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Everything posted by StevesFishTanks

  1. Safe® Dosing Tables Standard Dose Use this table when doing a water change or detoxifying low levels of ammonia Water Volume 1 gal / 4 L 10 gal / 40 L 50 gal / 200 L 300 gal / 1250 L Safe® Dose (mg) 2 mg 20 mg 200 mg 1.25 g Safe® Dose (tsp) 1/1200 tsp 1/120 tsp 1/24 tsp 1/4 tsp Elevated Dose Use this table when detoxifying high levels of ammonia or removing high concentrations of chlorine and chloramine Water Volume 1 gal / 4 L 10 gal / 40 L 50 gal / 200 L 300 gal / 1250 L Safe® Dose (mg) 8 mg 80 mg 800 mg 5 g Safe® Dose (tsp) 1/300 tsp 1/30 tsp 1/6 tsp 1 tsp
  2. I use a heating pad/mat wrapped around the hatchery in the few months a year its a little cooler here in FL I use this inkbird model https://amzn.to/3jvMS5X
  3. I recently purchased a pepper mill to see if it could grind down food for small fish or fry. It worked great. I have been using nano and both 1.5 xtremes along with several other foods. I bought sera discus granules by the pound and made a video showing the pepper mill in use. Can come in handy if you like to buy food in larger quantities and want more options for what size it can be fed to.
  4. you can use a 2x4 or something similar as a fence to help you rip the sections. here is a video I found showing the same idea. It will work the same with a jigsaw
  5. Nice write up. I found that "the Dave" YouTube channel a few months back. It's great.
  6. I use this https://amzn.to/3zhb0yt It keeps track of gallons used. It also helps if you need to slow the flow rate to match the filters spec. You can decide to test water periodically or just commit to changing the filter at a set number of gallons.
  7. Xtreme floating/sinking, hikari cichlid gold, bloodworms, freeze dried krill and shrimp, swordtail and angelfish culls
  8. Installed relays in a box I had on hand. Removed the dedicated plug for the transfer relay's coil. It is now shared with the wall power input cord. The victron inverter was a good move. In it's eco mode It idles at 1 watt waiting for a load.
  9. The best way to test it is to simulate a power outage by unplugging it under load. See what it can and can not run, and for how long.
  10. I was playing around and drew up this. It lets you use an in wall timer of your choosing. These timers are usually for bathroom lights/exhaust fans. They are "on" for the duration picked supplying 120v power to a relay coil instead of a fan/light. The relay coil opens the normally closed contact that is powering the outlet(central air, canister, etc) After a set time the timer turns itself off deenergizing the coil which lets power back through to the outlet. I will make one to test it out and try to show it working. Can be a safe way to turn off your central air to film or turn off your canister filter to feed baby brine shrimp. Never have to worry about forgetting to turn them back on. They will self power on after the time picked runs out.
  11. I would recommend the metal wire shelving over particle board versions.
  12. ordered the victron inverter. rated to "idle" in eco mode consuming only 1 watt. Makes me feel a lot better since it will be doing nothing while wall power is working, which is most of the time. It will replace the bestek in the build. The relay and everything else will remain unchanged. Only future improvement is going to a different battery. Lithium iron phosphate most likely. It would increase runtime dramatically but also cost. Will update once the victron is installed. PS. just for fun I ran my fx6 and fx4 on the current setup and it worked fine.
  13. I think you will be good without, what size PVC are you building the loop out of? These pumps are silent once plumbed.
  14. I picked other on declor because I use catalytic carbon and other media cartridges to filter my auto watter change water. when actually using dechlorinator my preferred type is seachem safe on the food I was torn between frozen and xtreme. what tipped the scale towards frozen was that most of my picky eaters wouldnt turn it down. I picked sponge because it can be used in all of the filter types listed. I use it as a mattenfilter it lots of my tanks.
  15. This is the dehumidifier that I use. I plumb the drain with this fitting and some adapters to get it to drain thru 1/4" RO tubing to my tank drains.
  16. You can just don't forget to turn it back on
  17. I do essentially a 100% water change. once they are wrigglers in the meth blue I move them to a ziss box in a tank with no treatments.
  18. Problem with computer backups is usually very small battery and/or not pure sine wave output. The computers power supply is capable of filtering this while the minimalistic design of the linear piston can not.
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