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Everything posted by StevesFishTanks

  1. I didn't take pictures of the mosquito fish or Mayans this time. I feed them to my bass.
  2. Nice tank. I think some Angels would look cool. The shrimp might get picked off though
  3. Its hard to tell from the pictures but sometimes silicone mess can look a lot like a crack/scratch. Have you tried to scrape it with a flat razor to see if it will come off. Its fooled me a few times. Either way I dont think petco would have a problem exchanging it.
  4. Was collecting at one of my spots. Caught a big pleco, a pretty cool molly and I think a warmouth sunfish. Saw a bunch of gambusia and small Mayan cichlid too
  5. Particle board and water don't mix well. I would keep the sturdy stand you already have. Maybe look into adding wood or some sort of fascia to make it more appealing while keeping the steel structure.
  6. That sounds like one epic rack. waiting to see some pictures of this beast.
  7. Lowes has been marking down lots of led lighting. The website price drop has caused amazon to also drop their price. I was able to buy 5 lights at about 5 bucks each in person at my local lowes. The lights do come with a plug end already installed, unfortunately they do not have an on/off switch. Must use a timer or switch. They fit on a 40 breeder and are 3000 lumens at 4000 kelvin. These dont come close to replacing a fluval or finnex but they are 8 bucks. This ultra budget option may hold you over while you save for a fluval. The best use is probably general lighting hung above or in a rack of tanks.
  8. Interesting idea. I recently thought about using it almost the same way. I have used seachem paraguard similarly with angels. I use meth blue when pulling the eggs but use paraguard when leaving them with the parents.
  9. I would try it and upgrade/expand later if its necessary
  10. Amazon has some. Search for glass hinge or living hinge. Here is a link to one I found doing a quick search https://amzn.to/3B9H4Wv I would think a lfs that can order tanks would also be able to order the hinges for you. Maybe at a better price.
  11. Is the pair in a community setting or are they in their own tank? You can let them try to parent raise by leaving them alone with the eggs if it's just the pair. If you are having problems with fungus or they eat the eggs/fry you can remove the eggs and artificially raise them.
  12. I have a group of 6 super reds in my 125 with several angels
  13. 125g. intakes with prefilters on far left and right ends. outflow in the center directed at 45* angles towards corners.
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