From what I’ve researched online there isn’t much that can be done and it’s almost always fatal. Is anyone aware of a treatment or had success treating Chytrid? Thanks in advance.
  5. Thank you. The tank is heavily planted so hopefully everything works out, but I do have a plan B just in cases it doesn’t.
  6. I have both a Tetra Whisper 20-40 and a Tetra Whisper 10 in the same room. Both are relatively quiet, but surprisingly I find the Tetra 20-40 to be the quieter of the two.
  7. I recently purchased a honey gourami for my 20 long planted aquarium that already has a female betta. I just read that the two may fight. Is this true? Anyone have experience with this combo? So far no aggression.
  8. I’m curious if I’ve over stocked my 20 Long planted tank. I have 2 female Bettas, 6 Rio Von Tetras, 4 Emerald Corys, 10 small Neon Tetras and 2 Nerite Snails. At the moment the nitrate levels are not rising at a fast rate and I’m only doing 25% water changes every two weeks when nitrate levels reach 40 ppm. For plants I have 8 well established plants, (5 crypts, 1 aquarium lily, 1 water sprite and 1 moneywort). Is my tank over stocked? It should be noted that all the fish are getting along well and not over crowded.
  9. I’m located in North Florida with a 300 gallon pond with 5 goldfish, 6 plus corydoras and two very large common plecos. During the summer the water temps are near 95 and during our coldest the water temp is near 45-50. During the winter the plecos and corys make it through with the help of two 4” PVC pipes with heaters in the pond. Today I added a mature Firemouth Cichlid to the mix. It was a rehome from a coworker(science teacher). My question is how do you think the Firemouth will do in the winter? For perspective I’ve caught thriving Oscars in ponds in my area.
  10. I’m running a low tech 20 gallon tank with a few crypts, water sprite, a dwarf lily and money wort. Currently, I am only using root tabs and getting descent results. However, I’m wondering if I should be using a CO2 booster like Flourish Excel? Thoughts?
  11. 5ml every other day. That’s what my local fish store told me to do.
  12. Have any of you heard of or experienced Flourish Excel stalling the cycling process in a new aquarium? I have a new 20 long planted aquarium with minimal fish (2 corys, 1 female betta) and 7 plants that’s 5 weeks old. The cycle appears to have stalled with nitrites for about the last 3 weeks. I was told that the problem could be the Flourish Excel killing some of the beneficial bacteria and stalling the cycle. My plants are doing amazing and the fish are health, but I’m doing daily water changes to keep the nitrite levels down; 25% daily. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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