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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I can’t tell who is laying the eggs! Is it a gold snail or a magenta snail? They do it in secret when I’m asleep. I need to make sure they are magenta ones. Did you know @TeeJay just hatched some! He’s got a journal going. Here’s some photos from my last hatch.
  2. Nah he gave me “the look” - like dude, seriously? Where’s the good stuff?
  3. Kratos is already geared up and ready for the jam session. He’s in there practicing riffs for Aqualung. Awesome. Piano is tricky! 2 clefs at once. Whoa! You have to disconnect your brain somehow to do it, I think. I looked at the music once, placed my hands on the keys, and then LOL NOPE! (and ran away) 🤣
  4. No kidding, what instrument(s)? Flute & baritone horn here. Dabbled in electric guitar for awhile. Was fun but more interested in wind/brass. Went back to college recently for another degree, took a semester of concert band for a voluntary elective, just for ol times sake.
  5. Iron, Zinc, Lead, Aluminum, and others. Further reading here
  6. Dechlorinators, depending on brand, will also remove heavy metals which are toxic to snails.
  7. 🤣 I’ve pulled >30 clutches out so far. It’s a daily or every-other-day thing for me. Seems they love to lay them behind the outflow but I know their tactics and do the ol’ perimeter sweep. @TeeJay just hatched a clutch; I think he may hatch another.
  8. Very clever @Fish Folk. They sure are cute little guys. 😍 I’m glad for the disclosure also because it sounded like a human fry was being murdered 🤣
  9. What dechlorinator are you using? Something to detoxify nitrites?
  10. What I usually do is float the Tupperware (I’m assuming the moist paper towel was in a Tupperware) with the moist paper towel in the tank for 15-30 min. Then I add a shotglass full of tank water to the Tupperware. I wait 15 min and then I do that again. Then I wait 15 min and put the snails in the tank. some nerites take 2-3 days to move. Sniffing them will let you know if they are alive. Also for some reason nerites aren’t that great at rolling over if they are on their back, so try to place them with their opening down when they go into the tank. @onlywei
  11. Update: they (the snails & the betta) didn’t really like the chard. The snails ate a little and ignored the rest. Geppetto (betta) ignored it completely.
  12. My very first thought is- how are you acclimating the snails? Do you float their bag and add tank water every 15 minutes? I do this for 45 min to 1 hr if I float acclimate. Most often I do a 1 hour drip acclimate though. They are just like fish; they can’t be just plopped in or they will go into shock.
  13. What do you mean by chemical media? Having a hard time following the seal grid instructions. Are you suggesting I cut one of the layers of foam into a different shape (smaller triangle) to allow more water flow? Perhaps the layer closest to the ceramics?
  14. Yeah awhile ago @nabokovfan87 suggested I toss an extra pouch of ceramics in the tank, and so they now have a purpose.
  15. @nabokovfan87 the tube is just taking the water/air back out, the water has already been through all the layers by the time the tube gets utilized.
  16. @nabokovfan87 is anti-snail, @TheSwissAquarist. (For some reason..?) 🤣
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